Today, on Planet Curacao, representatives of Liberty, Bretonia, the Independent Miners Guild and Orbital Spa and Cruise signed the following Treaty:
We, the representative governments of the Republic of Liberty and the Realm of Bretonia, in order to establish free and unhindered travel of goods and people between our two nations, to fight the scourge of piracy and terrorism, to protect the rights and freedoms of all our law abiding citizens, and to bring security, order and governance to the Star Systems of Magellan and Cortez, do ordain and establish the following Treaty.
Article I - Governance
Clause 1: The Systems of Magellan and Cortez are to have the offical status of Joint Protectorates of the Republic of Liberty and the Realm of Bretonia conferred upon them.
Clause 2: The President of Liberty and the Monarch of Bretonia shall jointly receive the official titles of "Protector of the Independent Worlds of Magellan and Cortez".
Clause 3: A quartet of the Liberty Government, Bretonian Government, the Independent Miners Guild and Orbital Spa and Cruise shall, in council upon the Planet of Curacao, make any future decisions regarding the governance of these two systems, through amendments to this Treaty.
Clause 4: In these such meetings, each member of the quartet shall hold a single vote. In case of tie, casting votes for issues concerning only Cortez to be held by Orbital Spa and Cruise, casting votes for issues concerning only Magellan to be held by the Independent Miners Guild. For issues concerning both systems, no casting votes may be held; agreements would require an absolute majority agreement from 3 of the 4 parties. Abstentions are permitted.
Clause 5: The trade lanes within Magellan and Cortez are to be nationalised by the House Governments of Liberty and Bretonia. Trade lanes in the eastern half of both systems shall pass into the ownership of the Liberty Government. Trade lanes in the western half of both systems shall pass into the ownership of the Bretonian Government.
Clause 6: All property rights within the Magellan and Cortez are to be strictly protected by this Treaty. This includes all ships, stations, planetside facilities, satellites or mining installations under lawful private or corporate ownership. All natural resources within the systems are in the public domain, and shall remain free and open to private or commercial appropriation.
Article II - Rights
Clause 1: Liberty Navy and Bretonian Armed Forces vessels and warships, of any class, shall have full access rights to fly through and patrol any portion of space within Magellan and Cortez
Clause 2: Liberty Navy and Bretonian Armed Forces vessels and warships, of any class, shall have full docking rights to base themselves from Planet Curacao.
Clause 3: Liberty Navy and Bretonian Armed Forces vessels and warships, of any class, shall not have docking rights nor base themselves from Freeport 4, under penalty of a 250,000 credit fine to the IMG.
Clause 4: Liberty Navy and Bretonian Armed Forces vessels and warships, of any class, may under emergency situations only, dock on Freeport 4 for repairs or supplies without which their lives would be endangered. If possible, permission should be sought from Independent Miners Guild authorities.
Clause 5: The Liberty Navy and Bretonian Armed Forces retain the right to pursue outlaws caught in criminal acts within their home space into Magellan and Cortez, there to catch and impose punishment upon them.
Clause 6: The Liberty Navy and Bretonian Armed Forces retain the full rights to enforce within the systems of Magellan and Cortez, all the articles and clauses of this Treaty, and any subsequent amendments to it.
Article III - Laws
Clause 1: A no fire-zone with radius 5K around Freeport 4 is to be officially established and enforced. All vessels shall comply with this, with the exception of self-defence. This Law is to be enforced by official agents of the Independent Miners Guild.
Clause 2: Free Trade is to be fully open between Bretonia and Liberty. Any act considered to represent an Obstruction to Free Trade shall be considered a criminal offence in the eyes of Liberty and Bretonia. Obstruction to Free Trade shall carry an attached fine of 200,000 credits per offence, collectable by any lawful agent of the Bretonian or Liberty Government, half payable to the government of each nation.
Clause 3: Piracy shall be considered a criminal offence in both systems, defined as the extortion of money by non-lawful agents from any ships under threat of destruction or damage. Vessels found pirating in these systems shall receive kill on sight status in both Liberty and Bretonian House space, as well as in the Independent Worlds. This to be maintained until a fine of 4 million credits has been paid by the vessel in question, half payable to the government of each nation.
Clause 4: Terrorism shall be considered a criminal offence in both systems, defined as an unwarranted attack resulting in destruction or damage to any lawful vessel or space installation. Vessels found engaged in acts if terrorism in these systems shall receive kill on sight status in both Liberty and Bretonian House space, as well as in the Independent Worlds. This to be maintained until a fine of 6 million credits has been paid by the vessel in question, half payable to the government of each nation.
