''The Alcatraz depot, the place where you find a new home when you have none'' - Ashley Manroe
"Yeah...Alcatraz...there's a warm place you can get drunk in, and if you get knocked out cold..well, the medical bay is two levels lower" - Antony Kerner
"Ahh, you cannot have a better sleep than Alcatraz...nor you can find a better job anywhere but..." - Menual Albertez
"One of the best comm links ever, what can i say. The hackers worthy." - Gorge Syprus
The pub is right above the engineer bay and docking hangar, while reinforced to block out any sounds of the landing transports with cardamine shipments, its still heard when a bigger ship lands.
A bold man, only bearing some snippets of white hair on the sides of his head watches the rather quiet bar...Not too many around, everyone's hunting for their bread. Indeed, the bartender, while an old man in his eighties, he still knew how to shoot that nova torpedo and the drinks he served had same punch to them. He had everything, starting from good ol Sidewinder Fang to everything including cardamine ale, Molly ale and something as simple as spirit.
He liked it quiet, and so did a few others. The high command of the Liberty Rogues was settled in this very base and, while not receiving so much attention as Buffalo, it still held a high value in the a rogues work.
The shadows of ship patrols and cargo ships from outside whizzed over the man'ss scarred face and he smiled some...this wasn't solid ground, but by gods he loved his home...
A tired looking outcast enters the bar "ahhhhhh my head oooo ow! ahh ow!"
"sir? you want somehting to drink?" said the bartend
"yea sure gimme something weird"
"right away!"
the bartend handed him some weird sizzling drink
the outcast chugged the thing right down and then
Ashes took a step into the pub. Her eyes panned across the room slowly. It surprised her how relatively quiet the room was. She figured it must be a bad time of day. All the other Rogues must be out in space pirating, or some such other malicious deeds. She must have slept in again, but then it was hard for her to tell what the time was. She was never good at it. For all she knew, she had slept for eighteen hours... again.
She quickly moved away from the door, not wanting to draw too much attention to herself, too much. She stuck out like a sore thumb in this place. Attention from lonely, drunk Rogues was not something she was interested in, either. She pulled out a stool from under the bench and sat down, with her feet perched on the footrest around the base of the stool. She was too short to reach the ground from this stool. She shuffled the stool forward, to pull closer to the stool. She hunched over the bench, and rested her elbows on the counter.
The bartender approached Ashes, she didn't even need to place an order. She was a regular and the bartender knew her well. He placed a small glass and a bottle of Sake in front of her. Ashes figured she needed at least something true to her culture.
"'Ere you go miss." The bartender spoke as he gave her the drink, and left the bottle. She nodded in thanks and tipped the bottle slightly, pouring the drink into her glass. She pinched the top of the glass between her index and thumb, leaned back and drunk the contents in one go. Ashes placed the glass back down on the counter and hunched forward again. She cleared her throat.
"Best stuff as always." She complimented the bartender quietly.
Andrew smiled as he walked into the room, stepping over the body on the floor to move and sit down on a table near Ashe's own. The young man was wearing a simple uniform he used when not running around chased by lawfuls and for once he actually seemed to be in a pleasant mood. He carried two suitcases, one large, which, yet again, was filled with some kind of devices, by the sound of the metalic clunks, the other was a lot smaller and was filled with documentations of the recent raids, muggings and as well of new blood.
He sat down and nodded to the bartender, he too was someone who was enjoying the place a lot and he relaxed in his chair and closed his eyes, smiling.
"Was in New York today...turned my comms on the fullest and ya' know...soon there will be a few more new ones. Seems like lately ta' navy and police is upsetting some local independents and they just said tha' they would rather join the rogues...good for them. And before ya' ask, yes i will make sure those are not some spies or such..."
Andrew opened an eye and found his usual drink, already set on his table, along with a small glass and he smiled. The old bartender was just as quick as ever.
"I hope you actually finish your drink this time, Mort, i always find myself dumping the stuff..." The bartender grumbled some and narrowed his eyes, already sitting behind the long table of the bar "That stuff doesn't come from ice rocks, you know.."
Andrew coughed "I know, i know, just when a' come 'ere for a sip, i find myself lost in paperwork...that's all...So much ta do and so little time. Need ta keep those darn smugglers safe and keep up with piratin' those fat ones, while dodging those navy and hunter guys..." He murmured to himself and sighed, then closed his eyes once more, then looked over at Ashes.
"Like a cat." She replied, without looking across at Andrew as she poured herself another glass of sake. She leaned heavily on the counter with one arm, and looked across.
"And don't even get me started on the Navy. They ganged up on me and Draya with half the damn fleet, and shot up my Falcata bad. She's in the shop getting patched up now." She said with a grumble. She was not in a particularly good mood. Further more, she hadn't seen Draya since the fight, so she was worried for her friend.
Ashes glanced at Andrews' drink. "I never figured you for a lightweight." She commented, and downed another glass of sake in one gulp. She was going to need another bottle soon. She at least had a fair few credits left from her last big score to pay off her tab. After that though, she needed to get back into space and pillage a few more transports. The recent Navy crackdown was making it harder and harder for her to pay her bills, though.
Andrew looked at his own, still empty glass and chuckled.
