As the tittle says, i was playing today until the server suddenly shutdown, when it was up again, i logged in and my char(Triden)was gone, please can someone fix that, i will put here what that char was holding:
Cargo:1000luxury consumer goods
Equipment:6 transport turrets clase2,a transport shield, 2 red cargo bay, a heavy thruster,71 nanobots and 75 shield batteries and 70 imp counter measure flares(incuiding the imp counter measure)
ID:Liberty Police
Scaner:Deep scaner
That's all that i remember...please fix it quick, it was my main char:(
Please can we have one just one thread for this ... List just your chars here, and Majk will deal with them
when he can get home from work.
Thanks guys
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."