Quote:. It would be suicidal for a task force of council players, for example, to mount an offensive into GRN territory if they got owned by GRN NPC bombers half way there.
The Council is loosing the war, they're not supposed to act offensively.
' Wrote:The Council is loosing the war, they're not supposed to act offensively.
So is Bretonia, but the Privateers manage to get into Kyushu just fine.
But to humour you, i'll reverse that.
It would be suicidal for a task force of GRN players, for example, to mount an offensive into council territory if they got owned by Council basilisk NPC bombers half way there.
' Wrote:All I think is that really good nomad NPCs need to be restricted to Iota and 99. 12 CD's and X number of missiles? Sure. Just not in public systems please. That would be a bit like me asking hyperion nicely to code praetorian patrols and insert them at every landmark in Omicron Gamma, Omega 41 and Omega 5. Sure, it would be okay for that to happen in Omicron 91, but not in public systems.
Regarding traders and CD's, there are two ways you can get away from NPCs. One is repeatedly turning on your cruise engine and waiting for the NPCs to waste all of their 3 CD's on you. The other is, well, a failure of the AI, really. Just gotta figure that one out for yourself or ask around.
I definatly agree with your first part, but as for the second. Well since the upgrade to the nomad CD's I can not fling out CM's fast enough nore hit the cruise button before they torch me. 4 nomad fighters will tear up a advanced transport shield very quickly. Atleast before the CD upgrade I had a chance to escape now unless I encounter them with in 6 k of the jump hole I am screwed. As for escorts...well if I could recruit some I would and I have been trying.
CM's really seem to not work, I swear it must be me, or perhaps not, because many people ahve complained that they dont work. I drop three for three CD's and it still stops... Looks like we need a Super Counter Measure Dropper with 95% Effieceincy or seomthing.
Maybe I am flying my transport in the wrong areas but..... the NPCs tend to get killed quickly if you turn and fight. Then again I fly my transports where they more then likely won't get killed.
Also, nomad battleship and transport shield should rarely meet. Delta isn't that bad. me and some friends go there frequently, and survive quite well.
I like the NPCs and think they should be kept the same. Been having fun doing group battles vs them.
Well, I have screenshots of me being attacked by 4 caps and 10 fighters while I was in a Bastet and trying to RP with LN. That is not good, nice, challenging (well it is in a bad way), appealing and its directly killing the RP opportunity of me doing with LN.
I say, weaken the NPCs except for missions, if that is possible.
OK these nomads in Kappa and Delta are just beyond ridiculous. I have been killed each and every time I have gone in there with my trader. And since going to Freeport 11 and the surrounding stations is part of OSI's RP it is making life very hard.
You can not fight off any of those flights of NPC's in anything less then a VHF, so transports are totally screwed. I have tried fighting back...spamming CM's. There is no getting away from all 4 of them. They can strip a transport shield in under a minute to include using all my bats. These guys need toned down or at least their flight plans changed. Better yet get rid of the dang train CD's. Since they have gotten those upgrades I have been killed every single time I have tried to go in there. Get the train CD's off the regular nomad fighters and keep the assassins closer to Iota. Considering the amount of NPC's in those areas the BHG, Zoners and Corsairs would be killing them by the dozen's and keeping them back from the stations and jump holes.