It looks vaguely Egyptian because it looks vaguely like a scarab beetle. Looks nice, though I'm no Order guy.
Jinx, did you say it would have an equal or lower powercore than the Zoner GS? Yet less armor and more weapons? You also seem to imply that the Zoner GS has a lower than normal powercore... Not really fitting for this ship.
yes - well, its not orderish at all. - thats somewhat the point about it. - there isn t much prove or lore about the order / zoner relation - and it might be nice to see a joint project.
for those that don t know - here is the zoner GB again .
i d of course add the usual "reactor barrels" to the order GB, too - and a few things here and there.
I'd think, something about the fact it looks too thin bother me as well. The order ships seems generally... not necesarly massive, but very dense, looking at the caps.
i would now say that it could also be derived from the talon. - but....... we replace it and it doesn t look like the flat talon anymore at all in 4.85.
but yes... its true. order ships are compact. - this one is not.
the alternative is to take the osiris as the base of a new model. - that would look much more orderish of course - but wouldn t really show the relation from zoners to the order ( which is not a bad nor a good thing for that matter ) turkish ( i think it was him ) had this mini osiris gunboat back then.... which did of course look much more orderish.
it looks good, although, I would prefer the central part to look a bit more like the Anubis, because right now, the whole ship makes me think about the Lane hacker Bayonette