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' Wrote:Because they're around the Mediterranean sea... ask the developers, I don't know.
Cali base seems to be an exception to that, but it doesn't fit into the NA, Europa, Japan scheme too.
I myself agree with the italian/spanish language for Malta and greek/spanish for Crete. Spanish would reflect the common origins of both factions, italian and greek the variation during the last 800 years.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
The common language for Outcasts and Corsair should be latinum, because developers have taken base and planet names from territories which all belonged to roman empire once. Hence why Corsair ships have names of roman military, society and mythology.
Cali is an exception here and i think it is meant as reference to the Cali drug cartel in Colombia, but as you can see here: