I SAY WE MAKE GOLD BUY ON MANHATTAN FOR 1 CREDIT, THEN SELL ON NEWARK FOR 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 CREDITS.
Guys... Bear in mind, that Xoria & CO are working on a trade reform. So - If they Take into account that the NY-Magellan jumpgate gets reopened, they'll correct the commodity prices in a way compensating this new shortcut.
Quickie edit: Yes, I'd vote in favor of opening the NY-Magellan Gate and converting the wrecked Ithaca into a border station.
Ithica will never become a proper station again as long as the badlands exist. It's set DEEP in criminal territory that the navy won't even invade.
The only way to get out would be the tradelane, a logistical nightmare and no doubt useless in the end.
My only quick would be to make an SP specific version of the next mod (one with the original JHs for those who want SP and the new ship models). and a milti player version of the mod. In any case It would be interested to pirate in areas where I can actually see corsair dreadnought before it's close enough to reach out and touch....