Hey everyone. I hope you don't mind that this isn't in the bug/glitch forum but my question relates more to how certain ships were textured rather than how to correct the bug. I'm sure most of you have heard about how some users will see white spaces instead of textures on some of the 4.84 ships. It's been months since I've been able to play, but if remember right I encountered this problem(couldn't fix it but oh well) on the LWB bomber, the Corsair bomber, the Bhargest and a few other ships.
I have an older graphics card(max settings, latest drivers) so believe me when I say I'm not complaining in the least. After all, there's no way I'm going to expect ship creators to make changes when only a few experience the problem as that would be extremely selfish. However, I did notice on the Discovery Wiki page for new ships that some were being redone due to texture problems. My question is if these problems are the same ones I just discussed, or if they're seperate texture issues. Was it that a certain program was used that caused the white texture glitch on certain cards and now for 4.85 a different program will be used? Just wondering if I can get my hopes up that some of these existing 4.84 ships(and hopefully all 4.85 ships) will now have working textures for me.
As an aside, the new Albatross looks unbelievably awesome as does every other 4.85 ship I've seen so far. As such, I wanted to thank everyone here for all your hard work and for largely making Discovery what it is today.
I do believe that some of the graphics problems might involve the .sur files. However I am not sure at this point because some ships have glitches in the UV mapping. It appears that one ship maybe be using a UV map from another ship in Freelancer. When viewed in Milkshape that ship's texture appears to be fine... Screenies to follow soon...
I just loaded up a few of the problem ships in HardCMP and all the textures appeared fine. Is this significant at all? If textures display correctly in HardCMP but not in-game then it would be a problem within the game/mod programming and not with my graphics card correct?
It's not a huge deal, I was just worried that a new modeling program or such was being used and thus every new ship would do this from here on out.
i have this same issue when i set my graphics to low when i'm pvp'ing. also then most ships just disappear and i can only see their position lights.
i guess this has to do with the fact that there are not low-poly and no low res textured versions of these models available. the only way to fix this clientside is to set your graphic settings to high. maybe that will work *shrug*