carzor - there are only the following IDs that allow the destruction of a trader without any demand:
- keepers
- terrorist ID
- phantoms
- (NovaPG) <-- since the faction does not exist in its original shape anymore, i m uncertain about the terrorist status of those.
from all those IDs it is expected to show an exceptional amount of roleplay explaining their actions though. - so they enjoy the freedom not to make a demand, but it is still frowned upon when they silently having a happy killing spree.
EVERY other ID needs to make some kind of interaction before destroying you - but really, - even those 3 above should make some kind of interaction, which does not necessarily involve to demand anything to "avoid" a destruction.... but they should interact one way or another - other than firing on you.
Hmm, actually a funny thing is that I was told by some Xeno players (while talking to a trader to drop his cargo) awhile back, that I cannot demand cargo, and the ID says so too (and I can) ... best thing would be to change the info card of the ID.
Though on the subject of changing it from Xeno Terrorist ID to Xeno Pirate ID is quite pointless, and I am very against it, it would ruin the point of the ID.
As for many kills and trigger happy Xenos, it is mostly because there are people willing to lose a ship worth 100 million credits than drop 5000 units of gate components .....
And another thing I saw in the thread was that someone said that he had been attacked in front of Manhattan, it's just pointless to stay in one place and watch when there is a fight .... that would explain some of the kills that happen in most raids, normally when those in the fight need bots/bats they attack the closest transport (if they are pirates) .... (I talk from experience)
Edit: As I am a Xeno myself I'm just going to add that I always demand cargo from traders, and if they don't give it then I shoot them (and most of the time I give them a 2nd chance to drop it)
Xenos are terrorist, not pirats.
So,if you think that they must make a demand,you are wrong..becouse...
You are within Liberty with trader-You are trading with Liberty authority or with Liberty Coorparations->that means that you support Liberty efforts...Since Xenos are terrorist-they try to reduce effctivnes of Liberty Force on any way(by killing Liberty navy/police or killing supporters->traders).
' Wrote:carzor - there are only the following IDs that allow the destruction of a trader without any demand:
- keepers
- terrorist ID
- phantoms
- (NovaPG) <-- since the faction does not exist in its original shape anymore, i m uncertain about the terrorist status of those.
from all those IDs it is expected to show an exceptional amount of roleplay explaining their actions though. - so they enjoy the freedom not to make a demand, but it is still frowned upon when they silently having a happy killing spree.
EVERY other ID needs to make some kind of interaction before destroying you - but really, - even those 3 above should make some kind of interaction, which does not necessarily involve to demand anything to "avoid" a destruction.... but they should interact one way or another - other than firing on you.
Wild ID too, which needs to be mentioned along with Keeper ID in the section that currently says "terrorist or Phantom only". Actually, if you read the rules for terrorist-type IDs, it says that you can blow up the following:
Trader ships that do no pay for passage
Everyone else
I sanction Mon'Star for doing his job as a terrorist and not a pirate
So the Terrorist section in general needs major revision.
Xenos are terrorists. They don't really care about your capitalist money, realistically they just want to kill any and all foreigners in Liberty, as well as all trade vessels going into or out of Liberty- although those might be allowed to drop cargo and go back to tell the tale. Same goes for Bundschuh, except they want Daumann/Kruger/Republican to be destroyed, the diamond trade halted, and all foreigners removed from Rheinland (currently we escort Corsairs and Outcasts out of Rheinland, and lawfuls are either shot or demanded to drop cargo and leave). Similar could be said for the Golden Chrysanthemums and Blood Dragons about Samura and their goons, the FA and Hogosha.. plus, obviously, the KNF and KSP. On similar note, the FA and Hogosha really don't take kindly to foreigners in similar manner to the Xenos. Making any of these factions into simple pirates ruins them... the players of these factions have to work their roleplay around the rules, which can lead to some stuff that seems rather silly... like FA being forced to let Synth people live, or any of the xenophobic groups tolerating insults of their home nation with anything less than gunshots, etc. These groups have very specific ZoIs, and for a while the original XA were playing the Xenos just like they should be played, i.e., like terrorists, and no one raised a ruckus. All of these groups should have terrorist or pseudo-terrorist status, and if you'll take a look at the proposed IDs, they're getting it.
K, that went a bit off topic, but really, Xenos are terrorists... their ID says terrorist, they've been played like terrorists and people didn't just not complain, they applauded. Rules need a major overhaul anyway, this should be a part of it.