' Wrote:I proposed Zweihaender, because the ship looks like a heavier version of the Sabre (albiet, slightly). Fencing weapons don't really seem to fit any more.
Actually, a Flamberg ain't no fencing weapon at all. It's two-handed, special Bihaender, used in defensive fights. It's blade used to be up to 1,5 meters long - which qualifies as 'huge', I'd say.
Alternatively, you could name it 'Flambard' or 'Flammard', both synonyms for a Flamberg.
Edit: Actually, Virus is right about the name being general... just a question: is Freelancer capable of displaying umlauts? The German version sure is, but I'm not sure about the English version.
' Wrote:What's so great about Zweihaender? It doesn't stand in relation to the rest of Line. A Zweihaender is a very large weapons Knight used, while the others were rather used for fencing. Zweihaender doesn't sound that well even when you're german...
At least not for ship...
I propose naming it Scimitar and rename the dagger replica could be foil....
That bit was responding to this. I realize my post was all over the place. Heh.
I just noticed there are some mistakes in my post. Thanks Virus.
My problem is: I think Zweihaender just doesn't sound that well. At least if you're german. It's like naming a ship "wheelchair" just because it seems to sound good...
Why not Flamberg? It seams to be a similar weapon (refering to Sleipnirs posts it's actually nearly the same) but the name sounds much more exceptional/ less common. Zweihaender mostly refers to the way you wield that weapon... So naming it "Zweihaender" sounds in German like naming it "two-handed weapon" in English.
I think there's a reason why the sabre is a "sabre" and not a "saber".:)
Flamberg would be a good choice, as it's nearly the same as a Zweihaender but has a much mor interesting name...
How about a Falchion? It's a very much Scmitar, Sabre like curved blade held in two hands... A huge curved blade...
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Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
Noooo... it sounds too french. Don't do that! *makes gagging noises
There is a lot of untapped creativity here... let's kick it into high gear folks. It is a Rhineland ship, let's at least keep it in the spirit of the people it represents, eh? Falchion... my afterburner.