--Incoming Transmission--
-Source: Licensed Liberty Mercenary, Michael Fox-
-Boosting signal..-
It seems a few pilots claiming to be Kishiro have stolen two LSF fighters, or, "Raven Claws". I was told by Jack Malrone who was controlling the Indiana at the time to stand down just as I was going to take out one of them who engaged me. He got away. Soon after, Jack left, and I was left with the other. I went to assist someone who had engaged him near Rochester, his name fails me, and was soon engaged against him. The second pilot is named "Zulu". Of course, being in a Bomber put me at a great disadvantage to him, and I was forced to flee.
I do believe it is time for stricter laws, and harsher punishments against those who break certain laws of Liberty.
Finally got some quality time for full patrols tonight. And it seems, with flying for extended periods, my ability stays a bit better. Today I had the displeasure of finding and engaging Peto Gonzalex of the Hellfire Legion, thankfully a well placed mine made a mess of his Sabre.
Next was a Rogue Gunboat, who after the fight with Peto decided to step in with his partner gunboat. I led them to Manhattan where Bean and I each claimed a kill.
As this fight ended, and Order pilot wordlessly opened fire upon me, however he spewed forth missiles at an alarming rate, and a few CD's set him back a bit. Bean got the killing shot.
Then to California, now flying my Gunboat the Repentance instead of my typical Havoc. Having snagged a Capital 8 Armor Upgrade, I was feeling confident as the Indiana called in an SOS. As he retreated to New York with heavy damage, the Lousibourg and I came in and engaged the three Rogue Gunboats there.
A long fight ensued, fire waning in and out as the gunboats tried to coordinate. It ended as Jack Bauer came in on his bomber and forced the situation. He was knocked down, the Louisbourg got his pod, and his shooting opened a window for two quick decisive shots with the Forward Cannon
That is all, Ryans out
End Transmission
Closing Comms
[5:57:11 PM] InfernalTater (Lewis) [Formerly TLI-Inferno]:meanwhile, Aces 'I don't always miss my destinations, but when I do, I'm on the other side of house space.'
Well, it looks like my new promotion to Lieutenant Commander brought new responsibilities to my job; diplomacy missions. The Bretonian government requested an immediate diplomat to transfer some sensitive papers from Bretonia to Liberty. With most of the diplomatic vessels going under repairs at Norfolk, my gunboat was dispatched as a replacement. Most of the trip went off without a hitch, the tours of the factories and trade centres in Bretonia were excellent.
Unfortunately, the Hackers somehow learnt of this visit and attempted to steal the papers after they had been personally transferred to me by Admiral Whittlington himself. Fortunately, the Bretonia Armed Forces defended my ship and the classified papers from the Hacker. I thank Captain Stanley Nelson and Lieutenant Blake Owen of the BAF for valiantly defending my gunboat from the Hacker gunship.
We even worked together to stop a known smuggler, Kathir-"High.Drive". As i was on a diplomatic visit, all weapons had been disabled...however I assisted by firing cruise disruptors at the smuggler.
I do hope I get another diplomatic visit to Bretonia, it was brilliant, also i did like the meatballs they served there!
--Incoming Transmission--
-Source : Michael Fox, Licensed Liberty Mercenary-
-Boosting signal...-
A large Outcast fleet rolled into Manhattan today, with hardly anyone to stop them. Myself, Malrone, and one other (Who was quickly shot down) were left to defend. The fleet consisted of two or three fighters, a Destroyer, and a Gunship. I quickly destroyed the gunship, but a Freelancer by the name of "Black.Label" took it upon himself to destroy me just because "I hate you."
Here is a guncam shot of the remnants of the Gunship..
I tire of this Black.Label attacking me when he deems it fit, and I do believe it is time he becomes kill on sight in Liberty, or atleast not allowed within its borders.
--Incoming Transmission--
-Source : Michael Fox, Licensed Liberty Mercenary-
-Boosting signal...-
Busy, busy day! First, six or more Corsair Gunboats decided to attack New York. They were promptly destroyed by myself, and all of the lads who came to remove them. I applaud you boys!
And then, later tonight.. A Freelancer was ranting about being a Rheinland spy.. I searched for him, and found him. Lo' and behold, he is flying a Rheinland Heavy Fighter. I gave him a choice to leave, or be destroyed. He chose destruction. He went by the name of "FATALZ". Heres a Guncam shot.
My report for the day mostly including the supplemental for Mr. Fox's report.
I started my patrol in Texas, linking up comms with the Indiana and Officer Bauer. Texas being unusually calm, I flew over to New York to rendevous with the Indiana. Bauer reported a large force consisting of the [D.Brothers] were sighted in Bering and they were going to attack Liberty. Their force consisted of 5 Corsair gunboats, 2 that we have fought before earlier this week. The Indiana, Bauer and I couldn't stop them ourselves so we called for assistance on the system comm. We had many come to our aid, and their names were Smith, Bazis, Equilibrium, [joshwa], Duane-Dibley and several others. The Corsair force was [D.Brothers]Jimmy.Law,[D.Brothers]Travis-Wood,[D.Brothers]Wyatt,[D.Brothers]John.West and Lucas"Fuego"Gonzales. Our forces under command of Lt. Commander Malrone in his bomber, made a rendevous at Norfolk, waiting for the Corsairs to come.
As they arrived, the battle erupted and we concentrated fire on one gunboat at a time. Wyatt was the first to go by Mr. Fox and soon after, I was awarded a kill for destroying Travis Wood's gunboat. The battle continued and we took some losses, as the freelancer's Spatials could not hold back the gunboats. As stated in Mr. Fox's report, Jimmy Law was soon destroyed by his torpedo. Officer Bauer was awarded the last 2 kills as the gunboats were destroyed by his barrage. During the battle, the rogue gunboat Risky.Venture arrived to help us against the Corsairs. He did have pilots hostage and dropped them without hassle. The Venture fled into the Badlands soon afterwards.
Due to his brave and excellent conduct in space; fitting that of an exemplary navy officer, as well as showing the necessary skills to lead a flight group, I am hereby promoting Lieutenant Commander Zachary Ryans, to Commander.
Good luck with your new rank, Commander Ryans. Make us proud.
To all liberty lawful's. While patroling in my LPi fighter White Knight i came across the Rogue GB Mercy. Being in a fighter i engaged in a harrassing manner,and called for assistance. The LPi bomber "Rogue Cop" came in fired 1 shot,and ran for home, stating "that is a gunboat" a second rogue then came in ordering Mercy to leave his turf. He then ordered me to leave his turf,and i engaged. Needless to say i was no match for a bomber,and a GB alone. I recommend Rogue Cop be declared a traitor for abandoning a fellow officer in a fight.
Firstly, congrat's to Commander Ryans, my only advice to him is to avoid as much of the paperwork as he can.
Secondly, 2 XA eagles decided to harass Colorado last night, moccasin somthing and someone else. I don't quite remember, and my gun camera shot's are on the Missouri (I'm here at Manhattan) but nonetheless I managed to destroy the both of them in my fighter... scary eh?
Will continue to patrol and keep Liberty safe, as alway's.
Seth out.
[Transmission ends]
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Captain Sylar Kellis: Bridge of the San Francisco]
I am requesting a weapons change on the San Francisco. At the moment we are equipped with 2 Inferno cannons and 10 Liberty Primary turrets. I would like to know if 4 of those Primary turret's can be changed to Secondary turrets, so we can more effectively shoot down enemy bomber's that attack when we are dealing with an enemy capital ship.