[font=Agency FB]He was watching as Diana was about to leave and thought to himself "An' th's is where the ol' Davy style comes 'n effect." he grinned slightly.
As Diana was walking away he stood up, rushed after her, grabbed her by the hand and turned her towards himself...[color=#000000]"Ya' kno' gal, I like ya'. Passionate aren't ya'? Ya' are exaclty wha' I bargained fo', a real Rogue."
He then grabbed her with his both hands so she couldn't run away again (they tend to do that with the "Davy style") and kissed her...
She was utterly taken aback by Davy's sudden assault. He had her pinned, and she couldn't open her mouth to scream because...well....he was on it. There was only one thing left to do, and she didn't like doing it, but it always worked.
Taking one of her legs back, she took careful aim and swung it with full power at the sensitive place between his legs. He immediately disengaged, and hobbled around, shouting in agony.
She smiled a little, then said "I didn't want to do this to you Davy, but you asked for it."
[font=Agency FB]Davy bent forward in great pain, and the only thing he was thinking about while hobbling around was how a glass of rakia would fix his pain. Sadly, he dropped it when he received the massive blow.
He looked at Diana and managed to grow over some of the pain so he could say something to her...
[color=#000000]"So I'z imagine tha' goin' ta' meh room isn' an option anymore, eh gal?"
[font=Agency FB]When part of the pain passed Davy realized that all of the other boys were looking at him ready to laugh. He then frowned, pulled out his gun, started waving it around and said,
"A'ight foo's, the firs' one ta' make even one sound gets 'is head blown off, ya' got that?" Everyone turned away in silence because they knew that Davy was crazy enough to actually do that. He walked over to the bartender while obviously still in some pain and put his gun on the bar.
[color=#000000]"Gimme anotha' bottle of rakia ya' crazy foo', an' make it a big one."
"Damn tha' gal is crazy....an' hot" he muttered to himself, "I like her already...." he laughed to himself and drank a big shot of rakia.