' Wrote:Well, if the majority of the forums dislikes a person, even though that person has good RP, it is unlikely that their RP will get approved.
If a person is not "liked" then they have obviously not been a very courteous player. Something that is earned on Disco is a good reputation. If you have continuously sullied that, you have to face the repercussions (sp?). In this case, disapproval of an RPed set up. I see no serious qualms with players who haven't been a team player facing consequences for that.
Now if Akumabito posted on this sub-forum, as much as I don't personally like him more than the next guy, I would value and rate the RP. Not him. Some people might place bias against a character, but if everyone is judging? I think enough of us will be able to get over ourselves and rate the RP. Not the player.
I still think a sub-forum has less chance of bias and would be a smoother process.
' Wrote:Example, a pureblood vampire appearing in freelancer exactly like a mythological vampire. Not really a way to explain that. it is both implausible and i'm sure many agree it should not exist and its existence would be a hindrance to RP. Suspension of disbelief breaching and all that.
However, change the story to vampire like explained via an alien parasite encountered in the water of one of the many planets attempting to have its resources exploited by the citizens of sirus. The parasite could cause some vampire like symptoms and ingestion of blood could be what keeps the symptoms at bay. The player sets up the story arc to be restrained and not intrude on anyone else's territory, and since it makes some sense albeit not plausible sense it shouldn't be a problem to let it see its course.
I bolded what I see wrong in your post. You just wrote a simple, short explanation which makes the 'vampire' idea at least reasonably plausible. Maybe a couple more paragraphs, and it'd be great. What's this about story arcs? Why do you need a whole story arc to explain something which can be explained just as easily in a few paragraphs? Story arcs are nice, if someone likes to write them, but they shouldn't be required.
I believe you and he are saying the same thing.
That player sets up the conditions in which that story is played out is called the story arc.
Those short explanations ARE the story arc. He just ran the rest of his point on, into the example.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
*headscratch* Maybe so... But I do agree that 'plausibility' is relative in Freelancer and all science-fiction. I suppose "plausibly fits into the shared RP environment of the Discovery Freelancer universe" would be a better guideline. Of course, I think we have a fair bit of stuff already in the game which would be rejected out of hand if it was brought up for the first time today.
' Wrote:Hm... When should we expect for the =CR= to be sanctioned for OoRP?
+ Prospector + the another Xeno GB.
:lol:Soon I hope, their tazionas + nomad blasters are killing our BMM fighters, with their puny lvl9's...
Donate to the Poor Pilot's Fundation via Sirius Bank /givecash GreenHawk 1000000 now, and support poor pilots sirius wide!
Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
' Wrote:Not irrelevant, just not more important than a clearly defined and evenly and fairly defined rules set.
Also while a ship can be a character, just like a flesh and blood character can change clothes, the ship as a character can change hardware.
Look at your very first example, the enterprise. It isn't one ship, it's a string of ships named enterprise, some of who were lost and replaced under the same captain and crew, but the story continues.
This underscores the ease at which a ship can be changed in RP without adversely effecting the RP.
If you truly have been RPing 20+ years (I started in '78 with D&D myself) then you have enough experience to know how little it matters to give up an item to most RPrs, and how much it matters to others for non rp reasons. I remember people storming out of tabletop sessions because they lost their precious staff of the magi or silver sword, while others shrug off equipment loss and keep going with the characters without a single complaint. That's a lot like the uproar and threats to leave we have here, and it's not about RP in either case. Your character can continue to RP with no ship, the way Trent started in the SP game in fact, and still be as well RP'd as he ever was.
And every one here knows that to be true.
Is it an inconvenience? Sure it is, a minor one, but like my characters who probably will have to change ships it's well worth it for a fairer and less biased server where everyone is finally treated the same in this respect.
It is a pleasure to meet you as well Akumabito, and I hope that we can RP sometime in game. I am pleased to see a number of so vastly experienced RPers about.
That said, I must respectfully disagree with a majority of your views on this subject, sir.
You have mentioned again about the rules and how fair and correct that the implementing of this new set of guidelines will be.
Well as you have commented on some of the points that I have made, or at least an example I gave, I will point out to you one of the points I made that I would like you to examine much closer and take into careful consideration...
"The rules in -any- gaming system are there to balance and manage the game. To add depth and and guidelines for how the game is best played. But, never are they to hamper RP. -Never-. The moment that the rules get in the way of telling your story, you are doing something wrong. Period dot. At that point, all you're doing is rolling dice."
Granted, as you are from the Gygax era(May he roll a high save vs.rest in chaos. I think he would have liked that little quip =) ), so there may be a -vast- difference on how you and I view the import of RP and system. I am seeing some of the differences as we continue this discourse. An interesting thing to observe, I must say.
But, I digress...
Additionally, I maintain that you are -grossly- downplaying the importance of the ships in question and their relevance to a particular character's story and the make up of said character.
