To: Yanagi Station's Command Deck
Comm. ID: Sir Andrew Stuart, Bretonian Armed Forces Interdiction CO
Subject: Kusari, Hogosha et cetera
---Transmitting Message---
Good day there, chaps,
I just thought my band of merry men and I could tempt you with something of a friendly offer, yes?
You see, we know that you fellows don't quite see eye-to-eye with the Hogosha and their government cronies, and to be fair, neither do we.
We're willing to do you a small favour, mainly harassing the Hogosha and their buddies in the KNF and KSP whilst hitting Kishiro and Samura transports.
Of course, I'd be lying if I said we were doing this out of the goodness of our hearts, as much as we'd like to, but we should require some small manner of assistance for our, ahem, trade interdiction, if you understand my meaning, eh? Say no more, say no more, heheh.
Anyway, we would request that myself and my dashing wing of privateers be granted docking permission for Yanagi. As well as the aforementioned irritation of Hogosha interests, we also offer to sell loot upon Yanagi, provided that it isn't required for our war effort. We also offer you twenty barrels of our finest malt from Glasgow Outpost, should ye wish to accept.
' Wrote:To: Yanagi Station's Command Deck
Comm. ID: Sir Andrew Stuart, Bretonian Armed Forces Interdiction CO
Subject: Kusari, Hogosha et cetera
---Transmitting Message---
Good day there, chaps,
I just thought my band of merry men and I could tempt you with something of a friendly offer, yes?
You see, we know that you fellows don't quite see eye-to-eye with the Hogosha and their government cronies, and to be fair, neither do we.
We're willing to do you a small favour, mainly harassing the Hogosha and their buddies in the KNF and KSP whilst hitting Kishiro and Samura transports.
Of course, I'd be lying if I said we were doing this out of the goodness of our hearts, as much as we'd like to, but we should require some small manner of assistance for our, ahem, trade interdiction, if you understand my meaning, eh? Say no more, say no more, heheh.
Anyway, we would request that myself and my dashing wing of privateers be granted docking permission for Yanagi. As well as the aforementioned irritation of Hogosha interests, we also offer to sell loot upon Yanagi, provided that it isn't required for our war effort. We also offer you twenty barrels of our finest malt from Glasgow Outpost, should ye wish to accept.
A pleasure as always,
Andrew Stuart, Knight of the Realm
--Message Sent---
Hmm...Junker politics make this a more complex issue than to be so simple. Locally, you might contact Adjudicator Taffic at Trafalgar in New London but we are currently engaged in opening diplomatic relations with the Blood Dragons in Sigma 13 and we must first consult with them.
As Junkers we must strive to get along with all of our neighbors but it is possible we might have further and more private communications regarding the Hogosha and mutual coordination.
...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Christopher Thorn, Junker's Union, Bornholme Depot
Subject: Privateers on Yanagi
-Begin Transmission-
As always, everyone is allowed access to our stations so long as you dont cause trouble. The more pockets... erm, people... on our stations, the merrier.
However, if your men cause any trouble onboard the station or within two thousand meters of it, you will be denied future access and evicted from Yanagi Space. We will not have trigger-happy fighter jocks causing damage to our station, from within or without, just because they cant keep their heads and obey local laws established for the safety of the station and it's occupants.
So, assuming that, you're welcome to use our station as a base of operations, just keep the fighting away from it.
To: Sir Andrew Stuart
Subject: Kusari, Hogosha et cetera
...Begin Transmission
Hogosha are blinkered sanctimonious fools with small feet & worthy of every kickin they get. Regrettably Trafalgar is no staging post for incursions into Kusari space - we all know that, and we all know that Yanagi is plum, aint my business & their politics is their politics. If your privateers want to clear their stock at Trafalgar, well take your exotic items. Keep it a short visit and if that Whisky is Glenfaclas, Ill wave the docking fees.
If you want to talk different business then contact me via more secure channels.
As I have said, "house" guests are not something we invite to "reside" without some serious examination.
Despite the other Junker's naivete, we do not welcome a band of house "pirates" to use Yanagi as a war base for a house conflict and I am sure most Junkers will share that feeling.
I will contact you regarding the Hogosha as there are things we may be able to do to accommodate one another.
' Wrote:As I have said, "house" guests are not something we invite to "reside" without some serious examination.
Despite the other Junker's naivete, we do not welcome a band of house "pirates" to use Yanagi as a war base for a house conflict and I am sure most Junkers will share that feeling.
I will contact you regarding the Hogosha as there are things we may be able to do to accommodate one another.
Speaker Tinkerbell
To: Speaker Tinkerbell
Comm. ID: Sir Andrew Stuart, Bretonian Armed Forces Interdiction Wing CO
---Transmitting Message---
Well, squire, I'm glad we're seeing some sense here. Well, you see, I can forward you many a detail regarding the Hogosha's involvement with the Kusari government, whom our humble selves are sticking forks in with some abandon.
You see, I know that you folks are mostly tolerated where I'm from, where you can get a good honest meal, without noodles (or ninjas poisoning it), as well as in Rheinland and Liberty.
With our aid, you could take over the bases used by those Hogosha rascals, couldn't you?
Of course, if that isn't good enough, if you forward myself your Neural Net banking details, I'm sure we can sort something out, if you see what I'm saying, sir?
Anyways, on behalf of Her Majesty (don't tell her though), I hope to hear from ye soon. And tell the Dragons we're mighty sympathetic to their fight for great justice, et cetera, et cetera.
From: Old Steel, roaming Junker guard
To: Christopher Thorn, Junker's Union; Vladimir Tinkerbell, Junker Congress
Subject: BAF Privateers on Yanagi
Are you guys serious?
What booze did you got lately that you even consider about that proposal?
These BAF guys at Yanagai will draw the attention of the GMG in the first spot and be assured the RM and KNF beside the Corsairs will recieve words about it very soon.
I suggest you put away the greedy thoughts and think a bit more tactical.
Anyway we Junkers need to be neutral to the public.
That doesn't mean we can do some private buisness if you know what i mean.
But some BAF vessels stationed at Yanagi in a very, very bad idea.
Selling Cardi to a RM officer would be smarter...