Well, After :
1. Using an alt to kill my Council Cruiser character to stop it from redlagging after launching from Erie.
2. Figuring out that Philadelphia Station kept causing my new characters to redlag as I attempted to leave Pennsylvania.
3. Traveling to Orkney with no problems.
4. Having a friend kill me at Languedoc->Orkney Jumphole to end the redlagging I had there.
5. Traveling to Dauphine, and having a [UC] member show up to kill me at the Dauphine->Languedoc Jumphole (Only to find that the problem fixed itself somehow and a death wasnt needed)
6. Traveling to Burgundy which I think I had no problems with.
7. Traveling to Champagne
I found that even after having someone kill me, or be in the area when i logged in, I still redlagged after trying to return so that I could buy a Council Cruiser.
Video shows 1 section where the player on that server is flying freely with no problems.
Followed by another section where the player logs in to a different server, only to immediately redlag.
I've tried:
Reinstalling FL
Redownloading and reactivating the mod
Disabling/Enabling my network connection
Restarting my router / modem
Disabling Windows Defender / Firewall
i had the sam,e problem once but when i restarted freelancer it was fine
sometimes restarting helps alot of problems:yes:
<span style="font-family:Fixedsys">{starwars}("beep de beeee bep"("wirrre click beeep "("wooooooohrreio"{Starwars}
Can you guess the charator that said that?.
Hint: all the movies
thats right you got it, its **** </span>