If you concede that a ship can be as important and memorable as a character("Also while a ship can be a character"), then a storyteller and RPer of your caliber and experience must understand how your comparing said ship, of nearly the same import as the character flying it and a character in the story in it's own right by your own concession, to an item that can merely be shrugged off like an old coat smacks of questionable storytelling, at best.
Can you really tell me that Chewbacca was a replaceable part of Han Solo's story? I see no other wookie co-pilots keeping the seat warm.
How about Spock? The only Vulcan first officer that Kirk seemed to serve with as far as I have seen.
How about Jean-Luc's Number One? He was married and transferring off the ship and they -still- had him in the last movie. And on that note, Worf was serving as the security chief of a space station -light-years- away and they found a reason to have him be back on the Enterprise when they engaged the Borg.
Are any of these characters important parts of the stories they where a part of. Hell yes. Could you call any of them replaceable?
Now, to use ships as an example, you mentioned that there have been many models of ship in the Trek universe have bore the name, 'Enterprise'. While this is true, mow many of these ships had more than one captain? How many of them were destroyed? How many swapped out for something newer?
To use Kirk's crew in yet another example, (William Shattner's ear must be on fire), NCC-1701 was refitted into NCC-1701-A. So, that was the same ship. Then it died, causing the crew as much anguish as if one of their crew sacrificed their life to save them all. The got a BoP that, while it looked ninja sweet, was promptly discarded as soon as the Enterprise 'respawned'. And then, after yet another adventure with fun times on a prison planet with Iman, (Who disintegrates nicely, I might add. Who knew she had those kind of acting chops?) they had to fly her into mothball. A task that the entire crew seemed forlorn about.
"First star to the right...and strait on 'till morning..."
And that story ended there. You see next to no more major, widely accepted material on the original crew. Few will discount that the original series and the first six movies, with the possible and understandable exemption of the fifth movie, are the definitive story for those characters and the best material chronicling their adventures. Why is that? Why is the expanded universe of the Trek community not full of single stories of the individual crew after their 'final mission' and the few that are out their are not flying off the shelves? Because an important member of the crew is -missing-.
The Enterprise
They did not just go and get another ship out of the nearest starfleet shipyard and call it a day. The story was -vastly- effected and modified by the death of the Enterprise in III as much as the death of Spock impacted the story in II. And when there would be no more NCC-1701-A, the story came to a near halt for that crew, only to be relived in expanded universe novels and fan fiction. But, few will say any of them had the longevity or the quality of the stories told on the bridge of the Enterprise with her crew.
And, before I forget, make no mistake, an 'mere' item can be central to defining a character and of vast import to a story as well.
And to add an Item example...Ok so a great warrior has lost their magical +10 vorpal sword of sheer awesomeness. You say he/she should be able to just shrug it off and still be the same character. That they'll be ok and losing this mere 'item' is only a momentary setback and will not adversely affect their ability to be the same character, chayea? Ok, I hear you on that. I see what you are trying to say and understand the point you are trying to make.
But, tell that to Lion-O.
Or He-Man.
Or She-Ra, for that matter.
Lost your armor? Sorry Boba, Jango, Roddy and Tony. You guys are iron men on theinside.
Hey, you don't need that Power Ring, Hal Jordan. Green's not your color anyway.
Captain Caveman, drop that club.
Hey Bruce, you don't need that utility belt, cape or cowl. You're plenty scary without them or their pesky symbolism.
Hey Cap. Lose the shield. Get a gun. America doesn't need symbols anymore. Get with the program already.
Speaking of rings, "By your powers combined...oh wait...".
On that note, why are we headed to Mordor again?
What Dragonballs?
Need I continue? Central and of vast import to the story and characters they are attached to? Hell yes. Replaceable...?
This underscores the ease at which a ship can be changed in RP without adversely effecting the RP.
You sure about that?
I remain,
"Power without perception is spiritually useless and, therefore, of no real value."
SO anyone who has played dnd etc will understand this comment:
Thats the problem in a nutshell. You Have RP'ers and min maxers here, some are both. As soon as one min maxer gets what they want, RP or not, then everyone wants what they have to be 'fair'.
In order to answer briefly, I submit that this rule doesn't remove captain Americas shield and replace it with a gun, it just changes the shield slightly, maybe making it slightly octagonal. These oorp combination's simply get fixed to match the rules, but the characters still fly.
And you have a lot of RPrs that are min maxing, and that's why this is an issue. I never knew a min maxer who didn't believe his character needed that girdle of giant strength to go with his hammer of thunderbolts.
Off topic: I totally lol'd at Akuma's new sig addition. I'm honored. xD
On topic: But if Cap's shield was turned octogonal? Wouldn't that be insane and crazy? A huge change, actually. Not just a small one. Effects would be felt from Cap fans. Big ones.