New Transmission Comm ID:David H. Petraeus Source:Planet Harris, Tau-31
I have been asked to say a few words to the House of Kusari, on behalf of all those who perished in the name and beliefs of the Alliance.
Today I journeyed to Tau-31 to interview members of Bretonia and Kusari's Armed Forces as to the start of the War that has plagued the Tau's and its residents... As I finished my Interview with a Bretonian Flight-Commander I proceeded to the Battleship Nagasaki to hear Kusari's side of the story.
I was met by an Agent of the Naval Forces whom showed out-right disregard to loyalty to the New-Alliance we have formed here in Sirius, even going so far as to slander the good name of the billions who died during the appalling Hundred-year War of the 23rd Century!
In my anger I would have declared that your House has defected from the rest of Sirius to go about the same path as the Coalition! However I will give you a chance to explain yourselves and take necessary matters to what has transpired.
This War is a direct violation of the Boreman Treaty, and the consequence of starting this blood-shed, is looking to fall on you...
And as I may add, not only did the Naval Forces Officer I met utterly renounce the Alliance, he went so far as to threaten me with a permanent trip to the afterlife and showed utter disregard for Human life, evening going so far as to carry out those threats and attack my vessel.
I will await your response to this imputation, Shall I not receive an answer I shall assume the worst.
Greetings, sir.
I'll make this short. I know of no Boreman treaty. The alliance we've known was destroyed, 8 centuries ago when our ancestrors settled here, on these grounds far away from each civilization.
While not all of us agree with war, and not all of us agree with each battle we take on, war is part of the human nature, be it right, or wrong.
So tell me, define this "worse case" of your's and I'll wish, for you and for myself that it wasn't a "war threat".
New Transmission Comm ID:David H. Petraeus Source:Planet Harris, Tau-31
Captain Mitsurugi,
I am appalled that you cannot even recall the Boreman treaty. I trust that it was all over the news during the Nomad War, how Rheinland Blockading Omega-7 was met with increasing hostility by all Houses.
Perhaps I should remind you that the Treaty still stands today, signed by our past leaders that we all trusted to act in best interest of our homelands.
I should also remind you that the treaty forbids hostilities between houses let alone a full-scale War!
As for the Alliance, it still stands today. We did not flee here to go our separates ways after we sadly lost to the Coalition, we fled here to unite again under the Banner of the Alliance and escape any prejudice that was harbored towards us long ago.
As for Human Nature, I have already had that argument today... thank you for making it easy for me.
What do you even know about Human Nature? That everyone is the same in a manner of sense because we are all Human? When we arrived here we went for hundreds of years without War...
War is not wrong, nor is it right. One can wage War against another for more power, more wealth... Or one can wage War against another for heinous crimes or even genocide.
Which one of these examples do you perceive to be morally right?
There really isn't anything your even saying to defend yourself, even if I am wrong about War not being Human Nature, the matter stands that this war is not for morals or for the greater-good...
And thus, that is what makes a War.
Now Captain, are you going to tell me to Go Away? because War is Human-Nature and its within Human-Nature to forcefully take wealth, land, equipment, etc... for the purpose of gain?
Or are you going to answer as to why one of your Officer's conducted himself in a manner that no Military would condone?
-David H. Petraeus
Transmission Terminated.
//Listen closely to Juni as you approach Planet Sprauge in Singleplayer, look in News Clippings from Bretonia-Rheinland in the Campaign. The Treaty exists, and is not smoke.
For one thing, you committed high disrespect by calling me a captain.
I hope you realized you just retrograded myself of -quite- a few ranks.
About the Boreman treaty - yes. Pardon me, but I'm afraid this treaty is no more valid. War has been declared, and treaty or not, it has become moot.
The officer you talked to, probably wasn't even entitled to speak. As a member of a military force, you probably know we are not allowed to speak our personal opinion out.
If you want the official version of the war, you will be able to find it everywhere in the news, I'm fairly certain of it.
None of the KNF personnel' opinion reflect our official stance.
As of human nature - trust me, I worked by ranks up, from Liberty to Kusari, to general. I didn't won the bars with my eyes, but with my share of dirty jobs. And dirty jobs, I had them, more than my load for at least 5 lifetimes.
If you think human nature is all about peaceful parks of children playing around grandmothers, well, better space out of this dream, and welcome to real life. Welcome to the ugly reality of war, the necessary evil of mankind in society.
