Universal translators are the most logical explanation, unless we want to believe that the five/six major ethnicities of Sirius, who have reverted to imitation of their culture's 'glory days' back on Earth, all speak unaccented English rather than the language of the cultures they revere.
The Outcasts and the Corsairs speak the original, European Spanish. The bases/planets are based off the cities around the Mediterranean sea. Nothing to do with their language. If it were so, then the Corsairs would have also spoken Greek(Crete), Arabic(Tripoli, Fes) and Turkish(Yaren), and the Outcasts - Maltese(Malta), French(Bastia, Corsica) and Italian(Palermo).
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Well, I dunno, Spanish places dont really fit in. I can't quite imagine a "Planet New Madrid" as opposed to Malta and Crete. Perhaps its just that i'm used to those two names now...
However, I always imagined the Outcasts being more Spanish and the Corsairs being more Greek. I base that assumption on the fact that there are a lot of Greek ruins in... the English history museum now, but they were in Greece before (equivalent = artifacts), and the Spanish, albeit in South America, have a tendancy to grow quite a large amount of drugs (equivalent = cardimine). As a result, I have no idea how "Hola hermano" started getting used in Gamma...
@Yue: No, unfortunately, its just some gifs that a guy made. Hes got the terms of use on his site and as far as I am aware from the English bit, they can be used publically.
I see the sleeper ships representing different geographic regions as opposed to linguistic or cultural groups. It would seem like for the most part Asia, Africa and South America were part of the Coalition due to their lack of representation on Alliance sleeper ships. The British, French, German, and southern European, along with the Americans and Japanese all have representation. Each sleeper ship would probably have many different linguistic and cultural groups represented.
Quote:So, Corsairs Say Hola, but once near malta I got nearly killed for saying Hola...
Who did it? If it was one of the factions we need to have a chat...
I really think it's open to interpretation. I, personally, prefer the Italian/Maltese and occasionally a bit of the Corsican French, but really, the characters are what you make them. I have a Mexican farmer as the navigator on the Fantasia. Pepe no speak good English. Pepe want to go back to the farm...
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen