This is a petition for any pirate player to have the rules reguarding piracy to be untouched by this recent move by admin in this post.
Admin feed back is most appreciated.
To post it is required if you are not admin to state your pirate character's name.
If you feel similar or have your own points then please post. Your points may not be the same as mine. That is fine.
This is my reasoning.
I have not ringed a single trader since this rule talk has come up and I have tried to play by the admin edicts.
The only traders that I have stopped are the ones that stop themselves. You cannot pirate some one by a Jumphole with this in effect. The New Berlin JH in Sigma is now a easy passage as it cannot be disrupted and the most powerful stopper of all has been removed.
The fear of destruction. With out this its just like how traders dont RP fear of criusers. There is no threat.
I ask can a pirate not make two request?
1) Halt. (A request if not followed that equals death) Halt is a demand. It is a demand of an action. It is thus because of being a demand legal to blast a trader for not stopping. I'm sorry to come down to diceing them letter of the rules but thats what this post is about. If the rules say you cannot kill a trader with out makeing a demand then, I say that is my demand. Will I get sanctioned for it?
Then I noticed since we are playing by the rules now and with absolutely no consern for the spirit in which they were written. I must say, there is nothing there limiting the number of demands that can be made per encounter.
So, my second demand is as follows.
2) This unit requires 2 million resource credits ( another separate request that equals death if not abided)
Now if the letter has become more important than the spirit I think we should review the PVP rules in reguards to traders.
Are they exempt from PVP? I looked at them and it looks like criusers and battle ships are banned from engageing them in PVP but not gunboat and below. Is there anything that says traders are not held to the PVP conventions?
If not then why are they allowed to bypass the 4 hour rule? That is not in the letter of the rule. Yet we agree on it.
No where is it in the letter of the rule that Battle criusers cannot engage trade ships. It only says criusers and battleships, yet we agree that battle criusers cannot either. Why common sense and a respect for the spirit of the rule.
My point is we have been doing piracy the same for awhile and it seems only now that it is getting a major nasty underhual. I say underhual as this is not a improvement at all.
If we are goping to go dead nuts, conventional morality thinking on these rules then piracy is dead in the water except for the most compliant traders and pure luck. Forget wilderness JH piracy.
Also if we are going to hold up the rules and say "This is what ot says, then a great many other things we agree on as a community will change too."
There is NO exemption written for traders in PVP rules!!!!! As one example.:rtfm:
There fore I'd like to here what the admin say. Is this going to stand or are we going to over hual the way all rules are handled?
Or is it only this rule getting messed up and why? This community and many who have been hear for awhile deserve alittle responce since this is unceremoneouly changeing manys Rp and cause some to drop out. Look at the flood. This chat is mentioned. Pirates are quiting. Is that what you want?
Why fix the Niobium/ diamond run if the traders have nothing to fear anyway? SO, it looks like this thread was posted but is there a reason it came up all of a sudden and by an admin no less?
Were you robbed? Is believeable RP sanctionable now? Lets drop the conventional morality of reading the letter of the rule and develope on to post conventional morality. People who are able to define right and wrong with out it being written down and further more being able to decide on each case based on a morale compass and not a manuel as the governeing factor.
If you dont know there are three stages of morality.
Pre conventional = only wrong if I get caught. Everyone starts here, most grow out of it by age 9 or 10. If they dont the smart ones become millionaries and the dumb ones become prisoners.
Conventional = I know its wrong the rules say so. This is where about 60% of the world gets stuck, but they make good workers and followers. These people require functions and instatutioons to tell them what is right and wrong. In essence if its legal its not wrong. These people become the middle class worker bees.
Post conventional = Think Galileo. Knowing whats right and wrong independently of the writen law or social moraes. Galileo was right but broke the law being right. As did Martin Luther King and, Malcom X in the end before being shot. These folk while right are persecuted or killed.
Since this is a gameing community can we dare to be post conventional here? Can we use common sense, or is this to protect an injured ego? I just think this thread smacks of an alternate agenda as it came out of no where and the established community has enjoyed these rules unfettered by Admin since the inception.
JU-Midgard, currently - though I've had a ton of pirate characters in the past.
Anyways... I think traders have it far too easy. It's true that pvp whoring can run rampant with pirates who have no respect for their fellow players, but at this point the rules are being skewed in favor of destroying the pirating altogether.
Traders make a lot of money, and they need to have consequences to that. If you want to powertrade and reel in the cash, you need to be willing to pay a portion of that in exchange for your life, or at the very least the money you'd make from cargo on your current trip.
I would be fully supportive of some kind of weapon available to pirates that destroyed all equipment onboard a trader ship. If they refuse to pay, you make them pay - their equipment is gone, and they're forced to either suicide and give up their valuable cargo, or land at a base and have to replace all of their equipment. It will become much cheaper to pay the pirate or at least try to RP the event through.
