' Wrote:Fairness is a word with a fairly strict definition. To be fair someone needs to look at it from the outside, without bias, and then they could say whether an application of the cruise rule is fair or not fair. You sound as if you think this stuff is complicated. It's not.
I know what fair is. I'm not a child. Hell, even children know what fair is.
I'm saying that different people have different opinions on who and what are fair. Personally, I find the current admins reasonably fair. What makes your opinion better than mine?
If this one gets closed because of a rampant flame fest on-going and off topic, there will be serious repurcussions. We will not tolerate another off topic rant from ANYONE.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
' Wrote:I know what fair is. I'm not a child. Hell, even children know what fair is.
I'm saying that different people have different opinions on who and what are fair. Personally, I find the current admins reasonably fair. What makes your opinion better than mine?
I guess it's pretty clear from Del that I can't discuss this any further. I'm being held responsible for eppys personal attack against me it seems.
Somehow that ties in to this fair discussion, if only I could piece it together.
I would just like to remind you that you are using forum as some chatting program, like Skype for example.
Post after post after post.
Write your point, turn off the browser, check it tomorrow and write a reply:P
This way it is really hard to follow the discussion with zillions of two-lined posts.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:Mary : "The sky is a pretty shade of blue today."
John : "How dare you tell me not to climb trees! I'll climb trees any time I feel like it you overbearing, irrational, imposter! And I'll get everyone else to climb trees with me, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"
Mary : "Like I said, the sky is pretty. And by the way, we're on a ship in the middle of the ocean. There aren't any trees for hundreds of miles."
John : "Fascist!"
Arguing against what we did not say (especially in a rude and insolent manner) does not persuade us to change what we did say.
And Xoria officialy wins.
Most arguements about rp restriction come down to this.
The idea that there is some super-league of faction/admin supremacy is utterly absurd, and damnit, if it exists why am I not in the skype chat?
I lead a faction, and am in several others. Never at any point have a sought to stop people from roleplaying, or being individual in their storytelling. I have found myself frustrated by people saying "I can go through zone 21 and there is nothing you can do to stop me la la la la la laaahhh" then when I blow them up for breaching a high security area, had them go "facist pig, you restrict my RP are in league with the admins to kick the indies off teh server" when infact all I was doing was roleplaying my character.
Interesting for one individual to say that to another just because I had [LN] at the front of my char's name. Does that make me a facist? Does it somehow move my political veiws about 15 miles to the right?
As I have said numerous times before, we are not a community of indies and faction and admins, we are a community of people. All of us completely independant of one another. Treat every individual as just that, and all of a sudden life here becomes a lot easier.
If there is a war going on on this forum between factions and indies, then I refuse to fight, because I don't see the conflict. It is born out of bad reasoning and paranoia. Indies are not inherently bad, and factions are not inherently opressive. Any implication that the XA is... Well that would be a personal offence to me.
From what I gathered so far, yes. But didn't receive any official response to it. Then again, didn't get any response to it being wrong either, so assuming it's okay is alright. And this was such a waste of a post:P
I didn't understand it either when I saw it. I think its more of a fact that we cannot threaten them with idk..sanctions for ooRP behavior or whatnot. Then again, not sure, until its more clear I'll just keep on doing as I always did.