' Wrote:How would it kill off the phantoms exactly? It would simply limit their ship and equipment choices the same as for everyone else.
Still waiting for a real reason that this kills RP other than "whah!"
what it does kill is the option for many to develop a unique RP of their own, something that allows them to shine out from the rest of us, something that helps them identify who they are. as i mentioned before, such a ruling would kill off alot of RP stories. this is an RP server, so why restrict other people from developing their RP?
ofcourse, i also do state this. those who -dont- have any RP, but -do- go ahead and get guns for pure PVP reasons, yes. sanction those guys. but people who RP both ingame and on the forums dont deserve this.
also, one more point. i havent filed a single complaint since febuary, because all i do is take the appropriate screenshots, then offer the person advice, and 99% of the time, they choose to listen and learn. ive actually had people saying: thanks for helping me. most people dont help noobs, but i do appreciate it, etc etc.
what im saying is, have those itchy screenshot-trigger fingers, but try to resolve the situation yourselves first, before resorting to reports..
' Wrote:Actually his point works for the admins pov better because:
A. Juni, Trent and King are still Juni, Trent and King no matter what ship they are in. The characters stay the same if you modify SP to put them in anything.
This underlines the trivial nature of the ship choice.
B. Already Disco has restrictions on ships that SP doesn't have, and they improve the server rather than hurt it.
You're not arguing anything related to the thread then.
The issue is that Juni, Trent and King wouldn't have been allowed to keep their old ships on changing factions. Of course they didn't change who they were, but their ships didn't magically disappear either.
Heya folks, just to write a few words and I'll be on my way once again!
Quote:As I thought, people are complaining about how having the same ship choice as the rules allow most people somehow "invalidates" or "limits" their RP, but they are unable to say why or give a single example.
Sorry, but your character doesn't depend on the ship he flies to be that character. If you take captain kirk and put him in command of any ship, he's still captain kirk.
Being fair means treating everyone the same, no matter who they are, and that means either letting everyone fly anything, or everyone sticking to the same RP based choices, even if a few people whine that they can't be special.
And RP is it's own reward, it doesn't need to be "rewarded" with oorp ship choices.
I'll agree with this, pretty much.
Your character really isn't dependent on the ship he flies, at least not permanently.
It's more like it's personality, speech, temper etc etc.
Sure, ship is important too, but not THAT much.
If you write an 'RP deal' that Outcasts can use BD Cats in exchange for Infernos, how is THAT supporting RP?
Can you explain me, please, the possibilities of this 'RP' and it's positive sides?
Or even better, explain that to a 2 week old member of this community who tried to fly a defender as a LN, until he was pwned by a Red catamaran in front of Manhattan, the ship he was NEVER supposed to see in Liberty. Ever.
How is it in 'RP' for Outcasts to freely fly trough Bretonia space. I understand there is a cease fire, but an OC dessie shouldn't be standing in front of freaking New London and chillin' with Brets with a tea cup.
I am actually in between here.
I don't want to see people forced to be ordinary, but I don't want people to write the damn stories so they pwn either.
For example, one real Corsair would never pick any other ship to fly over a Titan/Centurion/Decurion.
I tried the thing with a Sabre, of course only temporarily, but it failed, and I scrapped it with no hard feelings.
Fact is, you can't be an 'exceptional RP-er' if you are a Corsair flying a Viper because you'r RP is ok.
Your flying of Viper is the sole thing that lowers your RP, and you'r on 0 again, no matter how hard you try to actually find a reason or two to fly it.
I only know a very few people who actually got a lousier ship for RP reasons.
Only a very few.
Anyway, I think things need to change, that is for sure.
Factions should be forbidden to use any allied ships/weaponry because of RP deals.
As someone said : "Factions should set an example for RP to new people".
If they don't do it, no one will.
And with factions as they are now.. It's impossible.
Review all factions and their ship/weapon lists. That's a first step.
Of course, there can be an exception inside of the faction, but only like one, otherwise it's not an exception anymore.
Ivan Voronov is a good example for TBH's exception, since there are no others flying non-corsair ships.
All in all, things need to change drastically, and there I agree with Admins/Spear/Akumabito.
The way they need to change.. I don't know. But we should give it a shot.. Or two.
Bye bye!!!
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:@ Bluntpencil Fair is when everyone is treated the same, not the current situation where some people are allowed oorp ships and others are sanctioned for it.
What the admins propose is fair, the current situation that you support is not.
Fair isn't when everyone is treated the same.
I could argue that a man who had lost all of his possessions and was starving due to a fire caused by someone else should be shown more leniency for stealing bread as opposed to someone else who stole a similar loaf because they couldn't be bothered to take money from their account.
Fair depends on circumstances, in my own opinion, so kindly take the rhetoric elsewhere.
' Wrote:My "agenda" as you put it is to be fair to everyone, across the board. Why are you against that?
