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John Holliday's Personal Log :
We are making progress with the wounded. I can say with confidence that while they may be in some pain and discomfort and some in need of some various surgeries, all that remain should live. I had some councilors come aboard to help those with the mental anguish of this all. I intend to stay to see them all through these hard times. The staff of Freeport 5 is staying here until their base is able to be occupied.
I do miss home. Hopefull, Midori will head out and join me. I need her company, her comfort and I could put her nursing skills to work as well.
On a side note, to keep things financed, I have asked my young friend, Patrick Garand, to keep my transport going for awhile. I need to keep things funded and the Marshall Earp sitting at Lividia won't do it. Patrick is a good kid.
Commander Haddock and his men are keeping the ship right here, providing external power to Corfu until work is done. I think I chose well when I selected him to run Med.Force.
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John Holliday's Personal Log :
Staying out here will be much easier. I got a surprise visit from Commissar Alvin Katz. As with so many, he delivered my emergency stash of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals. He also, much to my surprise, brought Midori with him. She's a little sick but she will be fine. I owe much to the Commissar as it is a dangerous journey for him and his men.
William Cross still lays in his coma. His brother, Victor, someone I have formed a good friendship with, has been with him often. At this point, the best I can do is keep him nourished through his I.V. and hope he comes back soon. A therapist keeps his joints loose each day.
Commander Garbriel's mother is stable. No change with her. Only time mends a broken back. As with Victor Cross, Commander Gabriel spends much time with her mother.
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Ship's Medical Log, Dr. John Holliday reporting
Today, we transferred some of the worst of the burn victims to the Hacker medical ship, Genesis and began a joint effort to return these men and women to their former selves. I found the medical staff of Genesis to be very, very good and highly efficient. My staff and I have decided to work a bit more with them and see if we can't work more in the future on research. Individual reports on affected Zoners will follow later after further review.
William Cross remains in a coma. No real change there as it's just a waiting game. At least he's breathing on his own.
Commander Gabriel's mother continues to do well. I'll be sending a message to her before long.
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Chief Medical Officer Dr. Edward Tesh's Log
I have personally taken in a new patient, a Miss Doreen Naggar. She is all of 19 years old and was quite scared when I brought her in. She is also in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy, I'm guessing probably around 7 months plus. She was suffering from some radiation sickness as she was somehow floating around in Omega 41 in an escape pod but we have treated her in a detox chamber. I can also safely say that no harm to her unborn child has been done. She is resting comfortably and had a full meal. The problem is where she goes from here. Few, if anyone, knows where she is and she told me with a weak smile today that she feels "safe" here.
Personally, I find it a shame. Such a pretty young girl becoming a single mother. She spoke of the father being a Red Hessian. I know little else about her.
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Commander's Log
After safe guarding Corfu Base, assisting in it's repair and taking care of the hundreds of injured, we have returned to Gran Canaria. As Freeport 5 is still not yet habitable, the base personnel are now getting some much needed rest and family time on the surface of Canaria. My command staff will also get some shore leave as well. Med Force is moored just outside the docking rings and a Zoner crew is looking after the ship and giving it a good once over.
Ambassador Holliday took his leave of us at Corfu as he and his lovely wife are heading to Honshu to visit her family. He deserves the rest too.
I am proud of my command crew as they performed brilliantly in our first real test. The ship also did as advertised and then some. Well, I shall enjoy a few days with my kids while home. There is a pause It's been 2 years since their mother died.
Chief Medical Officer Dr. Edward Tesh's Log
I have been working with the new scientist on our new burn treatment equipment. What I witnessed was astounding. Men and women, who's faces were burned to the bone, healed as if it never happened. This will make our staff even better. My shore leave will be limited as not only do I want to work this new equipment, I still also have William Cross in a coma, a woman still with a broken back and Doreen Naggers resting 8 months pregnant. I fear she may go sooner than later. She's a small framed girl and her belly is starting to firm up. I do hope she has some family somewhere. She will need them.
On the Canarian surface
The command crew all returned planet side for some much needed shore leave. The many hugs of re-uniting families and tears of joy were all around. Most expected never to see their loved ones who spent the last few weeks recovering from the bomb blasts.
For one middle aged Zoner pilot, it was bittersweet. While away at Freeport 5, the blast and radiation burned him so badly that it was expected he would live as a monster, a freak with a deformed face. He was burned to the jaw and bones all over his body. He was given up for dead. While he was away, his wife had given birth to a son. She cried as they re-united.
"Let me look at you," she said, her smiling teary face looking at him as her fingers explored his face.
"It's like nothing happened to you," she said.
"A lot has," he answered, trying to hold back his own emotions, "it's just the physical scars are gone."
Her fingers felt his cheeks, his mouth and throat, all of which were virtually gone after the blast. She was stunned but didn't question anything. She just had her husband back and that's all that mattered.
"Now, I have something for you," she said.
She then leaned over and picked something up. She then turned to him, handing him a bundle of blankets with a small face showing at the top, it's eyes wide open but quiet.
