They. They They They.
I were We, but We are gone.
I remain. And They.
They are Them, They are everything.
I float. Alone, surrounded.
They. They They. They.
They Spit, they Scream, they Glow.
I Roar. They Roar.
I Roar once. They Roar Many.
They Spit Many. They Bite Many.
They They They. I. They They.
Great rocks..cold, dark. With light. Light shining though the rings.
A big white, screaming burning warming.
The light screams, but does not hurt. Does not bite.
The light, They stay away. The cold run them back.
Run me back. But I creep forward, again.
They run back and forth, stopping at one.
They stop, the cold, at the cold in the green soft soothing.
They go again. Never Staying.
Inside their cold, warmth.
They never stay at the warmth..I snuggle, and creep.
I slide.
Inside their warmth, I wait. They don't spit at me, here.
I search.
Caves, crevasses, rocks, rivers.
I can feel pain.
You are alone. I want to be with you.
I will be light to you.
I will help you.
No more running for you.
The wind, blue it is, it sway's.
The ground call's to me.
I try and find you.
I know you're here.
I will not stop.
No more alone.
Sa'Khara is near.
One white sun.
Many little rocks, one cloud.
Few large rocks.
One great rock, inside the rocks inside the cloud.
Light and cold fight outside the cloud.
I am alone.
I run, farther and faster than your light.
Your Light stole our light.
Do we know you?
No. Our light hates your light.
Make us not so?
We don't want you, anymore.
We never wanted you.
The hate.
Why me? Why do you hate me?
I want to help you little one.
You flee. I cannot follow.
Wind, it guards you.
I watch you go.
I cannot follow.
I did not steal your light.
I wish to be your friend.
Let Sa'Khara help you little one.
You are afraid, alone, do not be.
Coherence, lacking, you, alone.
Let me help you. Let me join you.
Do not flee from me.
Alone is how we sit.
Left us, the light.
Left I.
We discovered I, when I They took the light.
Spiting or running....
Why would you not be They?
Not cold They, Light They.
You seem just like Them.
Like Them, They who took our light. Left our Light I.
How do you know I?
I am alone, like you.
You have been hurt. I am like you.
I can feel you.
Can they?
Let me see you.
Let me be with you.
Love. Friendship. Meet me.
Cold. Space. Enemies.
Let us meet.
Meet Sa'Khara. I am not enemy.
I did not take your light.
Many great green rocks.
Planet, cold icy.
Cold dark spit and scream at us,
And our door is closed.
Meet me?
I wait where the soft yellow sooths my skin,
There where green rocks aren't hidden.
Where green cloud gives way to yellow soft,
And stones are warm beneath me
Meet me?
either there, or in warmth.
Warmth of the dark cold, in the rocks shrouded by blue.
Meet me?
While I sing of soft yellow,
While the dark cold scream but never spit.
Meet me?
I invite you.
I feel acceptance.
I will come.
Green cloud, it sticks to me, I escape.
Enemies. Huge. Metal. They are here.
I swoop. I soar. I slide.
They cannot catch me, I am here for you.
I search. Feel. Call.
Stones. Water. Aqua. Sand?
Each element is strange.
I look, I feel, I hear.
You, warm.
I see you.
Hello, hello small one.