Clause 5: The trafficking of counterfeit software from Liberty to Bretonia is to be considered a serious offence by both Houses. Any vessel caught with counterfeit software anywhere in Liberty space, Bretonian space, or Magellan or Cortez space, shall be considered guilty of a crime against both Liberty and Bretonia. Any lawful agents of either government catching such offenders are to seize and destroy all such software, and impose a fine of 400 credits per-unit upon the vessel, half payable to the government of each nation. This to be done regardless of where the vessel in question was apprehended.
Article IV - Combined Operations
Clause 1: The Bretonian Armed Forces and the Liberty Navy may, at their discretion, patrol and enforce this Treaty in Magellan and Cortez acting independently in separate operations, and maintaining separate command structures.
Clause 2: At the request of the ranking officer present of either the Liberty Navy or the Bretonian Armed Forces, the total military forces present within the Independent Worlds shall become combined. All joint operations should use Combined Fleet status.
Clause 3: When in Combined Fleet status, the ships shall no longer act as vessels of the Liberty Navy or Bretonian Armed Forces, but as ships or fleets of the Naval Alliance Treaty Organisation, NATO.
Clause 4: When in Combined Fleet status, no operations in the partisan interests of the Bretonian or Liberty governments can be conducted. Only operations related to the enforcement of this Treaty can be conducted, without prior approval of both national governments.
Clause 5: NATO fleets may not engage national enemies of one or the other of the member nations (e.g. KNF) but if any NATO ship is attacked whilst in Combined Fleet status, regardless of the attacker, the entire fleet should respond to their defence.
Clause 6: When in Combined Fleet status, all military ships shall use the NATO Equivalent Ranking Command Structure (see appendix i). The ranking NATO officer may accept or deny requests for the fleet to separate again.
Clause 7: IMG and Orbital Spa and Cruise ships may, as signatories of this Treaty, also be admitted to serve alongside NATO fleets, at the discretion of the ranking NATO officer.
Clause 8: The Headquaters of the Naval Alliance Treaty Organisation shall be Planet Curacao.
i) Equivalent ranking chart
ii) Collected fines: All fines collected in payment for crimes against the Treaty are to be divided equally between Liberty and Bretonia - collecting officers should forward 50% to the following 2 addresses:
For Bretonia: QCG|Treasury
For Liberty: [LN]-Armoury.001
Signed: For the Government of Bretonia: Carina
For the Republic of Liberty: Powell
For the Bretonian Armed Forces: Percy Nelles
For the Liberty Navy: JTalon
Witness for Liberty: DavidHale
Witness for Bretonia: Stanley Nelson
For the Indepenent Miners Guild: Barrington
For Orbital Spa and Cruise: CEO Sanders
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
And the criminal elements opposed to it who tried to kill off the Treaty.
by Terry S. Hamm
Planet Curacao - Cortez system 31st of January 817 A.S.
In this historic meeting Queen Carina of Bretonia, President Powell of Liberty, top military chiefs of both Houses and the CEOs of the Independent Miners Guild and Orbital Spa & Cruise came to Planet Curacao amid extremely tight security to sign a treaty of governance and law enforcement designed to ensure the right of every citizen to pass securely through the systems of Magellan and Cortez.
I, Terry S. Hamm, was one of the privileged reporters to able to witness along with some civilian on-lookers and report on this moving and momentous event right from the beginning. I was graciously granted access to the Security Comms.
Liberty Dignitaries Arrive(videos 1-2)
Liberty dignitaries headed by President Powell and including Admiral of the Liberty Navy John Talon and Vice Admiral David Hale, arrived in Cortez well in time. The President's entourage consisted of a contingent of capital ships Durango, Louisbourg Fortress, Montana, Carson City, Anchorage and Stronghold. The fleet was accompanied by countless fighter wings headed by Admiral Valence Harper. After the Liberty fleet had established a secure perimeter the President himself arrived aboard Liberty One.
A Lone Hacker Causes A Stir(video 3)
A lone Hacker tried to approach the Liberty One and got chased away very quickly. I have no idea what he was trying to accomplish with this. But the whole incident made clear the need to be alert at all times.
