New Scotland Yard has recently announced the transportation of passengers, prisoners and very important persons (VIPs) by unreputable transports to be unsafe to passengers of Bretonia. Kidnappings have increased tenfold over the past three years, as transports laden with passengers supposedly headed to places such as Curacao and Baden Baden have simply disappeared.
In an attempt to stem the tide of kidnappings, Parliament has recently passed the Citizen Security Act of 816. This act requires all persons and companies which find themselves transporting passengers, VIPs, and Prisoners out of Bretonian space must be screened and licensed by the Bretonian Police Authority.
Provisions of the new law are as follows:
License fees cost 500,000 credits for every 1000 cargo space a ship that will be carrying passengers, VIPs, or prisoners in Bretonian space has.
License fees for large companies are 10 million credits for the entire company*.
Licenses are purchasable by both this channel and BPA in the field.
All license application fees must be either given to a BPA officer personally or forwarded to BPA)Hauberk**.
Licensed persons and companies are be reported and recorded on these channels.
License purchases undergo a two day investigatory period, and do not become valid until two days have passed. Passengers, VIPs, or prisoners may be transported during that time, however, a five million credit fine may be imposed on those who do not pass inspection due to past criminal activity if they are caught.
Orbital Spa and Cruise, Borderworld Exports, Gateway Shipping, Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, and Platform vessels as well as all police and military vessels are already trusted and licensed.
In the event that one refuses to be licensed a five million credit fine can be imposed on the perpetrators.
*Companies are counted as groups of people with a clearly recognizable tag. If the tag is not clearly recognizable, each ship must be licensed separately.
**The Sirius Neural Network will be used to transfer payment to the Hauberk if a constable is not present to receive payment (/givecash)
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
BPA License Bureau Comm Channel...
Incoming Transmission...
Source: Stokes Mining Station
Comm ID: Junior Constable David Anthony...ID confirmed
Transmission Accepted....
I received an application from a vessel named Midnight.El to transport Prisoners in Bretonian Space.
The application fee has been paid:
(Funds will be transferred to the Hauberk shortly.)
Furthermore, I asked the pilot for further information that may assist the authorities, and it was provided. The vessel itself was originally a slaver vessel, however it was removed from that dreadful purpose, as described in my communication log:
This individual was courteous, and unless contrary information is discovered, I recommend that this license be granted.
Junior Constable David Anthony Out.
Channel Closing...Closed.
Taylor.Davis - Zoner - Osprey MkII based off Ames Research station
Dekishima-Maru - Zoner - 'Pelican' Armored Transport co-owned by Taylor Davis and Fumiko Kimura, based off Ames Research
Alex.Reed - OS&C - Firefly based off Planet Curacao
To: Bretonia Police Authority
From: Captain Dave Sanders, CEO, PanGalactic Travel Company
Location: PanGalactic Liner "Far Horizons", Planet New Berlin
Greetings, my name is Dave Sanders, CEO of PanGalactic Travel. As an Orbital Spa and Cruise affiliate, I trust we are already allowed to carry passengers and VIPs through Bretonia? If not, be sure to let me know and I'll get a licensing fee worked out for us.
A client charity of mine, the Zoners Abolishing Slavery, would be interested to know if this is applied to them. Although being a charity organisation, not paying a fee for their moral work would obviously be preferable to continue their good work.
After already receiving a license to transport slaves, I would be prepared to fight on their behalf should a fee, now belatedly, be imposed.
Jamie Duiys
Message to: BPA Licensing and Tarrifs
Comm ID: Waverly, TAZ
I wish to apologize for the comments of my associate, Malaclypse. Obviously he has been into the Holy Sacrament again.. hmmph.
Please find the appropriate fee transferred from my account to the BPA)Hauberg for a "company" license, in the name of Waverly LLC, Laughing Goddess Bakeries, and the Temporary Autonomous Zoners.
I would ask you to be expedient in the vetting process, as Sophie Noir is grounded on Glasgow Outpost, and her passengers are keeling over from boredom.
Reggie Waverly
Freeport 6, Canaria, and Bafflin'
To: Bretonia Police Authority
From: Captain Dave Sanders, CEO, PanGalactic Travel Company
Location: PanGalactic Liner "Far Horizons", Planet New Berlin
Greetings, my name is Dave Sanders, CEO of PanGalactic Travel. As an Orbital Spa and Cruise affiliate, I trust we are already allowed to carry passengers and VIPs through Bretonia? If not, be sure to let me know and I'll get a licensing fee worked out for us.
The question that must be asked is if your identification devices are showing Orbital Spa and Cruise. If your current identifications systems are showing Orbital Spa and Cruise, then there are not problems, but if they are showing Trader, or something akin to that, then you require a license.
A client charity of mine, the Zoners Abolishing Slavery, would be interested to know if this is applied to them. Although being a charity organisation, not paying a fee for their moral work would obviously be preferable to continue their good work.
After already receiving a license to transport slaves, I would be prepared to fight on their behalf should a fee, now belatedly, be imposed.
Jamie Duiys
[end transmission]
As you are a rather special case, and your operations do not exactly fall into this category, I would say that you have no need for said license. However, I wouldn't dissuade you from applying anyway, as if you ever find yourselves wanting to transport these goods in Bretonia, you will be in need of said license.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
I would like to assure everyone that this is a legitimate move by the official BPA, and that anyone who is caught without licensing carrying human cargo will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
~Sectional Chief of Cambridge Abigail Thorn
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
Communication link received...
Sender: Evan Black, CEO, Azure Line Shipping
Location: Planet Cambridge
To: Bretonia Police Authority
Subject: Licensing
Opening link...
Bloody hell, I've been dragging these pirates out of Bretonia for you for months and now I have to pay for it? It's bad enough that Stacey has to shoot one or two each trip for trying to escape. Where do they think they're gonna go, out the airlock?
Ah, it can't be helped. Someone's probably just letting 'em go on a Freeport or something. That would explain why there's so many.
If possible, I would like to purchase a license for my entire company. I'm not sure if we qualify as "large", but we're easily recognizable; all our ship registrations are prefixed with ALS).
If you need to know more, tell me. It's not like you have to worry about us helping Kusari, I do live in New London after all.