After our recent business encounter, I figured I should keep you in mind during any future actions of mine. So...
I've recently decided that I need to acquire a Mosquito Cruise Disruptor for myself. I'm willing to pick a few up for whatever department it'll be useful for...defense, experimental? Party division? Whatever you all do...
Name how many you want, you'll pay me to break even then another million credits. Deal?
***User ID: Deputy Director Scott Stevens***
***Location: DSE HQ Pittsburgh***
***Subject: Job Proposition***
Arianna Celestine,
While we think highly of your assistance to our Freight Division in the past, we hold a company policy regarding equipment acquisitions and the like will be forwarded through the Leviathan Bankers Courier Service. Unfortunately we cannot be directly associated with hiring of mercenaries merely on the basis of liability. We cannot cover the losses you may endure as our insurance policy only covers hired employees who's background checks clear with the Liberty database. I hope you understand our side of the table and best of luck amongst the stars.
:: Sender: Battlement Mesa
:: Subject: Recruitment
:: Priority: Normal
:: Message:
I have been flying and shipping for DSE for quite some time now, however due to Neuralnet access issues I've been unable to communicate. Now after the access issues have been resolved I kindly request for official approval of my DSE membership.
Begin Transmission From: Lars Johansen, Director To: John Xenir
Your employment and ship commission records are in order and up-to-date. Thank you for bringing them to our attention, our organizational changes are causing a tidy bit of chaos for everyone.
***User ID: Deputy Director Scott Stevens***
***Location: DSE Field Office Baltimore***
***Subject: Receipt of goods***
Good Evening Director Johansen,
Our recent courier arrangement has been completed. All of our requested items are in good working order and currently sitting in the hold of my commissioned transport. Due to the frequent pirate activity in the region, I felt it best to handle the transaction incognito. Honestly, the last thing I wanted would be to order our armory to lie in wait for a pending attack. I have a whole report to be turned in under a more secure medium.
Seems the ol' Rogues got the jump on me today. Trader came over the comms requesting assistance to a Rogue pest, so I offered up my services and linked up with an LPI Sergeant over on West Point. We laid in course for California and immediately staring us in the face were a Barghest and a Sabre! There was another crafty individual who kept to the distance. Those shifty characters actually called ME out first "Target the DSE fighter first!" they say. The LPI Sergeant comes over the comms requesting backup and flies out to meet them leaving me solo. I gave them the whole "Have at you!" speech and turn inward toward the Barghest.
That beast took all the thrashing I could muster and kept on laughing, so I hop over and try to nail the Sabre. He's obviously laid claim to several ships in the past as I could only take out his shield a couple times. All of which ended up in a futile attempt anyway as he lands a skilled shot on both my Flight Control Computers shutting me down instantly. I went for the eject lever out of panic and it jammed up leaving me trapped. Guess I should be lucky as them Rogues probably wouldn't have been too friendly, eh? Thankfully we had a convoy slip past the furball and saw me driftin'. They threw up a tow line and hauled me back to Baltimore.
Well, as I sit here while the Doc's going over my x-ray's, engineering is doin' their thing throwing my heap back into a fighting machine. I swear if they place a tracker in there I may lose it.... Anyway, Doc just came in and cleared me for flight. So, I guess I'll see ya up there, eh?
after year of waiting, i got my pilot license and my old man bought me a ship.
but the upkeep doesnt pay for itself so i was wondering if there were any opportunities in DSE?
Begin Transmission From: Personel Department To: Towley-Wu-Long Re: Job
Dear sir or madam,
Deep Space Engineering represents the pinnacle of technological achievement. The corporation consists of a vast amalgamation of departments each dedicated to the greater improvement of the human existance in Sirius Sector. We have a place for everyone, no matter where their passions lie.
We certainly have opportunities for you, however to gauge which is right for you we require more information. Please fill out the attached form.
Begin Attachment 1 Basic Apprentice Registry Form
Date of Birth: Year A.S.
Place of Birth: Planet/Station, System
Gender: M/F
Previous Employment:
Brief Personal Background:
Prefered DSE Department: Engineering/Freight/Mining/Science, Research, and Technology/Security