"Let's keep 'em coming Sophie...I've just had the worst news.
My nueral net has been fried! I can't frakkin' believe it! Of, course...I was figuring 'hey, it's brand new, what could go wrong?'
Ahh! Just pass me a bottle then, I'm gonna put on a drunk like those Winter boys did...."
romer,Nov 18 2006, 09:10 PM Wrote:"Let's keep 'em coming Sophie...I've just had the worst news.
My nueral net has been fried! I can't frakkin' believe it! Of, course...I was figuring 'hey, it's brand new, what could go wrong?'
"Just coffee for me this morning, Sophie.. serious trading awaits. Give me some of that elephant dung, or whatever it is Jay has hidden in the back." said Pops.
"Romer, Lad. Not sure why any of us are running around without investing in one of those "Fnordette" thingies. From all reports, they're virtually bullet-proof. Some rather profligate spending habits, though..
"So Patrick has seen the light on the Espsilon weps loadout, eh? Out in the Edges lookin' for replacements, I hear. Knew it would only take one freight train to make him see the light.
"Contracting with Ageira for the moment, Lads. Have become a bit bored with my little "dallaince" with Planetform, Inc. Seems like the reason I acquired their ID was totally wasted on the intended butt of the joke. I suppose they have other concerns at the moment.. replacing a flagship.. rethinking battle tactics and alignments.. the usual. So it's probably back to Freelancing at the first opportunity. A bit more "comfortable", if you get my drift.
I suppose some of the Bretonia routes will be a bit warmish for awhile. Any plans to convoy up or keep the Epsilon sots occupied with escort duties til the storm passes?"
Jay turned his head for a moment, the samples taking their toll on his brain ...
"Thats Guatemala Elephant you bloody philistine ...
Jesus H Christ, Sophie, please get these guys a decent cup of coffee, and whatever ever
else they seem to able to consume.
Seems there may be troubled times ahead, I hear rumoured rumblings of war, though
that can only be a good thing for the big corporations, as usual ...
Supply and demand ... Oh well, heads down for a while then, and you can be sure I will
be having a call from the broker to say, cover suspended till hostilities cease.
Epsilon will have to be put on full time standby, that'll please them ... Not
No sense of humour over there in Bretonia ...
Hey pass that back over here, I hadn't finished with it" ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
"I'll choose to ignore that smartass remark there ...
Ok, atmospheric conditions aside, though I understand a major change in our weather is
about to happen, be nice to engineer a convoy with a couple of escorts for a video commercial
Make up girls are optional ...
I'm going to try to call on a couple of those 'orrible terrorist types to come and attack us ...
So botts and batts to the brim people ...
Anyone interested in a bit of fame, minus the fortune, of course. Ideas on the board please.
Sophie, get em out the office will ya please, tell em its happy hour."
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Patrick Boone raises his head from behind a table, surprisingly sober...
'Yeah, interesting ideas there I'm sure at least one more of the Epsilons can show up. Count me in.'
'I'm concerned though... the terrorist types in Ravenclaws will get owned too easily by the Vipers... what if we change our uniforms? Guardians or Avengers perhaps? Maybe even bring out the Titanic it looks finished from the outside?'
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Edgar peeked around the corner. He felt a bit out of sorts, being sober for once.
"What's that? Are we having a field trip? Sorry guys, I won't be able to make it. It seems that some time during my last drunken stupor, I injured by back. Threw a disk or pulled something. I don't understand all that medical jargon anyway. I've got a release note from my doctor...hmm...doesn't seem to say anything about not drinking though..."
Black-dressed, white skin and a cruel smiling, she moved through the door.
"We haven't met here, folks - only met at the comms: Seven"
Her boots made a fat clicking sound, while she walked towards the bar.
"But I would like ya to know my real name: Maria B. D'Arc.
Expect me born in a viper - Lady, whatever seems good at the moment -
The trading in a train is okay, I just miss the action. I have a good offer for a viper, I can reload.
If ya all want, I can keep yar asses protected or at least help.
Fleet's growing, space's dark and so am I. - no lady, it's leather an' latex an' pvc - eases getting the blood off -
If ya all agree, I become part of the escort-wing - and we can ave a real drink, here.
I see a reason for talking about elephant's dung. - Lady, Vodka, please - "
'Edgar, only lightweight drink containers for you -- might I suggest trying the serbian shlivovitza, prepechenitza or manastirka if you want to try something new... makes a terrible hangover if mixed with something else, traditionally they serve it in 50ml doses. Otherwise, if you want a bigger container... maybe try a straw? Or...' he gets interrupted by the vision of gothic valkyrie entering the bar, he examines her from head to toe while listening to what she says.
'Whatever turns you on baby, as long as you can fly that Viper and shoot the red squares on the HUD, I don't care what you wear. I'll stick to my worn-out LSF style if you don't mind.' Pat replies in a flat tone with a dose of sarcasm behind it. 'Give the Viper a name on the squawkbox, no need for the 'Esc.' part as I'm gonna be handing out NCCs for the ones having that part.'
'Otherwise, Maria B. D'Arc, welcome to the Epsilon Escort Wing!' looks for Sophie... 'Sophie! Give the lady two of what she drinks and another round on my account for the rest of the people.' Pat turns back to Maria 'Have a seat with us and let's discuss your loadout. But first...' turns to Edgar 'Ed, where was I? Ah, yes, serbian drinks......'
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
"...serbian drinks? Well, I don't need to know how to pronounce it so long as it achieves the desired effects. Oh, and the doc gave me some pills to take as well."
He drops a few pills into his hand from a small brown bottle.
"Better have something to wash these down with..."