[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
I think that tank on top is an Israeli Merkava... One of the wierdest and unconventional MBT's out there. Has normal tank armament, a 60mm mortar, room for troops, and a front-mounted engine. Also, I want to be extracted in a tankbulance. Seriously man, ambulance in a tank? Damn right!
I have gotta meet the man who was driving when he got it to do that, I need to shake his hand:P
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.