Okinawa is a system under GMG development. GMG along with friends and other companies has three major projects underway and all three of them are only partially developed. At the same time these development are underway, the Hogosha are making attackes against all three and the lanes leading to them. The Hogosha (under financial backing) are determined to disrupt/sabotage the Okinawa Project.
From my understanding, the outcome of whether these projects get completed or not will depend on the player factions involved. I would like to discuss and launch regular events between Samura's sabateurs, the Hogosha versus GMG's security forces, their Paramiliatry Division. Since it's not an actual war I'd like to do them every bi-week instead of weekly, this allows for time slots for other isolated events for the factions involved with this on. So lets wok out the details and start the first event on either Sat 25 or Sun 26.
I'll lay down on the table the details and some topics to discuss.
-These events have real and actual consequences to the development of this system so win/loss will be recorded. Yes that means one or more of the projects can be stalled or completed for 4.86. Attendance would be mandatory for a system at stake.
-Numbers: I am speaking for GMG| (they can still object to this on this thread) when I say that numbers don't really matter to us, the event still goes through. What I mean by this is, I am not interested in spending an hour shuffling players around until we have equal forces. These events have real consequences, showing up to the battle is one of the major tactics to winning that battle. If a side loses cause they are outnumbered than a win is still recorded to the otherside. If a side decides to cancel the event cause of no shows and the little remaining doesn't want to come and take their whooping than they forfeit and a win is recorded for the other side.
-Allies: GMG has two allies directly involved with two of it's projects; Kishiro and the Isehara Terraforming Platform as well as DSE and the Sigma 19 Gate Construction Site. Fujisawa Mining Facility is secured by GMG alone but GMG always has the ever present BD lurking nearby. Hogosha, on the otherhand, doesn't have any allies that are directly involved (I could be wrong). This all can be discussed. My opinion is to allow Hogosha to bring in FA and Corsair allies to support them and we really don't mind going against capships that are spiced in there (we miss seeing them Corsairs). GMG could defend their locations with BD help (another source of caps perhaps, I don't mind what each side brings, it still happens) and the Player faction directly involved with the respective operation, that being either DSE or Kishiro.
-Ships/Equip: Bring anything, both sides are fighting for results and I'm curious about what strategies are going to be applied here. Really as for I see it if your faction allows it bring it; all ship classes and weapons allowed (within RP guidelines). I've seen it before, if a missileboat comes in it ends up being the first one put down, keep that in mind if you want to show up for some fun. Using unfair loadouts to look for solo flyers and little groups is one thing but in an event this only causes that player to gain the attention of all the enemies nearby which means every Nuke, Energy shot, Missile and Torp is headed your way. In my experience these "noticeables" only last seconds anyways.
-Locations: This is an offensive on Hogosha (and maybe allies) part and a defensive on GMG (and maybe allies) part. This means GMG will have the advantage of home turf, base, NPCs etc.. Both sides should keep this in mind. Hogosha will need the force to compensate and, as mentioned above, GMG| will have to understand this significant detail before I hear any complaints about being outnumbered (not that I hear any). The Locations are Isehara Terraforming Platform, Sigma 19 Gate Construction Site and Fujisawa Mining Facility.
Everything above is open for debate and objections by both sides including my fellow faction member and of course I am always open for suggestions to improve. I hope this topic continues over the next week, I'll keep popping in to check (before and after work).
' Wrote:-These events have real and actual consequences to the development of this system so win/loss will be recorded. Yes that means one or more of the projects can be stalled or completed for 4.86. Attendance would be mandatory for a system at stake.
-Numbers: I am speaking for GMG| (they can still object to this on this thread) when I say that numbers don't really matter to us, the event still goes through. What I mean by this is, I am not interested in spending an hour shuffling players around until we have equal forces. These events have real consequences, showing up to the battle is one of the major tactics to winning that battle. If a side loses cause they are outnumbered than a win is still recorded to the otherside. If a side decides to cancel the event cause of no shows and the little remaining doesn't want to come and take their whooping than they forfeit and a win is recorded for the other side.
