The Mandalorians had adapted well to life in Sirius. Settling in Bretonia, they adapted well to her particular economic and political system, best described as "Connected Capitalism", or maybe "Country Club Capitalism". As old as Tories, really. ("Tories" being a term which still survived to the present day.)
The best way to make money, they found, was not to wait for a bounty to be posted, then hunt that lone victim, (though that made money too), but rather, to take care of "problem" groups for various clients. Government contracts against criminal organizations were especially juicy. The ties with Bretonia went deep, going back to the days when an unusual Bretonian Military group called the Sirius Federation paid the Mandalorians to hunt Corsairs (a contract which has continued with Bretonia till the present day), and the contract with the Crown against the Kusari Navy was also a long-standing bread and butter contract. They also had general contracts to keep key trade route systems clean of piracy.
Contracts with the Liberty Navy and Rheinland Military also existed, before the war. And the Mandalorians picked a side; Liberty. Just like Machiavelli said to do.
It was also not unknown for Mandalorians to take trips to Omicron Alpha to meet with various and sundry "shady" clients. The Outcasts appreciated those who eliminated their Hispanic brethren/rivals, and much of the Mandalorians fees, truth be told, may originally have been earned with "The Orange". But this fact was not discussed in polite company.
Sometimes, if the usual briefcases full of money left in the right place didn't do the job securing a contract, then the Dha'wherd were known to get involved. That could get messy, but making an omelette sometimes required the right eggs broken.
Did all of this sometimes lead to conflicts of interest? Of course it did, though the web of contracts set up was designed to mitigate that. But there were times when Mandalorians were best to just look the other way.
Warriors are required to study and understand the terms of all contracts listed on this database.
Client Identification: Instructions: This data identifies the client and is to be used whenever registering a job completion report directly associated with a long standing contract listed on this database.
Terms of Service: Instructions: Complete set of instructions goes here: Target listing, zones of interest, guidelines, restrictions and any other relevant information to characterize the contract.
STANDARD CODE FOR NEW ENTRIES (to be used by the Mandalore and Consuls only):
[b]Client Identification:[/b]
[b]Terms of Service:[/b]
[*]Target(s) -
[*]Zone(s) of Interest -
[*]Guidelines -
[*]Restrictions -
[*]Fees -
Zone(s) of Interest - For details see the specific bounty dossier.
Guidelines - Observe courtesy and friendliness towards all clients. Stick to the requested terms. BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET AND VERIFY ITS ID! Bigger lists may contain one of our clients!
Restrictions - Do not engage any clients or targets that are friendly towards a nearby client!
Fees - For details see the specific bounty dossier.
Client Identification:Liberty Government - LN, LPI, LSF
Terms of Service:
Target(s) - Any individual or group engaged in activities deemed unlawful by the Libertonian Government while inside Libertonian territories. THIS INCLUDES THE NTF IN KANSAS
Zone(s) of Interest - Liberty
Guidelines - Observe courtesy and friendliness towards the Libertonian authority and render aid to its officials only when requested/accepted.
Restrictions - Do not circumvent Libertonian authority under any circumstances. Do not engage targets already engaged by Liberty officials unless expressly authorized. Do not engage registered associates.
Fees - 2 million credits per unassisted kill / 1 million credits per assisted kill (Libertonian Officials).
<strike>Client Identification:101st "Ghosts of Razgriz"
Terms of Service:
Target(s) - Corsairs, IMG
Zone(s) of Interest - Sirius wide for Corsairs. Do not shoot IMG in Bretonia.
Guidelines - Observe courtesy and friendliness towards the Outcasts and render aid to them only when requested/accepted.
Restrictions - N/A
Fees - 2 million credits per unassisted kill / 1 million credits per assisted kill (101st)
Outcast CAPITAL ships (Including Gunboats) committing Piracy or other illegal acts in Liberty space are fair game for destruction under the LN contract since the 101st does NOT condone their actions; it is a waste of Outcast resources. Any Outcast ship attacking or pirating a Bretonian are also fair game.
Client Identification:Liberty Navy - LN | Discretion Advised! Use The Code "Aay'han" (Bittersweet) for this Client!
Terms of Service:
Target(s) - All Rheinland Military and Police vessels.
Zone(s) of Interest - Rheinland sovereign territory, Rheinland patrolled systems and Liberty.
Guidelines - Show respect to your enemy and do not circumvent Libertonian authority, if the Rheinland vessel is inside Liberty space.
Restrictions - Do not engage Rheinland vessels, when Bretonian ships are witnessing the attack! Do not compromise this contract to anyone!
Fees - Fighter or Bomber Class : 2 million credits per unassisted kill / 1 million assisted (LN). Capital Class: 4 million credits per unassisted kill / 2 million assisted (LN)
Note : We are permitted use of LN Class 9 fighter weapons, on our Civilian Ships, or BH ones. (Not Outcast ships)
Guidelines - 1. Observe courtesy and friendliness towards IND traders and their escorts; 2. Keep Magellan/Cortez/Cali clear of pirates when IND are operating; 3. Escort and scout ahead for them if requested.
Restrictions - Do not engage registered associates.
Fees - Fighter or Bomber Class : 2 million credits per unassisted kill / 1 million assisted (IND). Capital Class: 4 million credits per unassisted kill / 2 million assisted (IND)
<strike>Client Identification:101st - Ghosts of Razgriz (Falcata Access Agreement)
Terms of Service:
Target(s) - Any Corsair ship
Zone(s) of Interest - Sirius wide
Guidelines - Interdiction of the Corsair forces: Engage and destroy any Factionalized Corsair ship with extreme prejudice. If targets are being engaged by our clients, render aid only when requested/accepted.
Restrictions - N/A
Fees - Ship supply line. Ace status (five confirmed kills against the Corsairs) grants access to the Falcata for that pilot. Note: Contract include unlimited Sabre usage for MM, Falcatas for Aces, and Two (2) Outcast Gunships to be allocated by the Mandalore. Use of Outcast weapons on those ships permitted. OUTCAST SHIPS NOT TO BE USED AGAINST LIBERTY UNLAWFULS WHO ARE OUTCAST FRIENDLY, WITH THE POSSIBLE EXCEPTION OF THE SABRES.
Outcast CAPITAL ships (Including Gunboats) committing Piracy or other illegal acts in Liberty space are fair game for destruction under the LN contract since the 101st does NOT condone their actions; it is a waste of Outcast resources. Any Outcast ship attacking or pirating a Bretonian are also fair game.
Target(s) - GRN, GRP, AFA, NLH, Black Sails, TBH, Benitez, Reavers. Also applies to any individual or group engaged in activities deemed unlawful by the Bretonian Government inside Bretonian territories.
Zone(s) of Interest - Bretonian, Kusarian, Corsair and all border worlds territories surrounding Bretonia.
Guidelines - Observe courtesy and friendliness towards the Bretonian authority and render aid to its officials only when requested/accepted.
Restrictions - Do not circumvent Bretonian authority under any circumstances. As opposed to the specific targets cited, payment for destruction of generic unlawfuls is only valid if the kill is accomplished while inside Bretonian territory. Do not engage registered associates.