there are a lot of things I'd like to propose to you and I won't expect that you answer me straight away. [color=#33CC00]But, before I lay out my propositions, let me first tell you that this particular message could be one day referred as historical one because it will definitely show a lot of potential, true symbols of prosperity for both sides, your well known Molly Republic that you're fighting for on one side, and my lil' Establishment that I'm laughing for on the other.
Here's what I propose:
1. Alliance! Let's form an alliance. We share the same enemies - Corsairs. I don't see why shouldn't we just team up because, and let's be honest, they're too numerous to be handled without proper help. I understand why you people hate 'em, they nuked your planet Cork. But me? I don't hate them nor do I have anything against them. I just enjoy challenging fun rides and, considering that they multiply like cockroaches, it will be very useful that we unite our efforts from time to time to prevent the infestations. We raided Gamma two times in the last two days. The first one didn't end that good, and the second one met my expectations, but in all - we simply destroyed a lot of their boats in both raids... sometimes even the same ones, again, and again, haha, haha, ha. One might say that some of them have found a way how to re-materialize their boats in matter of seconds.
Furthermore, BAF has been active in our sector. Although I had no intentions to attack those tea-worshipers in order to respect rumored under-the-table deal made with Outcasts, they attacked us. So now, I'm just gonna have to deal with 'em as well. That's two common enemies, Mollies, both of which are presenting a lot of problems to your independent republic, right?
2. We have only several types of ships at our disposal. They're good enough. I'm really satisfied but my Thugs aren't. What I'd want is a approval for usage/purchase of following ships: Barghest, Werewolf, Hyena and Greyhound. You have to understand; I just want my people to have wider options when they're choosing their ships. I don't want 'em to get bored or something. We all know how much morale is important to keep a bunch of men combat-effective.
3. I've got almost everything I need on Barrier and on the Asylum but one of my associates doesn't - ProjectX. So I'd like to ask from you following as well: engine components, high-temperature alloy, basic alloy, H-fuel and some nuclear devices. These supplies won't be used only by this wonderful guy but we'll use 'em as well. Shipment of mentioned supplies once every two weeks would be simply sufficient. Him having access to Foyle Shipyard for servicing his Dread only once every two weeks would be also welcomed but I don't think that you'll do that for me. Trust me, it's not like he does raids with it or something, but he do keeps Coronado safe for me from bigger targets that one day might visit us. So this is just a precaution measure which could also be used to your advantage as well in potential future...operations.
I'm a terrible person, some people say. Well, I can't blame them but I'm not a liar. There are downsides for you if you choose to accept these propositions. I'm gonna lay 'em out for you as well as a sign of my humorous objectivity.
1. Liberty Rogues might not like this deal. The reasons for this is are rather ridiculous. One of my Thugs docked at their base once just to use a bathroom in a hurry. Next day they raised a huge fuss about it. I apologized but it seems that wasn't enough because several days later, and you wouldn't believe this, few of them funny-named Rogues joined Liberty Navy & Police in a attack against us just because we were drinking coffee and telling jokes while scaring away innocent traders. This proven to be a poor choise for all of them. This attack I didn't take too seriously nor do I ever take anything seriously for that matter, hehe. Let's just hope they won't do it again, for their sake. Too bad, I really like their funny names.
2. Hackers don't like us... erm... as well. One time I only wanted to test their gunboat turrets and they refused me over some crappy reasons. So I cut off the head of one of them just for fun. We never actually engaged them, but my Thugs are telling me they engaged us once. I didn't take that act seriously as well, but... You know the rest.
These two reasons are the reasons why Outcasts, at least some of them, are starting to hold grudge against me. That's why I doubt I'll have any deals with 'em; not because I don't want to. It's because they're too damn proud. I'm waiting several days for any word of them for just a start of negotiations for potential cooperation. Correction, I've waited. Well, to each his own. I don't mind that at all. I was just being reasonable but they don't seem to care about it. The fact is that they have no possession of the real facts and they believe more to their allies,who do nothing for 'em and who are blowing things out of proportions, then me, who just do things and who is simply showing his true, friendly face of laughter. Should you take these as reasons good enough to reject me? It's entirely up to you. In any case, our diplomacy won't change from neutral to hostile if you reject me. But respectfully, I won't offer this deal twice. Not to you, not to anyone else.
Think about what's best for your Republic. Think about will you, by accepting this deal, be closer to achieving your secondary goal.Will you become our first allies ever? Am I to be trusted? Will my principles, that is if you believe me that I got 'em, make this potential alliance even stronger than any other in Sirius?
I'll say it again; I'm a man of my word. You'd have a powerful, rising force on your side.
Coleraine Base, Londonderry -- Dispatcher ID: Molly Republic Councillor Colin Breen -- Recipient ID: The Joker, Barrier Gate, Coronado -- Subject: Diplomatic Agreements -- Encryption:Donnae matter as ye cannae break it. [font=Agency FB]
First off, Mr. Joker, let me apologise tae ye aboot hoo long we took to be sendin' a reply back.
As ye fair well can imagine, this were quite the propoosal o' yers... we were fair well occupied workin' oot what we were wantin' tae tell ye fer a while. Boot, ye see we figured it oot, aye.