Love this idea, and I totally agree. All is fair in love and war after all. I've always been of the opinion that if one faction only has a few players they probably shouldn't be fighting a war with one that has two dozen. Trying to balance numbers is fine in a fun fight, but in a fight where something is at stake both sides should throw in everything they have. That said I think our two factions are fairly close in numbers. At least close enough that it works.
OK, just checked your member list. Maybe we're not close but that's no big deal to me if you don't care.
' Wrote:-Allies: GMG has two allies directly involved with two of it's projects; Kishiro and the Isehara Terraforming Platform as well as DSE and the Sigma 19 Gate Construction Site. Fujisawa Mining Facility is secured by GMG alone but GMG always has the ever present BD lurking nearby. Hogosha, on the otherhand, doesn't have any allies that are directly involved (I could be wrong). This all can be discussed. My opinion is to allow Hogosha to bring in FA and Corsair allies to support them and we really don't mind going against capships that are spiced in there (we miss seeing them Corsairs). GMG could defend their locations with BD help (another source of caps perhaps, I don't mind what each side brings, it still happens) and the Player faction directly involved with the respective operation, that being either DSE or Kishiro.
-Ships/Equip: Bring anything, both sides are fighting for results and I'm curious about what strategies are going to be applied here. Really as for I see it if your faction allows it bring it; all ship classes and weapons allowed (within RP guidelines). I've seen it before, if a missileboat comes in it ends up being the first one put down, keep that in mind if you want to show up for some fun. Using unfair loadouts to look for solo flyers and little groups is one thing but in an event this only causes that player to gain the attention of all the enemies nearby which means every Nuke, Energy shot, Missile and Torp is headed your way. In my experience these "noticeables" only last seconds anyways.
There is an old saying (I forget by who), that says one should never risk his entire fortune unless he is bringing his entire army. Something like that...
Once again, I like the sound of this as well.
' Wrote:-Locations: This is an offensive on Hogosha (and maybe allies) part and a defensive on GMG (and maybe allies) part. This means GMG will have the advantage of home turf, base, NPCs etc.. Both sides should keep this in mind. Hogosha will need the force to compensate and, as mentioned above, GMG| will have to understand this significant detail before I hear any complaints about being outnumbered (not that I hear any). The Locations are Isehara Terraforming Platform, Sigma 19 Gate Construction Site and Fujisawa Mining Facility.
Sounds great to me, lets get it on! Well lets hammer out all the details, and then get it on... ;)
' Wrote:What's our stance toward indy participation? How about Mercenaries/Freelancers?
If indies are allowed, I'll have a Hogosha Crow, Drone (lol), or Black Dragon to throw in, and if Freelancers are, then I'll have a Freelancer Stinger for the GMG if they come up short.
Yeah, you said you don't care if one side or the other is outnumbered. But the way I see it, if I can do both I'll contribute to the outnumbered one.
No guarantees that I can show up even if indies and freelancers are allowed, though. I work at least one day every weekend.
' Wrote:What I'd like to see in the event's thread after its over (not message dumps, what is in there is that faction's decision) is;
Location of Battle (Base):
Composition of ships from each side;
Hogosha -
Kishiro -
Factons Present:
Winner's remaining forces: (Determines the amount of damage they'd be able to deal after the defenders are gone.)
Extras: (Like transports participating [Hogosha attack on DSE transport for Sig-19 JG for example] or other important information.)
Good insight; I think Prowler has something along these lines planned out. He didn't mention it in the post though. I think he wants to implement a point system of sorts.
I do not have a character involved in any of these factions.
However, I have a freelancer that has no issues joining one of the sides. For that matter, there should be plenty of biomatter available to be 'Harvested'. (Let's see - who's side are we 'friendly' with?)
Realizing that the BHG isn't too welcome up that away - we'd also be available for 'hire' if you wanted.
You can expect DSE participation in the form of transports, a repair ship or two, and perhaps some fighters from our Security Department. We'll see how many people will be available, but we will certainly be represented.
' Wrote:You can expect DSE participation in the form of transports, a repair ship or two, and perhaps some fighters from our Security Department. We'll see how many people will be available, but we will certainly be represented.
Great to hear. We'll probably have a couple events where DSE convoys get attacked or something and the GMG/DSE escorts have to prevent destruction of X cargo Trade Lane Parts or N transports.