Yes, I was also thinking about implementing the Stock exchange. I think it would be possible to implement some bar/chart feature to get a better overview over the stocks.;)
And sports, hell yeah! DO IT!
To the ressponsible persons: C'mon, get in touch!:cool:
Great stuff. Keep it up. I always like seeing user written news.
If I had time I'd volunteer to help out, but sadly my time has been sucked up by that terrible scourge real life and it seems reluctant to let go.
Maybe I can write up something on occasion and send it to you.
To the ones who sent me the PMs about the article BAF and Outcasts invade Tau 23, Colonials Retaliate ... I corrected the critical points. We're changing the current system to another one, where every article will be read by more than one person before publishing. I hope we will prevent mistakes like that in the future.
So. The news broadcasts look quite reliable, but how reliable are they meant to be? Is this some kind of newspaper which prides itself on reliable commentary or is it just planning on doing anything to get viewers? All right, enough beating around the bush, is there any chance of a "Nomads abducted my husband" story?
' Wrote:To the ones who sent me the PMs about the article BAF and Outcasts invade Tau 23, Colonials Retaliate ... I corrected the critical points. We're changing the current system to another one, where every article will be read by more than one person before publishing. I hope we will prevent mistakes like that in the future.
Thanks for attending to those, Ventana. Well done.
I do wonder, if you want the Discoverer taken as seriously as it should be (and it's an excellent site), if you should refrain from judgments like your comment about the IMG as "the true heroes..." I actually agree (since I'm pretty pro-IMG), but in a news article, that type of comment might be better left out.
' Wrote:I do wonder, if you want the Discoverer taken as seriously as it should be (and it's an excellent site), if you should refrain from judgments like your comment about the IMG as "the true heroes..." I actually agree (since I'm pretty pro-IMG), but in a news article, that type of comment might be better left out.
This is an important statement. Thanks Trevelyan...
I see some problem here: should we base the Discoverer on the model of some real existant broadcasting service? All I see on TV is as filled with manipulative information as this article of the Discoverer. Would it be better to stay 100% neutral or shall we encourage a behaviour like this from the IMG? (From a moral position it would be good, but not from a press position.)
Very difficult question, imo. I will talk with my editors about this.
Absolute neutrality would open the possibility to become interesting for the 'unlawful' factions as like.