So are we. But not by making more restrictions on what is and is not "OORP".
What you are supporting in the thread and proposing yourself is static dead end roleplay that does not live. It doesnt change. It doesnt grow. It doesnt interest many people in this game.
Many NPC faction ship lists are not complete. It would unbalance a whole lot of playing styles and
NPC factions. You would have to get rid of many ships, because they are "OORP". And it would still not solve the problem of people picking the best ships and equipment to go for - swamping a different NPC faction. It will kill CR, and Harvesters, and Phantoms because all of them are imports. All of them are, according to this rulling, out of freelancer roleplay. But the majority of players of them have proven themselves to have good, fun RP.It will kill off Monstar, because he hijacked ships, blew up a station etc. It will kill off the angels because, we ARE an OORP faction apparently - explaining things to new people, despite my best efforts to roleplay with people.
What you are suggesting is we go back to Vanilla. And if that is the case then we might as well unplug the mod and go play Singleplayer.
Fact is Akum, you aren't listening and you're pushing your crusade of ... whatever it is that your pushing. I don't know anymore since your arguments are solely based around what you want. And you refuse to listen to anyone. You think the admins are biased. You think player factions are all against you. You think people shouldn't have creative roleplay.
I dont even know why you hang around disco, since you have so many problems with it.
Now can you please let other people post instead of posting so much, trying to press your non-existant point home.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
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' Wrote:A quick list of people this creates/would have created problems for:
(10 examples Akuma) :)
1. Mandalorians, who have OC and BD gear (a bit, senior members only), due to past alliances and services rendered, but the faction is BH tag/merc ID, for lack of a merc tag.
2. Phantoms, as mentioned above
3. My Spy, mentioned above. I asked the community what worked for a spy, and did what was "told", but it was still not in RP, precisely.
4. Mon'star's Scorpion GB (Admin Approved Terrorist, but may not meet rule)
5. Psiborg's stolen Corsair GB (Also Admin Approved Terrorist) may not meet rule sincehim and Mon'star are OC tagged.
6. King George's Loyalists
7. Harvestors
8. Fantasia
9. Prospector
10. Eppy's Outcast Lobster
Not a single one of those violates the rules Vero quoted. Not one.
[With the exclusion of Harvester_24, as stated elsewhere.]
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for all the latest news on Nerfs and Final Nails, or to request trade changes.
' Wrote:I envy the klingon BoP he had in two movies more, nothing is as cool as a BoP.
Still waiting for a real reason that this kills RP other than "whah!"
If ST used these new rules Kirk would never be allowed to have a BoP.
In addition, Kirk would be in Bastile for stealing the Enterprise when he needed to return to Genesis for Spock.
Futhermore, a good portion of the crew would have all their credits taken for sabotaging the Excelsior so Kirk could succsesfully steal the Enterprise.
Sulu would be fined for ignoring StarFleet and rescusing Kirk and Bones from Rura Penthe.
The new policy sets a dangerous precedent. What might come next? Absolute abiding by ID's? Lawfuls most be absolute lawful good fairy tale paladins? Unlawfuls most all be horridly chaotic evil with no motivation other than greed and benefiting themselves?
"If Wesley is separated from his ship for too long, he dies."
The ship takes critical damage and is unsalvageable. The Nomad power cell somehow infects another ship and moves Westley's life support to it.
"what it does kill is the option for many to develop a unique RP of their own, something that allows them to shine out from the rest of us, something that helps them identify who they are. as i mentioned before, such a ruling would kill off alot of RP stories. this is an RP server, so why restrict other people from developing their RP?"
Your RP can still be unique no matter what ship you fly, if it can't be then you can't really RP.
"The issue is that Juni, Trent and King wouldn't have been allowed to keep their old ships on changing factions."
They would have for a little time, as the rules here allow no sanction if you changing characters.
But the more important point is that who they are doesn't change with their ship, the constant "my RP requires an oorp ship" is a false argument.
And actually, yes, Xoria is right. It's not about ships and OORP-ness.
It's about ID's and how much can you alter their restrictions with your own RP.
At least that's what I got from the first post.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:If ST used these new rules Kirk would never be allowed to have a BoP.
Of course he would have, you are allowed temporary oorp ship choices while you are changing a character. Kirk did go back to a federation ship the next time he docked at a federation base I believe.
And the enterprise didn't respawn either, if it did he wouldn't need the BoP.
' Wrote:In addition, Kirk would be in Bastile for stealing the Enterprise when he needed to return to Genesis for Spock.
Futhermore, a good portion of the crew would have all their credits taken for sabotaging the Excelsior so Kirk could succsesfully steal the Enterprise.
Sulu would be fined for ignoring StarFleet and rescusing Kirk and Bones from Rura Penthe.
No they wouldn't, because none of those, that would have to be written in RP, would draw an official sanction.