Only an extra 14,000 in crew bonus pay on this run.
I would like to note that Karl.Herman, showing a bounty hunter IFF, approached me for a scan. I'm rather perturbed by that - we ARE the official bounty hunter supplier of ships. Who does he think he is?
Transferred payment for deuterium run to BAF and BPA.
End Transmission
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Incoming Message from: "Digger" Phelps
Employee Registration: APM-Sagittarius
From: Shikoku System, Deshima Station
Destination: The Ring, New Berlin
Cargo: Optronics, Hydrocarbons, High Temp Alloys, Boron, Beryllium
Shipment Outcome: SUCCESSFUL
Started out with a load of Optronics from Deshima for Cambridge. Met up with Agent Carly Denver enroute, and she got some escort duty time in. We took a load of Hydrocarbons out to Leipzig. Ran into two Corsair gunboats in Omega 3 - Agent Denver acquitted herself well with the explosion of her ship allowing me enough time to escape, and we were able to tractor in her escape pod with no difficulty.
All APM pilots are advised to watch the pirates and to keep auto dock on when they catch you by a jump gate - we'd agreed on a passage tax and the pirates then tried to renege on the deal, wanting more money. So they ended up with nothing, instead.
Here's how this little conversation went...
Picked up a load of High Temp Alloys in Leipzig for South Hampton SY, and was enroute when my computer picked up an urgent overide order from Norfolk SY for those parts. While there is, of course, an embargo between Liberty and Rhineland, the manifest was signed by Deputy Director Copperfield of the LSF, so I figured it must be legitimate. Of course I was stopped by LN officers, but I explained and they let me deliver. (As an aside, I would think it would be more cost effective for them to try to actually stop the Carimine and Slave trade, instead of harrassing legitimate merchants that are supposed to be protected from this harrassment by the Sirius Free Trade Agreement that was signed by ALL house governments 20 years ago, but hey - since when do things have to make sense?)
Picked up Boron at Newark, delivered to LD-14. During this run, there was another trader that tagged along and I discussed him potentially coming to work for APM in the future.
On a serious note, I suggest that the S/D medical branch perform a psych evaluation on Agent Denver. Her amnesia - and something to do with Leeds - came up in conversation during her escort run.
Finally made a run from Cardiff to The Ring with Beryllium, with no issues. Docked the ship while techs at Oder Shipyard perfrom maintenance checks on the ship.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Captain Phelps was called to a board meeting of AP Manufacturing, to discuss the potential building location of a base for operations by the S/D Agency in Rhineland space after negotiations are complete. He is also studying additional trade routes that APM ships can do in support of this activity. Since the cargo must still be delivered as per contract, I took the Sagittarius out as ordered to make this deuterium run. No issues - we're to layover for 24 hours before making a return run with Optronics to Cambridge.
LT Alyssa Conklin
APM-Sagittarius, End Transmission
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
No issues on this run. We did have a brief encounter with a slaver named rhys jut outside of California.
Mr. Phelps contacted us en route, and told me that he will be available for pick-up in Cambridge on our next run. The information on Rhineland is in, and there are both several new routes that he will propose, as well as discussing with the Director of the S/D where a base should be built.
Funds transferred to BAF and BPA as per contract.
Lt Alyssa Conklin, end transmission
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Incoming Transmission
To: AP Manufacturing
From: Sarah Gallagher, Planet New London
Subject: Application
Priority: Normal
Message reads: Greetings. My name is Sarah Gallagher. I've been hauling freight around New London for some small-time shipping companies for the past few years, and I'd like to get out and see more of Sirius. I looked at Bowex and Gateway, but to be honest, they didn't really appeal to me. I'd rather work for an organisation that supports the excellent work of the Bounty Hunters Guild.
If accepted, I would prefer the callsign APM-Libra and a Percheron transport to start with. I've already been scouting potential crew members. Transmission ends
OOC: OK, lessee. Yes, I would obey all server rules and APM rules. My other characters are LPI, BPA, S/D (but you know that), PanGal and Golden Chrysanthemums.