' Wrote:AW is *NOT* To pursue Phantom characters. NONE of them. Violating this rule will result in EXTREME reprecusions from me.
If someone says "leave us alone" then damn well follow it. RP or Not. Don't give me the excuse "this is a role play server, so tough" cause that's bull. The server is for *EVERYONE*'s enjoyment, regardless of RP. If one or more person is threatening that, then I must take action for the betterment of the server, not just the select few who have been here since 4.77.
I (as phantom desolator) was followed by HF matador and Bs|dboy. I asked to be left alone twice, the following screenie will show the reply to those requests.
I had jumped to the outcast guard system and after I repeated my request to be leaft alone Dboy went back to alpha, without replying and matador stayed in the guard system.
I am fed up for being insulted and called a coward for refusing to fight people or not stopping to let people blow me up so that they can brag about it.
I've also noticed that the same factions slagging the phantoms off and having a go at the phantoms for the slightest, so-called, reason are the same ones that drove the CUFF off the server.
Everytime any phantom is engaged by certain HF or Bs| members we get nothing but abuse and insults.
So can the HF, as they are part of the AW, be added to the 'do not engage' rule please?
Infact because it's becoming increasingly clear that certain factions want the phantoms to get off the server, could we just have the rule adjusted so that the phantoms are left alone by everyone?
Insults? Abuse? When did a Bs| member ever do that?!?!?!?!?! I didn't even talk to you. Matador told me he was being attacked. So I went to help, when you said " leave me alone ", I did. I did not feel like bothering with a fight. I had tradeing to do.
' Wrote:Insults? Abuse? When did a Bs| member ever do that?!?!?!?!?! I didn't even talk to you. Matador told me he was being attacked. So I went to help, when you said " leave me alone ", I did. I did not feel like bothering with a fight. I had tradeing to do.
Think its more directed towards the HF member in the pics. Suggest leaving it between Phantoms and HF to sort out.
If memory serves, the Phantoms never had this much trouble before. When we started out, Phantoms were respected and honorable, held in the same regard one does of, say, an evil dragon (Feared and hated, but far to dangerous to take lightly). And out of character it was laughs and close-calls. You know, "Drat... If only that blasted NPC hadn't bumbed me at the last second I would have had you" or, "That was a nice shot back there. Good show!" and even, "Mind if we go again? I want to try out a different tactic." From both sides, mind you. Phantoms don't always win, just very often.
If the Phantoms seem cold and stand-offish now, it's because we don't get anything but that. I can remember only one or two occasions recently where people have said "Good fight, we'll have to do something like that again sometime," one of which was shortly before our little dissapearance. Once we got back, well... I have seen narry a one.
We, the Phantoms, haven't changed, so what the heck did?
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
I engaged Virus today, and when he asked me to stop, I did. I expect all HF to do the same. HEAR THAT SUPER??? IF THEY TELL YOU TO STOP AND LEAVE THEM ALONE DO NOT INSULT THEM AND KEEP ON ATTACKING THEM!!! HF DOES NOT INSULT OTHER PLAYERS, AND CONTINUOUSLY FIGHT AFTER THEY'VE BEEN ASKED NOT TO. IF HE WANTS TO BE OUT OF RP AND NOT BE SHOT AT, LET HIM!!!!!!!! (Super, srry for yelling, but but I have to reprimand you for your actions) HF is not trying to run the Phantoms from the server, and they are some of the best and most honorable ppl i have met on this server. Do not disrespect them. I hope this has satisfied you guys.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
As matador's commanding officer I shall bring this to his attention and disciplanary actions will be taken. I am thinking of fining him credits, this is not the first time he has insulted.
I agree. This goes for AW members too.
Disrespect for other players will not be tolerated. Being a member of AW means that you MUST respect other fellow players in this server. It's part of the code of conduct of a warrior. If you can't do it, then you have no place among the AW.
I think that this is also valid for the HF, and the HF leader may agree with me.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
' Wrote:Insults? Abuse? When did a Bs| member ever do that?!?!?!?!?! I didn't even talk to you.
True, but I've been insulted before by Bs| members, as I don't have any screenies to prove it, lets drop it, ok?
Quote:Matador told me he was being attacked. So I went to help, when you said " leave me alone ", I did. I did not feel like bothering with a fight. I had tradeing to do.
First, thank you for leaving me alone when asked.
Second, the only HF I attacked today was a junker ID'd hessian cruiser in gamma, turned out the guy had just joined the HF, was equipping the cruiser, needed a name change and he asked to be left alone.
So I did, took me about 15 minutes to get it through to him...
Matador lied. I never shot at him at all, he fired at me while I was docking with the alpha jh, since I didn't get time to get a screenie I can't prove that either.
Heres the two screenies of the 'chat' I had with him, as you can see he lies to me during it (the bit about not bringing a bomber).
I am truly sorry for the actions of Supernova. *slaps Super* Do not ever do that again. As I'm not your direct superior, I'm not gonna punish you, but Vulture (mista) will. I am truly sorry Marauder, and thank you for not attacking Max-Fernandez, he's a new recruit. Korrd, Tank is away from the community for a while, so I'm in charge. We are considering kicking Supernova from HF's ranks altogether. He has disrespected superior officers, and done stuff like this. I'm truly very sorry, and I'm sure he'll apologize soon. *nudges Super*
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)