"Sweetheart," she announced as she handed him the bundle, "I now present to you Thomas Eric Newman, your son."
Letting his emotions go, he held his son, looking into his eyes and never breaking eye contact. He was speechless as he rocked him gently, listening to his wife speak.
"He's perfect," she said.
He just nodded and sobbed, "he has your eyes."
She just nestled herself into her husband's side. For several minutes that seemed like an eternity, they just enjoyed their family re-union.
Unbeknown to them, the doctor who healed him walked by. He saw the re-union. He stopped for a moment to watch and then moved on......satisfied. It made all of the hard work worth it.
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Dr. Edward Tesh was taking a moment to enjoy a cup of coffee as he scouted the pharmaceutical bio-dome. For a moment, he was enjoying some peace as he witnessed for the first time, one of the many features that made Med.Force unique. His peace wouldn't last long.
"Dr. Tesh, you are needed immediately in maternity," came a voice over his com link.
"Damn," he muttered under his breath as he took another sip of his coffee, "I'll be right there."
He made the long, brisk walk to the maternity ward trying to consume the remainder of his coffee along the way although spilling much of it on his wrist. After some ten minutes, he finally arrived and was intercepted at the staff station.
"Dr. Tesh, this came for you," a young nurse said as she handed him an envelope. Quickly, he opened it to read what it was about and put on a face of disgust as he read, The Government of Rheinland, Department of Justice, does hereby order Dr. Edwar Tesh to appear in the Superior Court of Rheinland on Planet New Berlin in the system of New Berlin, as a witness to the case of Chistian Nagger.....
"Dr. Tesh," yelled a voice in the hall, "you are needed now, Sir."
He nodded, folding up the summons and putting it in his pocket, "This will have to wait for at least the next few hours" he said to himself as he headed to the room where Doreen Naggar had gone into full labor.
The attending nurse was doing all she could for the young woman who had her hands cupped around and pressing against her belly as she breathed hard. Seeing doctor Tesh enter the room, she looked to him,
"Doctor," she panted, "I.....can't.....wait" as she tried her best to control her breathing.
He then made a quick examination of her belly and then checked her dialation. He then called for additional staff, "I need people in 151 now. We are going to have a baby."
"Nurse Hackett, do your best to comfort her," he ordered, "she's already crowning." The nurse acknowledged and took her hand in hers and did her best to re-assure the young mother-to-be.
Other staff members entered the room and took positions around her as Dr. Tesh positioned her feet in the stirrups.
"I can promise you this, Miss Naggar, this will go quick. I didn't think you would make it full term," he told her as he got into position. "All right, Doreen, push!"
And push she did as she gritted her teeth and put a death grip on the nurses hand. The baby, already crowned, came out to the shoulders. Dr. Tesh then reached to assist the child out on the next push.
The nurse continued her praise of the frightened, young woman through her now sore hand as she managed a few quick breaths between pushes.
"OK, Doreen, one more," instructed Dr. Tesh. She then pushed with all she had left as he gently assisted the baby out of it's mother. Finally, the baby was out and the tired mother laid back for a moment, the nurse praising, as she tried to catch her breath. The nurse then propped her head up so that she could watch...and watch she did for a sign, any sign of the new life she had just delivered.
The baby's air way then cleared and the cord cut and tied. While it was being wrapped up, it took it's first breath and screamed it's entrance into the universe. "Waaaaa" filled the room as his mother smiled in relief, tears of joy falling down her face. The baby was weighed and checked over. A diaper was then put on and blankets then wrapped the baby while a small, blue hat was placed on it. Then, doctor Tesh brought the crying package to it's mother.
"Congratulations, Miss Naggar, you are now the proud mother of a 6 lb. 15 oz baby boy," he announced as he handed him to her. "Nurse Hackett will help you while we clean you up and put you back together."
Now laying on the bare chest of his mother, the baby lay quietly, his eyes seemingly looking at his new world while his tiny hands managed to half-wrap it's fingers around his mother's own finger. Then, for a time, they seemed to make eye contact.
"Hello, little man," she softly said to him with a smile.
"Do you have a name for him?" asked the nurse.
She nodded with a smile, "Benjen. Benjen Christian Naggar"
A few minutes later, Dr. Tesh checked on both of his patients. Satisfied all was well, he turned a recording device onto the mother and child. Little was said but much was seen.
"Christian, I want you to meet your son, Benjen Christian Naggar. We are both well."
The video ended as Dr. Tesh instructed the nurse to assist Doreen in getting a start on nursing her son, Benjen.
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Ship's Medical Log, Doctor Koji Tenaka reporting
In Dr. Tesh's absence, I have been put in charge of the medical department until he returns from the Rheinland.
Doreen Naggar is sore, as expected, but resting comfortably while she learns the art of being a mother. Her newborn son, Benjen, is off to a good start having taken to his mother's breast quite well.
No change on Willam Cross. Per Doctor Tesh's orders, we are beginning the process of having him transferred to Canaria Medical as there is nothing more we can do aboard the ship.
