Hyperwave22,Nov 22 2006, 05:33 AM Wrote:Hey, welcome man :) great to have you.
The reason that people are telling you not to do missions is because it causes lag (major) due to the server that is currently being used.
We're getting a new server pretty soon, so check out this thread:
Ahoi there mate! Welcome to the server and have a great time! And please do listen when people like me today it was Roddy&Rita[JammyDodger] and Dab posting server wide messages about aborting missions.
Qunitinius~Verginix,Nov 22 2006, 05:37 AM Wrote:Ahoi there mate! Welcome to the server and have a great time! And please do listen when people like me today it was Roddy&Rita[JammyDodger] and Dab posting server wide messages about aborting missions.
Safe Flying and Good Hunting!
Verginx Out
is it just missions that do it or any sort of combat?
Qunitinius~Verginix,Nov 22 2006, 05:50 AM Wrote:No, only missions. You can go and kill people all you want, as long as you dont go into the bar and hit accept mission button.
Verginix Out
oh thanks!
i was afraid i was gonna have to buy a freighter :$
The sig looks cool in my opinion.. still waiting for Vicious on my newer, and hopefully better sig.
And if you want to make heaps of cash, I'd say freighter then transport is the way to go. Container transport has 5000 cargo. Makes enough to finally buy a BS without a month of missions/trading. If you don't plan on buying anything larger than fighters and gunboats, then you won't need a transport ship. But I'd still highly recommend it.
There are also alot of faction on this server (you might have seen all the tags) and I'm sure if your looking for a faction/clan you can find one that you like. If you are looking for a lawful faction, definitely pick RM (Rheinland Military) at the moment. They are kinda in need of active members, as alot of theirs became semi- then non-active.
Dab,Nov 22 2006, 05:58 AM Wrote:The sig looks cool in my opinion.. still waiting for Vicious on my newer, and hopefully better sig.
And if you want to make heaps of cash, I'd say freighter then transport is the way to go. Container transport has 5000 cargo. Makes enough to finally buy a BS without a month of missions/trading. If you don't plan on buying anything larger than fighters and gunboats, then you won't need a transport ship. But I'd still highly recommend it.
There are also alot of faction on this server (you might have seen all the tags) and I'm sure if your looking for a faction/clan you can find one that you like. If you are looking for a lawful faction, definitely pick RM (Rheinland Military) at the moment. They are kinda in need of active members, as alot of theirs became semi- then non-active.
my friend online said that i have the "police" tag on my name when he sees me in space, is that a faction?
No, I mean player factions. The tags are the Computer (we call NPCs, Non-Player-Controlled) factions. The player factions are for example: [RM], [AW], {Helghast}, [SF]. The NPC tags are for role-playing purposes.
I have a [Wraith] faction char with Bundschuh tag and ID because the Wraiths are Bundschuh aligned. They are a Bundschuh fighter wing, so we use that faction's tag so we appear red to the Rheinland Military aligned and Rheinland Federal Police aligned players.
Once you get a faction completely green on your rep list (F8) you get their tag. Until then, you keep your police tag that should come up neutral (white) on everyone else's hud.