The one thing about Sigma 13 is VERY high competition between pirates.
Corsairs, Farmers, Hessians, Blood Dragoons, and Outcasts and Junkers all in the same area.
Dont expect to be pirated just once
Just for this post, I'm going to track your character down on my blood dragon and charge you ten million every time I see you in sigma 13, chugoku, or hokkaido. When you dont pay, I'm going to blow you up.
*Slam the Poor Trader* time is over now Ladies and Gents. He will possibly be forced to look a little
longer and more deeply at his nav-map now.
Terk, the choice of where to trade is yours entirely, if you want to put yourself in the firing line, so be it.
But please don't whine about a non-existent rule ... You'll find little sympathy from this baying bunch.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Quote:look I allways pay 2 mill to some Blood Dragon to let me pas thru hes home system.
I paid a BD 5 mins later HAYBUSA tax me again and them again .
We cannot pay everytime we change system .
Your entrance was good.
Quote:I'm going to track your character down on my blood dragon and charge you ten million every time I see you in sigma 13, chugoku, or hokkaido. When you dont pay, I'm going to blow you up.
' Wrote:Just for this post, I'm going to track your character down on my blood dragon and charge you ten million every time I see you in sigma 13, chugoku, or hokkaido. When you dont pay, I'm going to blow you up.
or do what the smart ones do and hire mercs to escort you. Blow up said pirates and then your free to trade for 4 hours. Any way you look at it they are allowed to tax you what ever amount they deem is reasonable. If your having an issue with that. Well then find another route. OR figure out when they aren't on and do that.
Just do us all a favor and try to be realistic. Negotiate with pirates if you can. When I am doing that and other runs I tend to talk to them. Even stop at times if I believe I can get a realistic deal out of it. If pirates think they can make more out of you in the manner of less per run but you doing more runs then they will. Well sometimes anyways. Most people these days believe its OORP to do that run regardless of what your RP is. So it basically ends up coming to a level of enforcement.