Some say that he is allergic to a fungus found only between the toes of Corsairs,
and that he is oblivious to 98% of Liberty Law. All we know is... He's called the Busdriver!
The real question is are there any pictures of ladies...
Ed: Well because me and these three chicks decided to have a cereal fight.
Ed: Then we got productive....
Ed: IN THE SHREDDIE TOWER MAKING DEPARTMENT.. before you say anything...
Dave: I feel like standing in the middle of the beach stripping down naked to put on a hula skirt playing pan pipes whilst I watch a pixie try to make love to a cow and have the evil sock goblins chase the 5 penguins of the Apocalypse across Timbuktu all whist my wife Sammie drinks vodka and red bull served by the rich penguins in the sun.