Maybe you should keep a bit of cardimine cued up to distract those Outcasts with. Just toss a little out and watch 'em swarm like flies on .... Well, you get the idea. I've already adjusted my trade routes to exclude the northern sectors. I've noticed that the NovaPG have become a bit more prolific in that area.
Useage Ends
Message to: Hoodlum
Comm ID: Romer
Finally kicked the old dog out eh? The new one is a bit ungainly, and the autopilot is worthless. I'm expecting a factory recall on that. Or at least a rebate of some kind. The adjusters are avoiding me like the plague now. I guess we can't file claims for asteroid damage anymore.
I've caught a little bit of transmission in the Corsair space:
... whatever it was, it seems that one of them is sporting the wrong colors - our colors. I suggest getting our lawyers on the case. 'The sso| have overstepped their bounds again. We need a cleaner out there.'
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
romer,Oct 20 2006, 01:57 PM Wrote:Comm ID: Romer
Maybe you should keep a bit of cardimine cued up to distract those Outcasts with. Just toss a little out and watch 'em swarm like flies on .... Well, you get the idea. I've already adjusted my trade routes to exclude the northern sectors. I've noticed that the NovaPG have become a bit more prolific in that area.
Useage Ends
Pops to Romer to Chance
Was a quiet evening out tonight. An awful lot of people headed out to Gran Canaria for this or that function, hauled two loads just yesterday. brought out the glowing crap to the boys in Corfu, and then back to NY for more gawkers. If helps if you've never crossed or upset the Mollies.
Getting a little tired of whiney passengers and expensive chefs. Half my hold taken up by cakes and tea for two thousand.. I just may follow Jay's example and avail myself of that Rappongi craftmanship.
Oh and I met the man who sent me those exquisite cigars! It's that crazy Malaclypse who keeps talking to his ship and ranting about cows. It appears that in his honor, the annual Dung Festival was extended another day to include a cowchip throwing contest. He had an interesting business propositon for me. It seems the sun and soil are incredibly good there, and he's thinking of having an Earth-dung Villa constructed.. .. But not next to the Emporer's..
"Pops" Waverly guided the Daddy W low over the crested waves of Cortez, the turbulent wake thrown by its bow causing even more frenzy on the waters below. His docking was uneventful, and as promised, the technicians and managers from both Spa and Cruise, and the the horticultural geneticists from Agiera, looking tense and uncertain, were awaiting his arrival.
"Gentlemen. Good afternoon, and thank you for coming so quickly. I had to make a special purchase just to accomodate this operation; and once we have the gambling equipment and appurtenances from the old Daddy W unloaded, we can begin loading the other items."
the Spa and Cruise Manager stepped forward and said in a querilous voice, Mr Waverly, sir, are we to understand that you wish us to purchase this equipment back from you?"
"Not at all, my good man! But as you are the original builders and warranters of this equipment, I've engaged you to refurbish it, and then to deliver it to an establishment on Belfast. Please coordinate the installation of the machinery with a young lass named Merry. She has an ideal large parlor ready which will not interfere with bar, dining, or the domed solarium. There will be a million credit bonus to you and your crew if the installation is complete within the week."
"That's very generous, Squire. We will begin the unloading immediately!"
Pops then turned to the Agiera crew, who were now exhibiting intense curiousity.
"And you gentlemen. I've bought out your contracts with Agiera as of today. Your new employer is Daddy Warbucks Enterprises. I was thinking of contracting with Synth Foods for this project; but you gentlemen have done exemplary work in designing, maintaining, and increasing the yield of this hydroponics facility.
"Now you are about to become dirt farmers, or Entheogenologists, if you prefer. I have found the ideal soil and growing conditions for our product, lads. We're moving our inventory, seed stock, and research labs lock stock and barrel to another location. In your case, gentlemen, the deadline is one month, but the bonus is 10 million, 2% of stock, and all the product you can consume. We should have enough of the hydroponics inventory to tide us over.
"If you managers will see to getting things started, I'm off to charter a hydrofoil. Join me at the docks. We shall fish, and sample the new crop!"
"You're alright.", said the Ageira mangager. You must make a ton of money off this "Kallisti Gold."
"Not really." answered Pops. "I make my money from legitimate trading, mostly. This experiment is a hobby and also a calling from a Higher Power. All of the product you have grown here, and will be growing for some time, is distributed for free throughout Sirius. Not as a means of undermining the synth M or Cardi trades, mind you; but as subtle method of initiating folk into new ways of thinking, and to seeing things that certain folk don't want you to see... the fnords."
"Is that what they're called! The Manager exclaimed. I must admit I've been disturbed lately by brief glimpses of them, sort of around the fringes of things which don't really make sense, it you think about it. I thought I'd had a bat bit of boiled beef."
*Apologies to the Traders for waxing overmuch, but this seemed the appropriate location. Pops*
I've heard you've got into a new 'hobby'. Mind if I stop by and check it out? I can offer my services as a quiality and control inspector if needs be. Offering the product for free then? I think the boys at Cryer might feel a bit of competition coming on. That's not much to worry about though. I don't think the Cardi trade can be affected, as I hear the stuff is irreversibly addictive.
Message To: IND Trade Organization
COMM ID: Runner
I am an independant contractor in the area that will be in possession of a few items I would have the need of moving. I will be in contact when I have them. I was wondering if you could help me in my distribution for say 30%. I also take special orders, and rarely the very expensive rush orders. If there are things you need and haven't the time or patience to go get, let me kno wI will be around.
It appears Chancellor Aeon and company are extending their sphere of influence into Molly territory. Was hailed and briefly harrassed by the RACS Peripatetic or Prozac or somesuch last evening on the Dublin side of the O-49 hole. After I pointed out that he and I have "mutual friends", he stood down and accepted a sample of the product I was carrying. Hopefully next time we meet, his lights will be on a bit brighter..
I also noted Davey Jones himself, along with two DJC cohorts, near Arranmore. Apparently they were otherwise engaged, as they didn't waste any time trying to suck my soul. Wonder how they'll feel about SCRA ships patrolling their favorite haunts.
Message TO: Fellow Hoodlum
Comm ID: Manuel Escobar
I'm in need of a little insurance claim.
Namely, I had to launch my CTrans with it's cargo hold empty, without crew and on autopilot from Cambridge as a [FR] tagged Osiris with a rather contradictory name of 'Liberator' was waiting to get my cargo. The 'Liberator' acted as I thought it will, it just blew the CTrans up, then was very disappointed to see it was empty.
Of course, the cavalry was late as usual and was destroyed before Boone could help them.
Thanx to the cavalry for showing up! We must work on that timing of theirs.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Nightfall,Oct 23 2006, 11:14 AM Wrote:Of course, the cavalry was late as usual and was destroyed before Boone could help them.
Thanx to the cavalry for showing up! We must work on that timing of theirs.
Message to: Epsilon Command
Comm ID: Esc.John.Prine
Pops here. My Viper is currently at Newark, ready and waiting re-assignment if necessary. As Bret space seems quite "discordant" at present, I'd be happy to "Pop" over.
I'm sorry to hear of your recent hassles and I'm sorry that I could not be present to help. Though I'm certain that there's not much I could've done against an Osiris...
Did I hear you right? Someone's pirating traders in a battleship? In Bretonian space no less! It is possible that the Escort wing of the IND may have to prepare for such encounters. I'll have to speak with Mr. Boone to discuss this subject.
You'd think that outlaw battleship captains would have bigger fish to fry than simple traders...