' Wrote:There is no hypocrisy here, the aganda seems to be yours, an attempt to intentionally misrepresent something as something else. Less than truthful on your part I would say, but not unexpected.
Right, so your Blood Dragon clone in a Bretonian battleship was more deserving of an allowed exception than, say, Bretonian Privateers, or Eppy's Saber with Buckshots?
I reckon your story wasn't good enough, and you can't take it.
' Wrote:Right, so your Blood Dragon clone in a Bretonian battleship was more deserving of an allowed exception than, say, Bretonian Privateers, or Eppy's Saber with Buckshots?
No, nor less deserved, the point you seem to dislike is that everyone should be treated fairly I guess, no surprise there.
' Wrote:I reckon your story wasn't good enough, and you can't take it.
Oh, I can take it, anyway when an admin lies to sanction someone who is it that looks bad?
' Wrote:No, nor less deserved, the point you seem to dislike is that everyone should be treated fairly I guess, no surprise there.
Oh, I can take it, anyway when an admin lies to sanction someone who is it that looks bad?
Well, more or less deserved?
Being fair isn't applying the rules the exact same to everyone. You had a clone of a shogun with a limp-wristed attempt at getting a Bretonian battleship somehow. Privateers are based on historical fact, and behaved in such a fashion. One can fairly be more deserving.
If I said I had a fairy character, who used her magical powers to gain access to a Bretonian battleship, I'd be told to beat it. And that is FAIR.
An admin lying, eh?
Take that up with them, then.
So, I think I can say this, with current evidence. Your story was rubbish, hence the sanction. Then, you go on a petulant crusade against factions, crying about your internets oppression along the way. A mite of logic shows that you have a lack of stiff upper lip, and can't take it.
Being fair isn't applying the rules the exact same to everyone.
That's exactly what being fair is.
And my stance on both indie cap rights and the rules predates my sanction, and are a large part of why I was sanctioned, as you know. You can, of course continue to turn this into a personal attack against me, but all that does is reveal how little you value the truth, sadly enough.
I smell a touch more than agendas now, so this is a warning to both of you ...
And Admins lying ? I would be just a little more careful before you make such bold and broad sweeping
statements as that. You can back that up of course? I hate 'Trial by Forum' ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
' Wrote:If I said I had a fairy character, who used her magical powers to gain access to a Bretonian battleship, I'd be told to beat it. And that is FAIR.
Wait a minute? I can't have a fairy character with magical powers!? Crap...begins rebuild of characters.
Errr...did you mean "FAIR" ir "FAIRY" at the end there?
' Wrote:I smell a touch more than agendas now, so this is a warning to both of you ...
And Admins lying ? I would be just a little more careful before you make such bold and broad sweeping
statements as that. You can back that up of course? I hate 'Trial by Forum' ...
I agree with eppy's earlier points on Igiss's suggestion.
The sub forum posts should only be able to be addressed by those involved in the RP. Involvement would need to be linked in your post if you were going to leave feedback. Invovement would be not participation, but having the RP somehow effect you.
I'm a little on the other side for faction exclusive involvement. If a player started a character with the purpose of killing off all nomad equipment mounting ships in liberty, with the plan to go through alaska and sweep the omicrons, i would want to be able to voice my indie opinion being i have an indie mounting nomad equipment that flies most often in those omicrons.
I do however agree completely that factions hold more power than independents. Their say should hold more bearing in the final decision, but involved indies should be able to pose concerns for the factions to mull over. If the admins and factions find the terms acceptable the indies should adjust.
*Wilson shows off his ham sandwich* - Armory.003
*mark placed on Unit-sk855's forehead* - Head hitting the desk as of reading the above
holy crap I've actually caught up. read every post so far, and there are good points (Unit so far has the best arguments) and bad points (about 40 pages worth)
Eppy's got a point about the sub-forum. It's going to end up a firestorm and a trial-by-forum for every single thread. Look at the Harvestor's faction proposal, it was, if not still is, a flamefest. Much kudos to ScornStar for putting up with the BS from most of the community. Same for the OPG. Perhaps a dedicated moderator for that forum to sift out the chaff.
Next, I kinda wanna see something like what Scornstar suggested with the sanction notification. Don't immediately take the ooC ship's weapons or adjust their rep or whatever, but give the person a chance to explain.
@ the naysayers that think the heavy-handed approach is the way to go. No it's not. Those who have said that the server would degenerate into "cops and robbers" are a bit fatalistic, but it would lose a lot of the charm that people have put into it. Wesley Richter just wouldn't have happened.
Akuma, I am really trying not to be mean, but I honestly want to know if you've read Zapp's story before you thought it'd be cool to play devil's advocate? It's just one example of what a rule like this quashes. As for the ship not making a difference, read my story sometime and know that I would NEVER trade in my Taiidan. Natalia to Alexi is something that he really loves, it's a part of him, it's what makes him fight that much harder. It inspires him.
And before you spout rhetoric, realize that Alexi also LOVES the shape of the Taiidan, the look, the feel; that ship is the only one. And yes, READ HIS STORY and you'll see the ship's been "blown up" a couple of times, each time it's been REPAIRED.
I'm sorry I don't have anything more poignant to say, but i wanted to chime in as well.