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Commander's Log, Commander James Haddock Reporting
Having done all that we needed, shore leave at Gran Canaria is over and we have moved back to Omicron Theta. We will be at Lividia in a day or so for more re-fits. John and I have discussed the permits we wish to get for passage through Kusari so that we may be able to finally get to Baffin.
My recent trip to the bio-domes was very good. Amazing what the staff there has accomplished.
As for John Holliday himself, he has returned home to spend some time with his wife.
*smiles* I think he's looking forward to parenthood myself.
Ship's Medical Log, Dr. Koji Tenaka reporting
In Dr. Tesh's absence, I am managing the medical staff. Little has changed. William Cross remains in his coma with no signs of him waking.
Doreen Naggar is feeling much better. Mother and child are doing well. We have moved her to her own quarters where she can have private time with her child as she has chosen to nurse. We have plenty of room so it's not an issue.
We have taken on new supplies and the staff has also become well versed in our new burn treatment equipment. It is simply awesome how that equipment is.
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For the first time since her son was born, Doreen Naggar and her son were moved to a private quarter aboard the ship. Since little more than research and drills were taking place, she blended right in. But the real deciding factor by both the command and medical staff to keep her aboard was that she had no where to go and no money on which to survive. With her father, Christian, on trial in Rheinland, it wouldn't be long before her family would be forced to leave as well. Considering all she had been through, she really didn't want to leave the comfort and security of the ship. With no friends or family, it was home, at least for now.
A nurse came to her quarters to stay with Benjen to give Doreen so time to herself. Dressed in some sweats, a loose shirt and a small handbag, she went to a small lounge where she found refuge in a corner seat. The bartender, knowing she wanted to be alone, brought her a soda and left her. Doreen forced a smile and nodded and turned back away.
She took a sip and just sat, staring out a window into space. She was nervous and scared for her father and younger brother, both of whom faced a certain fate in Rheinland. She wanted to block it out of her mind but she couldn't. So nervous was she that she opened her purse and found her pack of cigarettes. She wanted to stay off of them but her nerves wouldn't allow. Lighting up, she just deeply inhaled that first puff and held it as she closed her eyes and finally exhaled it. It felt so good, that first cigarette after 9 months. Still, she wanted to quit but couldn't, not the way she felt. She sat quietly, thinking, slowly smoking and sipping her soda.
All the thoughts of Rheinland took her mind off of herself. The pain in her abdomen was gone but her breasts sometimes ached, especially close to feeding time. But, the more she sat, the more she thought and the more she considered the testimony she had given, the worse she began to feel. She wanted her Daddy so badly and only now did she realize the magnitude of the mistakes she had made getting to where she was. First, tears began to run down her cheeks and then finally, she started crying again. Putting her cigarette in the ash tray, she just put her elbows on the table, her face in her hands and she began to cry hard but silently in the corner. Although she didn't want to draw attention to herself, she did as the staff maintained a constant watch.
A hand took rest on her right shoulder and a kind voice spoke, "It's a shame that a pretty girl like yourself is hurting so much," he said. She turned to see Dr. Tanaka standing and smiling. He offered her a tissue, which she accepted and wiped her face.
"Thank you," she sniffled. As she tried composing herself, he sat before her. He also reached over and killed the still smoking cigarette, "You really should give those up." She only nodded her agreement.
"Can I get you anything?" he asked.
"No," she answered softly.
He just looked at her, knowing that something wasn't right. "Miss Naggar, let me be your friend. I think you need one about now."
"I'm just thinking about Daddy and everything he's going through," she told him.
"We all are, Doreen. Believe me, all that can be done is being done," he explained, "you did what you had to do."
She just shrugged and again wiped her nose.
"Listen," he said, "why don't you join me for a movie. We have a nice theatre and they usually have something good playing. Benjen is in good care and really, I think it'll do you some good."
She thought for a moment and with a forced smile, nodded her approval. After the movies, Dr. Tenaka walked her back to her quarters.
"Thank you," she said, "it was nice to be able to forget for awhile."
"You are welcome," he answered smiling, "remember, you have friends here so don't feel alone."
She retired to her quarters and Benjen for the evening.
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Ships's Medical Log, Dr. Koji Tenaka Reporting
The ship's medical bays are quiet for the time being. We are using this time to cross train personnel on various equipment. We are also expanding our knowledge base in the research labs. When the Ambassador gets back, he intends to contact the Order on some information he wishes to persue.
Miss Naggar and Benjen are well. I am trying to help her quit smoking. It's a tough time for her to do that considering the stress she is under. She has taken a position on ship working in the bar. It's not much but she seems to enjoy "feeling useful."
Commander's Log, James Haddock Reporting
Things are quiet. I have found an old friend from High School and have been giving her the grand tour. My how lovely she turned out! The reactions she has to the ship are that of a child but to the unknowing, it's expected. Mine were much the same.
I also have a new engineering officer, Lieutenant Tamara Kenseth. She's a whiz with fusion drive and nuclear physics which is something we have been needing.