Then again, the problem comes up with abuse by pirates. It's like some kind of vicious cycle... the traders cry and get attention, then the pirates get more abusive in retaliation, and it descends from there. For the most part I've given up on pirating altogether, it just isnt worth the hassle anymore.
lets just lock the NB/Sig 13 and the Chugoku/Sig 13 jumpholes ... alleviates the whole problem. Wouldn't nerf the route ... would only force traders to take the "safe" trade lanes and keep them out of the "hazardous" open space.
I'm quoting myself...Because I don't feel like writing it again.
' Wrote:.RP to me is a situation you would face in real life, skewered to said games story line, theme or objective, but with more serious consequences allowed only because its a game, and no serious harm comes to who ever is playing the game.
This is exactly what the rules are preventing us pirates from doing right now. I'm sure countless other pirates would agree.
Tena, is correct. They need to pay the price. The rules in many ways have been swayed in favor of traders, allowing exceptions to rules such as the PvP one...
Can't you cut pirates a break and at least trial of a of change of the rules, and implement an official fix if it goes well? Three months or so should be enough to see if all the new pirates would use and abuse it.
Also, if the rule is changed. Piracy would become more popular in different areas of Sirius. Creating more business for Bounty Hunters, and Mercenary's. Because if you want the big money, your going to want the protection to get it.
Keeping the mercenaries happy, and instead of having a lop-sided population of 40% police 40% traders and 20% Pirates...You would get a more even spread of all of the different company's and guilds, as everyone would be making similar income. Boosting faction recruitment...ect...ect. Having a larger chunk of the players on the server being part of an official faction.
Just my 13 cents worth...
Quote:lets just lock the NB/Sig 13 and the Chugoku/Sig 13 jumpholes ... alleviates the whole problem. Wouldn't nerf the route ... would only force traders to take the "safe" trade lanes and keep them out of the "hazardous" open space.
That is SERIOUSLY not the solution. There are plenty more reasons and routs where the change of this rule in particular can be of use. Locking gates and/or holes won't solve anything. The problem would still exist.
"Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do."
To be honest, it's not in my character's character whatsoever to pirate anyone. He's got a secure sense of honor and is more of a "people's person" trying to fight oppressive companies and governments than a selfless pirate out to make bank no matter what the moral ramifications are.
Still, when I do "pirate" anyone, I tend to make it more an issue of territory - they're doing something that harms - directly or indirectly - the junker's union, and I'm teaching them a lesson so it doesnt happen again.
I would much prefer to destroy all the equipment on their ship and leave them with a hefty repair bill than kill them outright, and I honestly couldnt care less about the cargo they're carrying or how much money they can pay me. When I attack someone, It's to make a point - and killing people in the dead of space with no witnesses doesnt get points across to others very well.
I may not have much experience in pirating, but what I always did was...
Order the transport (above level 40) to halt immediately. If he fails to do so I open up on them.
If the transport stops, I make my demands, depending on the ship size.
They pay, I leave.
Simple. I did that on my first week here and I consider that to be 'honorable' pirating/taxing.
If they are in cruise I sometimes had to CD them before they got too far, I can't type and shoot.
If I can somehow pirate correctly and legally, there is no reason why others cannot. Its pretty simple.
My old pirate name was... uh. I can't remember actually... Ah well, he is now lost to the blue fuzzy ones.:lol:
' Wrote:Order the transport (above level 40) to halt immediately. If he fails to do so I open up on them.
If the transport stops, I make my demands, depending on the ship size.
They pay, I leave. why others cannot.
Put simply. This is against the rules. And its what we are trying to change. So what you did is exactly what can happen without breaching any form of written Discovery rule and risking a sanction.
"Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do."
It is against the rules only if he kills the transport...
When i pirate first thing i do is firing CD. It gives me few seconds to make demand...usually i ask trader to stop. Not cause i can't pirate him while he is moving, but cause it is much simpler to role play with him.
If trader stops, then we role play, haggle etc...
If he refuses to stop and keeps moving away, i CD him again and again, firing until i drop the shield...then i ask him to rethink about stopping...if he stops business as usual.
Again, if he still refuses to stop or even tries to provoke me, then i make reasonable request (depending on lvl). Usually traders stop when they see it not gonna cost them as much as they thought.
However if they still try to run, i show them full power of my ship and that ends up with nice blast for me to fly trough...
If I had any really active non-deleted characters currently, I'd list the pirates among them. As it is, I had one pirate and one privateer.
I don't see the problem. You can blow a trader to within an inch of their life without saying a word. And all you need to say to get 'permission' to kill them is, "<target>, stop and give me 2 million credits." Seriously, what's the problem? Why do pirates need the power to kill traders just after ordering them to halt, rather than asking for credits, when they can already nearly destroy them and only need to spend 2 seconds writing the message which would allow you to destroy them?
And that just pretty much sums up what we of the HG try to do.
But personaly, i think this whole "chain the pirates in rules!" has all come forth from one little pissed off trader who lost his valuable 2 million that he was going to save for a battleship.
As long as the admins don't say there's gonna be a rule, then there won't be one. And the traders can complain all they want.