' Wrote:Well spoken Gronath. I totally agree.
I got an idea:
Combine the bountyhunt with the bounties posted on the forums only.
It is possible to do this (forum)scriptbased so only bounties are available which have posted on the forums.
That could be possible, but definitely not from forums. There would have to be a separate web form that would add bounties directly into the bounty datafile on the server. I don't thing that would help anything. We planned to do the same for name changes, but then replaced it with the in-game user command as well.
I think if people want to use the bounty system and have some RP fun, then limiting the minimum bounty amount, limiting the reward only for Mercs/BHs and forcing them to add a reason should help everyone to pick those worth it. If I saw a bounty reasoned "I dun like hie ugly face lulz!1!1!!" I would ignore it. And admins could have rights to delete those in-game so they don't spoil the system.
' Wrote:...
If I saw a bounty reasoned "I dun like hie ugly face lulz!1!1!!" I would ignore it.
Well, yes, majkp. However, this is enough of an "excuse" for people to seek PvP. You cannot frame someone (or it's much harder to do so) for seeking PvP based on lame bounties. What is to prevent people from placing bounties on people at random? This would be something of an overlay of anonymity, people will think twice before placing a ridiculous bounty over someone under their forums names. On the other hand, creating a new character from which to place a silly bounty is a pretty easy thing, specially with a cash transfer command.
What I'm saying is that this favors people placing bounties over characters they didn't even interact with, because it's so easy. Not only that, this propagates the problem by making it easy for the people only concerned with PvP to just "fire and forget".
Think about it...
Provider: "Meh, I don't like that guy, he dissed me at the forums." *places 500k bounty over character x*
BH/Merc: "I is bored, ima shootz someone." *checks bounty list*
*BH/Merc kills character x*
Character x: "What did you do that for?"
BH/Merc: "I dun care, i haz bounty hunter ID, you have a bounty on your head, i iz in RP."
Provider: "hehehe, n00bzor. ima place another bounty on u."
The one at loss here is "character x", who has never done anything to warrant a bounty in the first place and now is harassed by some jerk who's placing bounties over him just for the kicks of it. That same person wouldn't bother the trouble of actually posting a bounty thread and, even if he did, the serious bounty hunters would see right through his inexistent reasoning and would decide to ignore the bounty. Not only that, other bounty hunters would refrain from pursuing it influenced by the more seasoned hunters. Forum interaction even makes it possible for the target to clarify things and completely debunk a bounty's validity. Both have happened more than once in the forums.
Making this an automatic process would be nifty, yes (easy checking for bounties, easy payment), but we would have to throw out the window all RP reasoning regarding bounties we pay attention to today, which is bad.
Back to my idea:
I was thinking of a forum hack like the good old hacks i did for UBB (cgi based).
But my coding skills are rusty now and i have no experience with php.
Hack works only in a subforum
In the posting menu you have an addional function like the poll function
Data will be written to a shared, separate database accessible by the server bounty addon
Admin panel to modify or cancel bounties
Overview of all bounties at the top of the subforum
What is the single most badly done ID ingame today? Merc.
How many Merc's are OORP PvP obsessives? Maybe 90%
Maybe BHG and Freelancer ID, Please please please no to the Merc. I am a Merc, and debating to become BHG just because of the amount of badly played ones.