Bretonian Dignitaries Arrive(videos 4-7)
Her Majesty Queen Carina brought with herself an equally impressive fleet to make the security nearly impenetrable. The security detail included the capital ships Steadfast, the ship of Commodore Sir Stanley Nelson, BAF's Diplomatic Officer and the main architect of the Treaty, Majestic, Pendragon , the Fleet Flagship commanded by Admiral Mark McKenna, Redbreast and Tartar, as well as numerous fighter escorts. The Queen herself traveled with Fleet Admiral Percy Nelles to the meeting aboard the Royal Liner Imperatrix and was shuttled to the surface.
After this the system was sealed tight as the respective militaries closed down all the trade lanes leading to the planet and began diverting traffic.
Unprecedented security measures surrounded the heads of states joined in signing ceremony.
The Lunch And Meeting Begins(videos 8-9)
While waiting for IMG delegation to arrive the President and the Queen sat down to have a lunch hosted by the CEO of Orbital Spa & Cruise. On the menu was exquisite Curacaoan Salmon with Houston Gravy and finest wine from Cambridge. The rumor has it that CEO had brought in a chef from Luxury Liner Hawaii just for the occasion.
With diplomatic pomp and ceremony the dignitaries exchanged formal greetings, before seating themselves around the conference table to begin the main business of the day.
Whilst they were exchanging pleasantries a small skirmish took place behind the planet and the terrorists were quickly driven away. Obviously the heads of security did not want to alert the dignitaries because of small disturbances and mar the day for the heads of the states.
The atmosphere in the meeting was cordial.
IMG and OSC Dignitaries Arrive
The IMG representatives led by Guildmaster Barrington aboard the Battlecruiser Trailblazer had encountered unknown problems on their way there, but arrived in time to begin the Signing Ceremony.
Finally the OSC, as represented by CEO Sanders of Pangalactic Travel, arrived onboard their magnificent liner Majestic.
IMG and OSC delegations
Commodore Nelson then proceeded to review the terms of the Treaty for the benefit of those present, ensuring that there were no further points of contention. Fortunately the terms, as drawn up by Commodore Nelson and Vice Admiral Hale at a previous meeting on board the Bretonian Embassy in New York, proved more than satisfactory to all present.
And the criminal elements opposed to it who tried to kill off the Treaty.
by Terry S. Hamm
<div align="right]...continued from page 1
The Signing(videos 10-11)
To witness the signing itself was a marvelous feeling. I was just beginning to understand the effort of the diplomats and ambassadors involved that it had taken to reach this historic point. With all appropriate pomp and ceremony the President and the Queen, together the Navy Admirals and heads of IMG and OSC, carefully and with great dignity signed their names on the sheet of paper.
As the dignitaries concluded the last finishing touches of the necessary procedures a security alert of more serious proportions started to trickle through the security comms.
The Signing of the Treaty in process.
Terrorists' Attempt to Stop the Treaty(videos 12-15)
As the signing formalities drew to a close I got a feeling that my editor might also be interested in the disturbances and possible attempts on the lives of the Queen and President. A force consisting primarily of Lane Hackers, the group who has the most to fear from this treaty, began broadcasting propaganda messages over the top of the news coverage, causing the security forces to move in against them. Based on the coordinates given in SecComm I headed to the hot spot bandying my Press ID in hopes of not getting shot.
I succeeded to take some truly extraordinary photos and videos of the grim reality this treaty will mean when the talks are over and dignitaries have flown home. It was a surreal feel to see a fight to death open up before my eyes as the signing ceremony broadcast was going on in the back-ground.
At first it seemed that the Terrorists would gain the upper-hand as they succeeded in shooting down several Security force pilots, but as reinforcements from the main fleets arrived the Terrorist forces were either destroyed or forced to flee.
Meanwhile I was filming the main skirmish a lone Hacker managed to penetrate the security perimeter using the battle in the South as a decoy. It was soon shot down by the combined firepower of the security forces
Attack of the terrorists.
Dignitaries Departure And An Interview With Commodore Nelson
After the signing was complete all the dignitaries boarded their ships an a tight security ring formed around their ships as they proceeded home to their respective Houses. The meeting was hailed as a great success by all participants.
Commodore Nelson was kind enough to grant me an exclusive interview with him in Manchester system. I took a shuttle and met this fine and courteous gentleman aboard his ship, Steadfast. He explained to me shortly what the Treaty holds in it and what it means.
To: IMG, Bretonian Government and Liberty Government.
