@Dopamino: - no, that doesn t work, there is no room for such wings. - the wings on the eagle work, cause the ship has a shape like a bird - a low "head" a high and bend back.
this ship follows the BW line much more - and you can t imagine a sabre with eagle wings either - it just doesn t fit. - BW ships are meant to be different - with straight wings. - this particular ship is more like the dromdary - that only has some very thick "wing stumps".
i tried eagle like wings - and they look silly, like kitbashing ships that don t go well together.
Any wings or fins you put on a GMG ships should pay homage to the Taidaan series as a unique GMG design element.
The GMG seems to draw on other design elements from Kusari, IMG (with the cockpit set back like a Viper) and (in the case of the new bomber) Rhineland.
In terms of the BW design, the thinner nose of the Sabre is balanced by the width of the wing stubs.
Might I suggest - put a pair of the same wings you use at the diagonals on the horizontal plane - or lengthen the diagonal wings slightly to give the ship a little more width?