you can still pirate a junker, when they're trading entirely legaly.
its simple, Pirates can pirate a junker while its trading.
Pirates cant pirate a junker while its smuggling.
Bounty hunter cant shoot a junker while its trading.
Bounty hunter can shoot a junker while its smuggling.
is that not simple?
minor detail is perhaps the junker is legaly trading to a pirate base, supplies, a pirate might overlook pirating a junker because of the contribution to said faction, but power trading, pirate the hell out of them. I made a trading junker for RP, not for a way out of being pirated or shot.
I sometimes trade scrap metal to borneholme, its got more variety, plus its funny to see if a pirate will pirate you with a hold full of scrap metal, and how much they'll charge. though pirates are fairly rare except in Liberty these days.
I guess we have debated this into the ground, we've made our points and looped around to repeating oursevles. I have my opinion on this and it's not changing because I'm old and arrogant enough to think I'm always right, even when I'm wrong. :D
On a side note, I see no problem with a Bounty Hunter engaging Rougues, Outcasts etc without a player posted Bounty. A Bounty Hunter's job is to hunt unlawfuls, I do not agree with a Bounty Hunter engaging a Junker who has commited no crime or has no player posted bounty on him as I do not beleive Junkers are outright unlawful.
' Wrote:The Junker Congress has stated as one of it's goals to increase it's presence in Kusari, which they have been doing so..........
Also, I dont like the idea that if a Junker is not hauling contraband, that no one is allowed to attack them.
All that goes to show is you have a personal thing against Junkers. Hogosha and Xenos can attack Junker on sight. But I guess that not good enough for you. You want to call them pirates so you can attack them at will and not worry about it :rolleyes:
You complain about power traders give me a break. Zoner ID is the most abused because they truly are neutral with everyone.
' Wrote:All that goes to show is you have a personal thing against Junkers. Hogosha and Xenos can attack Junker on sight. But I guess that not good enough for you. You want to call them pirates so you can attack them at will and not worry about it:rolleyes:
Well first off, I can attack junkers on sight, although I am not a bounty hunter, nor have I ever had a bounty hunter character. So you should get your facts straight here. I have NO vested interest in this as, I have no BH or Junker chars, I am just looking at the rules and letting you know how i see them. I call them pirates because they can pirate, I dont think that is too far of a stretch. I think it is you Junkers who seem to be taking this personally and bringing your personal feelings into it.
1) the Junkers have a Generic pirate ID
2) the BH ID clearly states Bounty Hunters can attack Pirates
3) No one has stated a good reason why junkers arent Pirates when their ID says they are, and when their NPC's pirate.
This doesnt sound like the argument of a crazy man, who cant see any view but his own, but you guys seem to react like what I am saying is heresy, when in fact it seems pretty logical to me.
' Wrote:The game cannon and the wiki both say the FA are terrorists not pirates, but the ID says we are pirates and not terrorists, so the AFA has to abide by that.
Actually, I wrote that. I wrote that the FA were terrorists, because that is how I view us. That is simply an example canonical conflict.
Staying out of the rest of this. Have a good one, guys (By the way, Zelot is right).
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
1. You cant really RP a trader with a Junker IFF, because ALL house corporations (should) hate you.
2. As far as shooting a trader with a Junkers IFF, BHG can shoot Junkers if they want but not traders, which leads us back to point one.
3. ID over IFF is the rule as it stands today.
If you dont do the things Junkers do then you shouldnt really have their IFF.
Quote:All that goes to show is you have a personal thing against Junkers. Hogosha and Xenos can attack Junker on sight. But I guess that not good enough for you. You want to call them pirates so you can attack them at will and not worry about it
Junkers are listed as unlawful and BHG list all criminals as enemies, whats hard to understand there?
So it continues.. No Zealot is not correct, speaking as someone with a Junker, Bounty Hunter, LSF, Libery Navy, SCRA, Hessian, Outcast and Xeno I dont feel biased at all.
Example a Junker docks on Manhattan with legal cargo and undocks with legal cargo, the LN and LSF leave him alone, but a BH charges in and kills him "Pew pew! Muhahah, take that you pirate scum!" Utter nonsense.
Junkers are quasi-legal, there enemies are Xenos, Hogosha and House Corperations. Not Bounty Hunters, Police or Navy. I've got a Bounty Hunter, it's a fighter btw. I will engage straight up pirates and I will engage Junkers that i catch smuggling or pirating, I will not engage a Junker collecting scrap or hauling legal cargo.
Yes the Junker ID permits pirating, but they are neutral to the lawfuls until they pirate, a Rogue on the other hand is straight up unlawful.
2) the BH ID clearly states Bounty Hunters can attack Pirates
3) No one has stated a good reason why junkers arent Pirates when their ID says they are, and when their NPC's pirate.
It would seem logical to you but that doesn't make it right. Junkers do not have a generic Pirate ID they have a Junker ID there is already a generic pirate ID.
Junkers can demand cargo, trade, smuggle.
Pirates can demand cargo/money.
So they have one thing in common and that makes all Junkers pirates lol. So much for RP I am a pirate guys.
' Wrote:Junkers are listed as unlawful and BHG list all criminals as enemies, whats hard to understand there?
The hard thing to understand is why a Liberty Police officer would allow a criminal to dock on Manhattan in plain sight. Yet the police do let me land and do not shoot me.
Smuggler perform an unlawful act but are they KOS? Nope. By your logic all smugglers are criminals and the BH should be able to shoot them on sight but they can't.
When an Admin tells me I am a pirate I will then act as one. Until then I have smelter run. Have fun running in circles with this.
Let me say it again just for anyone who doesent believe me...
This should 100% clarify that Junkers are unlawful.
Quote:Anyway I am done with this for real this time. Unless the admins tell me I am a pirate I will continue to act as a Junker.
Which is an unlawful character, period. Bounty Hunters have the right to shoot all criminals. While unlawful and pirate may not be synonomous unlawful and criminal certainly are.
' Wrote:Let me say it again just for anyone who doesent believe me...
This should 100% clarify that Junkers are unlawful.
Which is an unlawful character, period. Bounty Hunters have the right to shoot all criminals. While unlawful and pirate may not be synonomous unlawful and criminal certainly are.
Since you did not read it when Cesar put it up the first time
6.15 Owners of Bounty Hunter/Mercenary/Freelancer IDs have a right to attack:
- Pirates
- Traders ships carrying smuggled goods and refusing to drop them
- (not for FL ID) Lawful and unlawful players with a bounty on their heads
They do not have the right to shoot all criminals...