I recently bought my Zoner char Midas.Betancore, a shiny new Zoner destroyer, and have been fooling around with various weapon setups on the server and in SP. This has led to some questions arising in my head that I thought I'd better put to some more experienced destroyer pilots that are sure to be on the forum.
**Please note, that while I found a thread on a similar theme, almost all the answers seemed to revolve the Kusari destroyer and may not be so relevant given the differences in size and agility between that ship and`the 'Fearless' class.
1. I would like my destroyer to be armed with a mixture of both anti-cap and anti-fighter weaponry and not just optimised for one role. With regards to the latter requirement I have become rather fond of the Order cruiser missile turrets, having been using a pair of them alongisde a few solaris turrets. This led me to ask, would a mass deployment of such missile turrets work? Say, 5 of them, plus two infernos and 2 razors for cap work? Is this effective or would I be unwise to go without any 'standard' turrets at all?
I have heard terms such as 'missile spamming' being bandied around.. is it effective, merely annoying or both?
2. I am rather fond of the Zoner cruiser turret, which in terms of damage output per second seems rather tasty; it does seem however to be a 'jack of all trades' and a master of none. However, I have noticed in trials that I prefer them to solaris turrets as despite having a lower rate of fire, they have the same projectile speed and do more damage per hit. Would it be unwise to keep my Zoner turrets in the place of something more specialised?
I realise there's quite a lot of ground to cover here so I'll sum up how I feel about the weaponry mentioned;
Missile turrets - I REALLY like these bad boys, the range, damage and homing ability seems ideal for blasting nippier opponents out the sky, but I'm worried about getting a bad name for myself..:unsure:
Razors and Inferno's - Nothing bad to report here, just curious as to what numbers of and setup of them are optimal.
Zoner turrets - Nice, but kinda middle-of-the-road perhaps, and I want my destroyer to be all it can be.:cool:
Big thanks if you've had the patience to read all this through and give it some thought for me, I await your learned answers.;)
You use the inferno for capship shield then BR on hull. For fighters you want to use your 3 Zoner turrets to hit them, while occasionally firing your missile turrets when you think they have a chance to hit. It helps if you know how to use weapon groups. If so, make your 3 destroyer turrets as group 1, the missiles as group 2, infernos group 3, and BRs group 4. That way you can use the turrets on fighters, then just hit the 2 button (or whatever you have assigned to Fire Weapon Group 2) and it'll launch them.
I flew a zoner destroyer as an order pilot for a fairly long while, and tested out almost all of the 'special' guns.
I say with full confidence, go with an entire standard turret loadout - either 9 order or 9 zoner cruiser turrets. The 'special' guns arent worth the energy they take. learn how to chain fire with normal turrets and you'll fare just as well against capship and fighter alike.
Bombers will still rape you though, you're a very large target and most bombers are manuverable enough to dodge your fire. Missile turrets just dont have the same effect for cruisers that they have for gunboats in anti-fighter/bomber defense.
' Wrote:That's a tad more at the anti-cap with anti-fighter capabilities.
6 Zoner Turrets.
2 Order Missile Turrets.
1 Heavy Mortar.
However, the above is a lot more anti-fighter.
cant put heavy mortars on cruisers, they're class 10.
I'm having a go atm in SP with the setup that dab recommended.. something weird though, for some unknown reason I cant get the inferno cannons to assign to a key, no probs with the razors or the missiles, just the inferno's wont assign..:wacko:
The horseshoe-crab isn't very good in a PvP fight.:D
-Edit- In my opinion of course... But a balance anti-both would either be like Tenacity said (all one laser turret) or...
2 missile turrets
2 Solaris
4 Cerberus
1 Light mortar/Razor/Inferno/Shiny thing you want to blast energy on.