Evil you see? Now, I don't get around to Liberty much, except for the occasional supply voyage, so I wasn't aware of this evilness. Are they as evil as Synth Foods is? Because if they're that evil, I certainly don't want anything to do with them!
Do you think you could elaborate on their evil? Because this sounds serious.
Aha! Just the other day, these fools attempted to destroy my ship with a group of their own transports. I had to flee of course, being in a heavy fighter and all.
I'll turn any ship dealing with this scum into the finest piece of scrap metal in Sirius. I'm sure it would please the junkers.
COMM ID: Chief Arbiter Hannibal Bishop of the Junker Congress LOCATION:(scrambled)
The Junker Congress does not deal with the Neuralnet Division. This is not due to shared ideology with the Lane Hackers; they are simply amateurs in a professional's game. They take a subtle trade that requires a mastery of subterfuge, deception, and decades of compiled navitagional data; and trumpet through the front door calling attention to the dark corners in all societies that anyone with any consideration for future stability would rather keep hidden. Puppet masters should endeavor to remain unseen.
COMM ID: Timothy Rhyme of the IND
LOCATION: Newark Station
I, for one, second this motion whole heartedly and with great enthusiasm.
Furthermore, I commend and applaud the Lane Hackers in forwarding their cause of exposing the litany of sorrows wrought by our humble concern and laying them at the feet of the general public. To all those who dare escort our vessels I redouble this threat.
Any vessel found to be in the process of accepting pay from myself, or in the employ of myself or in the process of actively protecting my person from hostile forces will immediately come under fire from my vessel.
No quarter will be given.
No mercy should be expected.
Your screams will only serve to marinate the thrill of your destruction, your blood shall paint my Whale crimson.
You have been warned.
*end transmission*
COMM ID: Timothy Rhyme of the IND
LOCATION: Newark Station
I would also like to second Hannibal's motion. Only a daggon fool decides to stick his head out into the open and start shouting out his position in one thing or another.
If I find one thing that is intolerable is dishonor. Should any of my ships find you anywhere in Sirius, you shall be taught what honor is. You IND's don't do your species much favor!
Incoming Transmission
Location: Roppongi Station Comm ID: Ted Wesley
Sure tha's good fer you? Ah mean, Mox is kinda explosive. Drink too much of that stuff and yeh might end up coatin' Sophie's lovely bar in a layer of red goo.
- Ted Wesley, Interspace Neuralnet Division
Transmission Ceased
Incoming Transmission Location: Roppongi Station Comm ID: Simmons, AKA "The Sidekick"
Simmons here, second in command of the Gin Palace, left to clean up the Boss' mess, as always, and seeing as I doubt he'll ever be sober enough to ask the logical questions, I'll make it my job.
Gorkon, have you fallen for the lies of these filthy Hackers? What exactly have we done that is so dishonourable? Please, alleviate. If you have no personal knowledge of our dealings, then I sincerely suggest you not take this scum at face value. They are well known for spreading malicious slander in an attempt to sabotage the reputation of legitimate, reputable and above all respectable businessmen.