"Ahhh..well, Boss would likely want me to be more or less clear-minded if ya get what i mean....paperwork cannot be handed in with spirits stains..." He murmured and then looked at Ashes once more and smiled a bit caringly, almost like a father would.
"Better get something to eat...you cant feed a cargo pod a supernova if you see five of them, i had that once...ohhh, missed and shot up a battle barge..that was amusing to say the lest." He chuckled silently and looked outside the large window that had a faint view of planet Majove and he smiled.
"About your ship though, ill have a look see what i can do about it, i still need ta learn a few things about outcast tech, already am going to outfit my barghest a bit as soon as i get those hull panels...junkers bein' lazy these days." He chuckled and reached for the bottle, then shook his head and took a few papers instead and began to check something, evicting an unsatisfied grumble from the barmen.
"After i get this stuff checked up, ill need to take out my sabre for a spin...you in?" He looked sideways at her. "Some extra cash from those traders might be a good thing...if you are up for something more dangerous but more rewarding, we can take the Cargo Cult and go for a spin..."
Andrew placed his documents down and rubed his temples with two fingers "Now...a smelter....should ask the Junkers...that alloy will need to be worked on finely and none know metal better than those guys..."
Sylpheed walked into the bar amid more hushed whispers from his Rogues. They never knew whether he was here for a drink, here to shout, or just here to find someone. Today, though he was here for a drink. Seing Mort and ashes sitting together, he nodded at his second-in-command. Turning to the barman he ordered a bottle of Maltese brandy.
"Stick it on the tab."
"Sir, you've not paid your tab in about three months." The barman said pointedly.
"And?" Sylpheed gave him a glare that could have cut diamonds and the barman sagged visibly from it.
"Nothing." He said as he placed the bottle on the bar and handed the Rogue Boss a clean glass, "Enjoy your drink"
Sylpheed walked over to the table, giving a perfunctory smile to the young Rogue. He turned to his second.
"Mort we've got a problem. Less traders are paying up and we're getting the short end of the stick as far as the local law goes. In short we ain't making ends meet. Not to mention the fact that two of our convoy's have gone missing in the last week. Now that could be a coincidence but my gut says otherwise. The last one was heading through Vespucci and Humoldt, Mactan control reports it passing them at 21:00 zulu last night, but it never reached Forteleza base for it's refuelling stop. Only Rogues knew where that convoy was headed, only Rogues knew it was headed at all. So my guess is we got a mole. Find him."
Sylpheed poured brandy into both the empty glasses on the table. Turning to the young woman, he smiled and asked "Want some. it's good stuff."
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
Andrew sighed some and took out another document and began to crible into it franticly while nodding.
"I know, Boss, i know" He murmured and sighed once more "If this keeps going on, things will look grim. I even use the Cargo Cult more than i do the Lasting Damage, every penny counts today it seems."
The young man finally opened the bottle and poured his clear drink, the room instantly filling with the already burning scent of strong alcohol and he got out a small rag, dripping a bit of his drink on it he began to clean his hands of old machene oil, then used the time to clean his suitcase of the tools he used.
"I am talking to a man to get a pirate train..it will aid us when things start looking really bad." He chuckled silently. he had never smuggled before and he wanst about to start, but it was the last resort, upkeeping a Barghest, a Sabre and a Greyhound was eating away all his personal stash.
After he was done cleaning his hands and gear, the lad simply sipped the drink right from the bottle and coughed to himself as he finally noticed how much would this all cost him and he growled
"Darn..60 million for the ship... roughly 10 million for the gear and a million for each shippment...darn...darn...darn"
He chuckled finally and looked at his boss with an apologising smile "Not to mention im still waiting from the junkers for that alloy im making..i need their smelter to do some work for me...but they are rather iffy about it ..."
He then closed his eyes and took another long sip "Ill keep an eye out, Boss, you know me...and...since i will" He shruged and put the bottle down and smirked ""better lay off this stuff before i start seeing five traders..." He muttered and opened the suitcase with the tools and got out a small looking analyser display and began to read the recent data he got from his ship, of course, the tinker toy was a small gift from the Hackers.
An unusual man stood at the entrance to the bar, watching the various Rogues enjoying their drinks. After a brief pause, he strides over to take a seat at the bar.
"Haven't seen you here before.." The man looks up to see the barman talking to him.
"Indeed, this is my first visit to this place. A beer, if you please." The man's sharp voice had a strange accent.
The man takes a swig of beer, listening to the conversations around him.
Andrew paused in his reading and quirked an eyebrow at the odd man, who entered the bar, he looked at the rather...extravagant suit and suddenly shok his head and put the bottle away "Should have known better to touch the stuff...try some ...Try some syth marj, Mort, its good, it wont do nothin bad...yeah right" He murmured and shook his head, then looked at the man in the white suit.
"Oi...snowflake...who are ya..." He yelled across the walkway, making a few rogues turn their heads his way before returning to their muttering about Sylpheed himself visiting the bar. "Ya dun seem like a rogue to me..nor a junker or an outcast and most certainly not a hacker or a molly..." He then paused his questions and looked back into the electronic notepad to see a slight problem in his ship he would need to fix sooner or later.