Hail. The following can be counted as my...registration.
Name: Shamayim
Age: No thank y-- 24.
Sex: I'm busy he-- Male.
Do you agree to the Terms stated above?: Yes
Do you accept that if you break any of these terms your liscence will be suspended?: Yes
Why do you want to operate in Liberty?: Firstly because I have relatives living on planet 'Hattan. Secondly, well my good man, what are all mercenaries after? Money, to make a living for themselves, and jobs to make money to make a living for themselves, and licenses to get jobs to make money to make a living for themselves, and registrations to get licenses to get jobs to make money to make a living for themselves, no?
Have you ever engaged in any unlawful activity?: Ever? Anywhere? I'm going to have to refrain from answering that one.
Brief History about pilot/ship: Well, I'm afraid I'm just a common mercenary, 'squire. After I ehm...was removed from the independent department of the Liberty Navy's roster for...well...unfitting behavior...
*Short cough*
...I started working for money instead. One must live, no? However, I can assure you, I work mostly with those abiding the law *another short cough*
***Neural Net Chat link Established - Welcome To The Liberty Database***
communications link established....standby............
To:Mercenary Shamayim
From:Sub Lt. Shad Winston
Uhmm greetings Mercenary, your application is a little bit fishy....anyways everything checks out, you are approved to operate in Liberty Space. Keep in mind though Shamayim you were kicked out from the independent department of the Liberty Navy? What makes you think we can trust you not taking a contract against us. You will be allowed but you will be watched and kept on trial, If you do any unlawful action or break any of those terms your liscence will be suspended and you will be banned from Liberty
We'll see how long this lasts ... last time I tried registering with Liberty I got bit by double-speak.
If Liberty can GUARANTEE that you will not change your minds later on about mercenaries and declare us all enemies of the state again, I'll consider registering. But last time I got bit and got bit hard. I gained approval and within two weeks was declared hostile due to yet another merc ban.
Give me a GUARANTEE and I'll consider your registration
Name: Escort-Omega-01 (Captain Hazard)
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Do you agree to the Terms stated above?: Yes
Do you accept that if you break any of these terms your liscence will be suspended?: Yes
Why do you want to operate in Liberty?: My home system and can make credits there.
Have you ever engaged in any unlawful activity?: No
Brief History about pilot/ship: This is Captain Hazard. The Omega is a refurbished IMG gunboat purchased legally and paid in full. The purpose is to escort merchants through hazardous trade routes which I have done with great success. I have never lost a transport to hostile fire. I also "teach" Transport pilots techniques on how to evade Pirates, and never over charge for my services.
I have never and will never perform any act that may be considered illegal. Goes against everything I stand for. I also have no problem protecting any lawful pilot who is in harms way.
Greetings Baltar, I am interested in who allowed you to operate in Liberty, There was was ban ongoing for a while, and there was little to no exceptions. Maybe a pilot from one of the Independent battlegroups allowed you to stay? I am not sure. But I will tell you sir that this is official. And mercenaries will not be declared enemy of the state as long as they are registered and are loyal to the Liberty Navy
Second Mercenary Escort-Omega-01. You have been approved to operate in Liberty Space. Keep in mind that these terms will stay in effect as long as you operate here. If you break any of those terms your liscence will be terminated. Liberty needs dedicated Mercenaries like you. Keep her proud. I am transfering your liscence now.
***Incomming transmission***
from: Sub. Lt. Shad Winston
To: All Mercenaries currently active in Liberty
This is a message to all currently active and prospective Mercenaries. Thier has been an update on the terms. a 6th term has been added, please go over it before you apply to operate in Liberty Space
Name: Joshua Keats
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Do you agree to the Terms stated above?: Yes/<strike>No</strike>
Do you accept that if you break any of these terms your liscence will be suspended?: Yes/<strike>No</strike>
Why do you want to operate in Liberty?: I have a long term contract with Interspace Commerce.
Have you ever engaged in any unlawful activity?: No
Brief History about pilot/ship:
After I lost my parents in a mining accident in Tau-37 the only thing I had was an inherited gunboat class ship. I figured that becoming a mercenary might be a good way to earn some cash. After some minor escorting contracts, an acquiantance of mine informed me that Interspace in Liberty is looking for mercenaries to patrol their trade lanes as piracy is causing their clients to withdraw their insurance contracts. I went to Newark and signed the contract day after. Now all I requiere is a mercenary liscence.
Joshua Keats
You Have been approved to operate in Liberty Space. Please keep in mind that this is a priviledge. If you break any of those terms your liscence will be terminated. Liberty needs dedicated Mercenaries. Keep her proud. I am transfering your liscence now.
On a Side note I have seen you help keep the lanes safe, and I personelly welcome you to operate here