After joining multiple factions, and realizing that to having multiple ships/characters is ideal within factions, i've decided that having a separate account for each faction would be really helpful. Especially during peak hours when having to swap accounts to get a different faction character keeps you off the server for a while.
I've considered just remaking all of my characters, but that would take days to re-rep them all, not to mention the credit loss.
So, how difficult is it for an Admin to swap my characters to different accounts?
Can i request this without being a pain in the rear and a thorn in the side of 4.85's progress?
As far as i Know the dont do it, period. I dont know whether this would be good or not but I think a lot of us would pay for the service (ingame credits of course)
' Wrote:As far as i Know the dont do it, period. I dont know whether this would be good or not but I think a lot of us would pay for the service (ingame credits of course)
That would be unfortunate. I hope you're wrong, but it would make sense that they didn't allow this. I just want to be sure.
Well maybe real money then, that's how WOW does it if you want to switch servers. And I said that because it is something else to encourage trading or other money making, which the devs seem to be big on as it encourages RP.
If I remember right, the docs for FLServer advise against moving characters from one account to another, as it can cause corruption of the characters involved.
Besides which, they have far too many accounts to be sorting through as it is.