Last night I was looking for a different run to do and get to see a little bit more of this world we call Discovery. I was on Planet Denver and saw that I could take some VIPs to Planet Berlin. Now with the Embargo on, I had to check and see if this was allowed, and it is.
I exited the Jump gate from Colorado to New York and was at the intersection near Fort Bush when a Junker Pirate shot out the tradelane leading to Norfolk. I shut down my engines and asked the pirate what he wanted. He replied that he was tired of collecting scrap metal and wanted me to dump my cargo. I protested that I had human beings on board and dumping them into space would equate to killing them.
My question is, what is the accepted reality/accepted RP when it comes to dumping passengers/VIPs/Slaves out of your hold into space.
Thoughts please.........
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
Definitely is a good rp reason not to, since even giving them would essentially be selling them to slavery. in that case, rp wise i would attack the pirate or run.
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
Which is why you don't get pirated while carrying passengers/VIPs...word is gonna get around that you got pirated, and people will end up charging you to carry them...
...or you could hire an escort...
...or you could try to buy the pirate off (2 mill sufficient?...)...
...or you could fight (and probably die, if it's a pirate in a bomber)...
...or you could run away, and hope your customers don't bear a grudge next time...
' Wrote:Which is why you don't get pirated while carrying passengers/VIPs...word is gonna get around that you got pirated, and people will end up charging you to carry them...
...or you could hire an escort...
...or you could try to buy the pirate off (2 mill sufficient?...)...
...or you could fight (and probably die, if it's a pirate in a bomber)...
...or you could run away, and hope your customers don't bear a grudge next time...
Actually he never gave me a chance to offer up some cash instead of the passengers.
I actually got away, he had a devil of a time trying to get my shields down, For RP sake I did call the Navy tho....
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
I always imagined it like the inside of the cargo pod was converted into something like the inside of an airplane, when you jetisoned human cargo it stayed in the pod(s).
Once I was in an Lawful character pursuing a smuggler. He docked, unload his cargo of artifacts (or cardi, don't remember) and got a load of passengers.
I could catch him and asked him for a fine. He refused to pay.
I could have destroyed him easily but i didn't do it because he was full of passengers and it would have looked very bad in my lawful character log to say he killed a smuggler because he refused to pay a fine, and at the same time I killed his 4000 passengers.....
I wonder if other players would do the same.....for example, if I would be on a trader full of prisoners and a pirate/corsairs or whatever would require tax. If I refuse they should not kill me because they could also kill their colleagues right ?