Well, using applications like FLAC you can create a state of cloaking. But its somewhat resource draining, it works in a similar fashion to FLHook but with more control over some features and abilities.
Guess i shoulda named this something else, i'm not really talking about become invisible simply jamming the radar for a set ammount of time and it would of course have a huge refire rate, only useable on say interceptors or scout ships, you know stealth ships. ships that have cammo look totally stupid and is pointless in-game.
A looong while back there was a (unofficial) discussion about adding an item which would make the ship invisible to sensors (but fully visible otherwise, and the target could still be selected if you clicked on the ship manually), and which used the same equipment slot as the armor upgrade. Therefor, useful for things like smuggling ships and scouts, but not for anyone who expected much combat.
Quote:Everybody would use it which would lead the gameplay into chaos.
If it use the same slot as armor upgrade then its a poisoned present.
Only fighters may use it cause the battleship can be targeted easily and having 4 time their original hull is better than this device.
But look at the mini razor on someone who do not have any armor upgrade. It will kill him instantly.
So here, you have the choice between stealth on scans and resist to a razor/sunslayer.
Can you imagine 6 bombers appearing next to your nice capital fleet out of nowhere? They would rape them.
Infact, any ship with that sensor jammer would be pretty much impossible to see coming till it's too late. Since nearly all ships would use it..lots of issues.
You can't limit it to only fighters and not bombers. Especially if its using the armour upgrade, gunboats could use it then:rolleyes: