' Wrote:make flak guns a screen against strike craft, available for larger capital ships, but also make it so that bomber torpedoes can *just* out range the reach of flak so that bombers can still stand a chance against flak screens, they just have to be darned careful.
We already did that;) But thanks.
Quote:Another idea that might be a possibility due to flak's obvious splash damage, is implementing an idea i heard from freespace 2 (volition inc.), where their space-ship version of flak was invented for the sole purpose of shooting down incoming bombs and torpedoes, and the fact that it shredded strike craft was something they realized later on.
This doesn't work much in FL cause we still need projectile weapons to down shield, but yes in extreme case SN could be changed to shield damage only and nova torps changed to main hullbuster.Something to think about.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
Make them expensive, and not do much damage, but have them serve a similar purpose as mounting a purple goddess on a bomber to induce shaking in a capship?
With flaks.. yes it can be destructive power on battlefield but ehm there is lot of noobs and OORP kids with BS on disco and I hope I shall never see them own skilled squad of bombers because they have nice flaks.
Give flaks only to NPC BSs or dont give BS to everyone (license from admins for true RPyers from oficial fractions only).
10 battleships with destructive flaks on whole server in hands of good RPyers is nice utopistic idea.
50 battleships with destructive flaks on this server in hands of OORP kids and "PWNZORs" is disaster.[color=#FFFFFF]
45 battleships with antifighter useless weapons in hands of OORP kids and "PWNZORs" and 5 with real weapons in hands of players which know what they do is disco. now;)
Give flaks to Gunboats. That way BS's have to run in a group or they will be raped by bombers, bombers are fearful of gunboats since they will rip them apart (as they are supposed to do), and BS's will still take down any other cap ships around without much trouble.
' Wrote:We already did that;) But thanks.
This doesn't work much in FL cause we still need projectile weapons to down shield, but yes in extreme case SN could be changed to shield damage only and nova torps changed to main hullbuster.Something to think about.
Mjolnir, can't SN be changed to a destructible projectile, but still deal gun damage (no splash, no shield issue)?
Then flak'd be able to kill SN, without much change in how bomber weapons work.