I am not telling you to go away at all, just not cause any trouble in Kusari.
New Transmission Comm ID:David H. Petraeus Source:Planet Harris, Tau-31
General Mitsurugi,
I am terribly sorry for... the rank mix up - I had journeyed to Kusari once and witnessed several of their Captains called Taisho by their subordinates and took it that it was like back in Liberty where you would call a Superior Officer by his Rank.
Or in your case, Her rank.
However should I be calling you by your old rank in the Navy? Or should I be calling you by the title you display on your Identification as Boss?
And yes I realize that their opinions are bias, but they reserve the right to speak their mind... and even if a member of the Rheinland Military, Liberty Navy or even the Bretonian Armed Forces did so much as to threaten the person with death for asking a question regarding conspiracy or anything... The fact that their opinion does not count does nothing for their conduct...
I'm fairly certain that Military Officer's opinions do not speak for the nation however seeing as your officer threatened me with death in the presence of whoever you have commanding the Nagasaki, and nothing was done as far as I saw, no wings had been launched as a precaution in case the officer did not immediately report back for punishment.
But I feel that we are only digging a deeper hole instead of progressing.
What you have said has been the answer I am waiting for, a simple denial of the fact that whatever the Officer did was not sanctioned by the Kusari Naval Forces - Under normal circumstances I would have not pressed the matter had it not been in the Presence of one of your Battleships.
Now that my question has finally been answered...
I've already read the news, and gotten the opinions of the people fighting the war, the details differentiate some and even have things not listed inside of the news.
As for Human nature, I don't think its all Love and Peace... I think Human Nature is abunch of insufferable garbage.
If it was Human Nature to wage War, then it should be Human Nature to take revenge too, or any other reason to go to war...
Yet then how is it that when we have not experienced culture that we have no thoughts of taking revenge? You see there is no Human Nature... every single soul is different from the next, some may have similar views and some may not, and if you wish to argue a point that you may have gotten from what I have just said... some have the view that Murder is right, yet even you and your Honorable Emperor forbid it.
There is no such thing as Human Nature, it's how and where the person has been raised and educated.
Some have told me on the fact of War is Human Nature to read a History Book... I would like to say that I have done so, and I have found that certain civilizations have not done things until outside influence came into play that are considered Human Nature...
It should not be "This is Human Nature" it should be "This is the way that MOST people from that place usually think"
Every person has different views, and those views come from any influence... from their parents, their peers, their family, or from themselves... We are not written like a book, neither should we be considered as such.
Now, from what I am able to gather from both the news and the 'testimonies' of some of the men and woman fighting this war... It must come to an end.
I am hereby calling for a temporary truce between Bretonia and Kusari, and for delegates to discuss the matters of this war mediated by myself, in a hopes to find a way to end this conflict peacefully so both sides are pleased with the outcome.
In the mean time my ships will occupy Tau-31 and bar both Kusari and Bretonian Vessels from attacking eachother, political progress will only take place if sufficient security exists.
Should neither side attempt a way to negotiate the end of this war, more drastic measures will be taken that both sides will consider to be far less... unsavory.
-David H. Petraeus
Transmission Terminated.
//Now I realize I made a small argument there about NPC inaction and I understand that your completely not liable for it, you may answer that how you will or even say that I saw wrong.
Statement on behalf of the Her Majesty's Government of Bretonia:
The Bretonian Government will agree to open armistice negociations only on the condition that the Empire of Kusari offer an immediate end to the seige of Harris and a unilateral withdrawl of all their forces from Tau 31, and agree to later demilitarize Tau 23 following negociations. Until a statement to that effect is received by the Bretonian Foreign Office, our Bretonian Armed Forces will continue in their defence of Her Majesty Queen Carina's sovreign territory in Tau, and of Bretonian citizens on Harris.
Any attempt by the Peace Corps to forcibly prevent our officers from the execution of their duty in defence of Bretonian citizens, thus putting Bretonian lives at risk, will be seen as an attack against our national sovreignty and treated accordingly. Threats of "unsavoury" or "drastic measures" are hardly in keeping with the image of a pacifist and upholder of human rights. Nontheless, the Peace Corps delegation is invited to remain on Harris at Her Majesty's pleasure for the time being, in the hope that they may bring about an end to this unwarranted Kusari invasion of our sovreignty.
Lord Canning, 9th Earl of Malmesbury
Foreign Secretary of Bretonia
--End Transmission--
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>