Well, good, and, I suppose..."interesting"...experiences with you guys.
When grouped with some of your members on my Order character, was the best time i've had on that character (hearing the tale of the flight through the KNF guard system made a break from the OORP guys in minor).
On the other hand, during the party in Baffin today, one of your members claimed that my Xeno was, essentially, a hostile, and kicked me out. Now, not a whine, as such, more a clarification for all Zoners-are Zoners-Xenos supposed to be hostile? I've been engaged by Zoners on my Xeno before, and just wanted to clear things up.
You guys, whenever encountered in-game, are great fun, especially Mal and his eccentricities. I love it!
However, the only actual criticism I can think of would be an adherence to Zoner neutrality as if it were an ideology of beigeness, as opposed to savvy politicking for the best advantage.
In-game, I know this is different from the forums, though, as I've seen you bastards do some brilliantly sly stuff, heh. Some very entertaining stuff.:)
@Derkylos. I don't think you were 86'd for being a Xeno. A dark secret of the Zoners is a reliance on the Xenos for maintaining our reputation. You are needed.
You were 86'd for getting drunk, puking all over your shoes, butting into other guests, geode-diving, and generally hogging FnordNet bandwidth. Come back when you're sober, friend.
@Blunt. You see what we want you to see. As to politicking, the occasional 200 Mil trade agreement or philanthropic gift works just as well for our purposes, and saves greatly on repairs. Our positioning varies on the condition of the Chao, and the whether.
And, our purposes? Don't worry, we're not the Mormons. We're not out to convert everyone. But we will have a finger of one sort or another in your pie.