Orbital Spa and Cruise is reviewing the Treaty. When we have made a decision my employer Andrew Bellingham will contact you. However the current train of thought with in is to break from the Treaty considering its age and the needs of Orbital Spa & Cruise with Curacao.
This is a notification that we are reviewing the treaty only.
**** Incoming Transmission **** From: Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild To: Liberty Office of Foreign Affairs, Manhattan ; Bretonian Office of Foreign Affairs, New London ; Orbital Spa and Cruise - Curacao office, Blue Bay settlement, Planet Curacao Subject: Treaty revisement for the independent worlds between Liberty and Bretonia Encryption: Low (Civilian, readonly access to Lane Hackers, foreign intelligence factions)
Gentlemen and women,
The Curacao treaty has, as I see it, served it's purpose well. I must admit, piracy incidents are frequent, but given that both the nations of Liberty and Bretonia are locked in a war, it is a given that their naval assets focus more on defending their nations then securing protectorates which, to put it bluntly, are without any high-value resources of interests other then the trade lanes and gates that link them to your houses.
Miss Allen has hit the nail on the head in saying that this treaty is old, and may need either a reaffirmation, or amendments to reflect the ever changing situation within Sirius. Thus my suggestion is not to review the treaty as-is, but hash out a new set of principles based on the previous treaty. Many of the original governance clauses have never been in dispute, and I cannot remember an instance where the quartet of our forces was invoked. In short, politically, the independent systems of Magellan and Cortez seem politically stable. I do not think either of us has the wish to change that.
I would recommend completely revising the joint operations clause. To my knowledge no such cooperation ever took place, despite it being planned out rather well. I suspect the aforementioned wars are the cause.
As to our motivation to withdraw the no fire zone, this is a direct response to Bretonia's reluctant stance on having a similar no fire zone around Freeport 1, in the Omega 3 system. The Independent Miners Guild isn't interested in squabbling over who gets to fire their weapons where - the situation in space is that these zones exist in name only anyway, and are rarely respected unless agressively enforced. It is much simpler to have the Freeport 4 garrison make their own assessment wether or not any hostile action in proximity to the station is a threat to the station itself, and act accordingly. I suspect the Orbital Spa and Cruise escort wings based on Cortez would have a similar attitude towards hostilities in orbit. Either that or relay images of any such hostilities planetside for their action-loving guests.
I would welcome your thoughts on the matter. Although old, the Curacao treaty is still in effect. Perhaps this will be the first time that article 1, clause 3 needs to be invoked.
- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild
**** Transmission Closed ****
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
**INCOM** ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk Arundel Castle - New London
Gentlemen, and Ladies,
Bretonian operations inside of the NATO zone have worked in co-ordination with the Liberty Navy to secure the space in question on several occasions. In fact this region is exceptionally stable due to this treaty.
I am, as well as others in the Bretonian Government, in favour of renewing the treaty. However, the important principles of it must remain consistent.
I am sure my counterpart in the Liberty Navy will agree.
And because something is old, doesn't mean that it is obsolete. There is a reason that section of space is safe, stable, and quiet.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Baroness Evyn Hunter
Origin: HMS Craven's Nest
Recipients: Kim Allen
I believe you missed Article 1, Clause 3 of this treaty, Ms. Allen, that states all decisions regarding the future of the governance of these systems be decided by the quartet of this treaty through amendments to this treaty. If you wish to abolish this treaty, you are going to need two other supporters to agree to do so as well. Bretonia certainly has no interest in abolishing this treaty, which serves its purpose well.
As for the Freeport 4 No Fire Zone, Mr. Sanders, you shouldn't be too concerned. Bretonia's stance towards Freeport 1 is a combination of history, problems with the station's past and present administration, and its heavy use by enemies of the Kingdom. Freeport 4 does not carry with it these concerns, and Bretonia has had no problems with you No Fire Zone in my memory. If you still wish to abolish it, however, that is your choice, and I'm certain our delegate would agree to it if it is what the Miners Guild truly wants.
-Baroness Snowdown Admiral of the Norfolk Great Fleet, Bretonia Armed Forces
Quote:[color=#66FFFF]This is a notification that we are reviewing the treaty only.
So I do not see why you are both argueing with myself or Orbital Spa & Cruise's position that I cannot revoke or change the treaty. And I will also let you both know that I am not in charge of Orbital Spa and Cruise as it seems that you think that I am. My employer is.