Well, for the smaller ships, I can't say too much, as I haven't flown them around enough.
The Templar and Rheinland Bomber are what I've flown around the most, and I really liked them.
Freighter: Large Train - I think it looks cooler than the Container Transport, and now it holds more cargo :)
Gunboat: Bretonian Gunboat - They're all pretty good, but I like the Bret. one because I love Bretonian design :yes:
Cruiser: Kusari Cruiser or Liberty Cruiser - I like the looks, and the Liberty cruisers weapon is really nice when you hit with it. Although, the Albatross frigate is really nice too, but it's not necessarily a "cruiser," per say.
Battleship: If nobody has figured this one out by now, it's the Bretonian Battleship. I like Bretonian design, the battleship being my favorite. Plus, it's not as slim as an Osiris, making it a little cooler, but it can still make it through asteroid fields all right :)
With all of the power sources now being the same though, most of the battleships I tend to like, and if I had to choose another, it would be the KU battleship.
Light fighter: Only flown the starflier so that I guess. :D
Heavy fighter: Haven't flown any in discovery
Very Heavy fighter: Haven't flown any in discovery
Freighter: Large Train
Customisable cargo pods and great carrying capacity.
Gunboat: Bretonian Gunboat
Looks good and has decent enough firepower.
Cruiser/Destroyer: Huegenot
Many reasons. One is that it's dead sexy. Plenty of guns and a small profile.
Battleship: Corsair Dreadnaught
Star wars clone wars styling...how can it be wrong? :D
and fav overall: Liberty Assault Frigate
Closer to a Battlecruiser than a Frigate, it has a nice array of offensive and defensive capability. Probably the most powerful ship that can easily navigate asteroid fields.
There are of course disadvantages. Battleships and Destroyers/Cruisers can take an Assault Frigate on if they know how to exploit the weaknesses.
I changed this thing in my cruiser section. I would advise everyone looking for a pirate cruiser to go ahead and buy the Red Hessian Cruiser. It is better in all ways then the Hugenot and looks really cool as well. I cant tell much more for fear of it being a spoiler and what not. Check it out!
LF: Liberator- I don't really know just seems like a cool ship
HF: None i like VHF
VHF: Colonial Viper or Nepthys- Colonial Viper is fast and Nepthys is like the Anubis but better, always liked order
Gunboat:Liberty Gunboat is the only one i ever tried
Cruiser: Liberty Cruiser's forward gun is AWWWWWWSSSSSSOOOOOMMMMMEEE!!!
Battleship: Outcast Dread - Battlestar II - I like the Outcast Dread cuz its sweet i dont really know why i like it and the battlestar II can do funny stuff and its the best i think it can take out anything ( it should be cuz its 800 mil)