Second off, yer friend "Prooject X" can be sendin' his oown diploomatic request fer the use o' our facilities an' the equipment he needs. We'll be dealin' wi' ye an' ye aloone here fer noo. We really donnaken who X is anahways.
Now, ontoo the treaty.
First, we'll be ignorin' any sorta tiffs ye've had wi' the Hackers an' Outcasts an' Rogues an' whatnot. This is the criminal side o' life, mate, an' if ev'ryoone was happy wi' ev'ryoone, we wouldnae be the criminals anymoore, if'n ye get me meanin'... disagreements an' such're jus' things we gotter role wi'... they donnae invoolve oos anyway.
Lesse now.
Ye hae three basic enemies noo:
Outcasts, Corsairs, an' BAF. An' maybe we'll be countin' the Zoners.
We hate two o' thoose, an' against one - the Corsairs - we coold use as mooch help as ye can offer. The BAF... gen'rally we donnae tooch 'em and they donnae tooch oos. In theory. An' Zoners, well... if ye attack 'em, we ain't gonne be sayin' noothin' aboot et until they stop lettin' Corsairs crawl o'er Canaria, if'n ye see where we're comin' frae...
The Outcasts... we're not too friendly wi' 'em... as mooch as they cannae be acceptin' it...
We fight fer freedoom, an' they're slavers an' droog dealers - that's takin' freedoom away, bo' in the mind an' the body.
That said, on to what we're really talkin' aboot - Alliance.
Those're powerful words, mate, an' we donnaken if we can troost ye yet.
Ye'll hae to be proovin' yerself tae oos. Now, ye might hae been killin' Coorsairs an' whatnot recently, boot here's what we need:
<span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%]Proof of ye an' yer men killin' 1 Dunkirk Class Bretonia Battleship, 5 other BAF Craft
2 Legate Class Corsair Dreadnoughts, 5 other Corsair Craft
1 Kusari Destroyer, 5 other KNF craft... an' if ye can get a battleship on toop o' this, we'll be mighty grateful. They ain't too common, ye ken...
An' while yer oot doin' thae, feel free to use our bases as a base fer yerself, just step lightly...
Oos Mollies're rough, tough, an' cranky, and we're Molly to the boone.
Few nootes aboot this:
1. If you attack Outcast craft, dock at our bases ONLY if there are no other craft in the system or adjacent systems. 2. If you attack BAF vessels, dock at our bases ONLY if there are not other BAF craft on radar... unless ye killed it near one o' our bases... in that case, ye cannae land there. 3. If you attack Zoner craft, don't worry about anything. 4. If you conduct training exercises while basing yourselves off of Molly bases, move at least 10k away. 5. Don't flaunt the fact that we're letting you use our bases. 6. Treat any and all Molly tagged vessels as if they are part of the Molly Republic. If they prove to be aggressive, refer them to myself or any other consuls. If they still continue to be hostile after you tell them this, you may defend yourselves only if they fire shots. I expect reports of all incidents of this sort in our communications channel.
As fer Guard bases...
Coleraine's off limits. Period.
Ye can use Foyle to dock yer Asylum an' repair an' refuel an' whatnot. Just don't stay in Derry fer long.
Ye cannae use them to base oot o' like a normal base. If ye need somethin' at one, go there, get it, an' leave.
Ye're authorised to use fer the time bein', while yoo proove yerself fer oos... 1 <strike>Rogue</strike> Molly Gunboat 2 Werewolf Very Heavy Fighters
Unlimited Hyena Light Fighters
Ye're REQUIRED to be tellin' oos if ye use any o' these, even though we're lettin' ye. Just send a little message into our comms channel so we know what's what, eh?
Other ships later.
An' yes, that means Barghests.
An' ye canne be usin' any gun wi' a Molly name on it - Dublin Duster, Trefoil, Saoirse, an' such.
Ye can use basic an' civilian weapons oor bases sell, thoogh, an' we'll sell ye ammoo.
I suppoose that's that an' all, so send a message back if ye have any objections're questions aboot this all.
I think I'm lookin' forword to oor future cooperation, Mr. Joker.
[font=Trebuchet Ms]Hm. Two surprises for the J-man in one day. Both unexpected this time. [color=#33CC00]First those commie bastards tricked us and now... Molly-boys came to save the day. Really nice. I gotta say right now; I agree with everything here but I have one lil' problem - sometimes it's so hard for me to understand what you are saying, ha-ha, ha-ha. That was a joke of course.
I'll get to your list of requirements as soon as I get my fleet running. My Asylum is capable of servicing our vessels but it can't repair that many of them in such a short period of time. That's why I'll dock some of them and get it to your Foyle Shipyard as soon as possible. That should speed things up.
Barrier is heavily damaged. Reds even destroyed our bar where I wanted to host my show. Sadly, 70% of our long-legged hotties died in that assault as well while waiting for us to return from a battle in order to...greet us. It seems that commies don't dig on hot chicks. Those all-for-the-party boys even killed three of my lovely dogs when they crippled my lovely tridente. That's what made me even more sad. I made my first mistake but...
They. Will. Pay. For. It. Soon.
We'll restrain ourselves from using Molly bases for now. We don't want any room left for incidents that could spoil this opportunity for our alliance. And that alliance will happen soon. And we shall rule, rule together!
Muha-haha, ha, ha, haha, ha-hehe, ha-he, ha-ha.