kk, well heres the deal. i was thinking about a sort of heavy liberty cruiser. We take the main gun off the normal liberty cruiser, stick that smack bang in the front of it. then add a couple or so liberty gunboat main guns. sure it would suck up alot of juice but to compremise you have sort of like normal cruiser missile launchers except you make them somthing like moonstalker homing missiles. you won't have to buy ammo for it (duh) but if you dont like the missile thing then stick on somesort of low energy, rapid firing turrets. it will come with sunslayer torpedo launchers (probably 2 would be nice). now i know what some of you traders are thinking. sure its got some good weapons, but what about the cargo. the cargo would be about 1200. i'll get around to making a sketch in paint as soon as im finished with this assignment. anyway put your opinions up there i will put up the sketch ASAP,
Also, cruisers can't be made able to use gunboat turrets (well, they can, but it was ruled unbalanced because gunboat turrets are just better). Nor can they have torp mounts (again, they can, but not allowed to).